In fact, Zhao Wenyu had already obtained the early admission qualification of Martial Arts University, but he did not choose to accept it, but decisively refused it.

There are many martial arts universities in Huaguo, but there are only a handful of powerful martial arts universities.

Tsinghua Martial Arts University, Magic Capital Martial Arts University, and Kyoto Martial Arts University are top-notch, followed by Provincial Martial Arts University. It seems that the first three want to be admitted early, unless they are in the realm of warriors, otherwise they will not be considered.

As for Zhao Wenyu, although he had received the admission notice from Martial Arts University long ago, he refused because it was not a key martial arts university in the country.

And this time the simulation assessment is precisely to take this opportunity to collect materials and break through to the realm of warriors.

Only when one breaks through to the realm of a martial artist can one enter the field of vision of a national key martial arts university.

"Brothers, if I can kill this Golden Saber Praying Mantis this time, I, Zhao Wenyu, will be very grateful." Zhao Wenyu encouraged the students around him.

This time, he was anxious for seven of the top talents to hunt and kill the Golden Knife Mantis with him. If he could succeed, he would also be able to soar into the sky.

Not only can he obtain the materials of the Golden Knife Mantis, but it can also increase his reputation.

What a glorious deed to be able to kill the Golden Saber Mantis without reaching the realm of a warrior!

Coupled with the vigorous publicity of the Zhao family, Zhao Wenyu will definitely become a rising star.

"Brother Zhao, don't worry, your business is our business."

"Yes! Brother Zhao, you took care of us at school, so we should help you this time."

"Level [-] Monster Beast, open your eyes with Brother Zhao this time, we still have to thank you?"

The people around Zhao Wenyu responded flatteringly.

Zhao Wenyu's popularity in No. [-] Middle School is good, because his family conditions are good, Zhao Wenyu often gives practice resources to other students to win people's hearts.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Wenyu has gained a lot of hearts.

This time, Zhao Wenyu promised to give them a lot of benefits, and these talents will come here to help Zhao Wenyu.

Bang bang bang!

Zhao Wenyu and the others rushed towards the Golden Knife Mantis in an instant and began to wrestle with it.

The Golden Knife Mantis is a first-class monster, very powerful, but most of Zhao Wenyu and the others are in the realm of quasi-warriors, and their strength is not weak, but they also forcibly entangled the Golden Knife Mantis.

Jiang Xiaobai quietly hid aside, carefully observing the battle in front of him.

Jiang Xiaobai saw all the battle scenes of Zhao Wenyu and others, and he secretly memorized them while watching.

The students of Lei Ze No. [-] Middle School are very strong. Even the body training technique they practice is more advanced than Jiang Xiaobai's No. [-] Middle School.

"Sure enough, people are more popular than people!" Jiang Xiaobai curled his lips.

Originally thought that the body training technique of No. [-] Middle School was relatively powerful, but compared with No. [-] Middle School, it was indeed much rougher.

So, Jiang Xiaobai directly memorized all the body training techniques of No. [-] Middle School, and at this time, Zhao Wenyu and his battle were coming to an end.

Several people suffered more or less injuries, but the Golden Saber Mantis Tong on the opposite side was already at the end of its strength, with bloodstains appearing on its body.


The Golden Knife Mantis suddenly burst into buzzing vibrations, Zhao Wenyu and the others suddenly felt a sense of dizziness spread to the brain, and the whole person became unstable.

The Golden Knife Mantis turned around and ran away, and did not continue to attack Zhao Wenyu and others.

Now it is seriously injured and has no intention of fighting.

"Opportunity!" Jiang Xiaobai smiled faintly when he saw this.

The current situation is an opportunity for him.

A seriously injured Golden Knife Mantis undoubtedly eased the difficulty for Jiang Xiaobai. If it was a Golden Knife Mantis in its heyday, Jiang Xiaobai would not dare to force it.

It's different now, Golden Knife Mantis has been seriously injured by Zhao Wenyu and others, and his fighting power is much worse than when it was at its peak.

Jiang Xiaobai's figure sprang out like a ghost, heading in the direction where the Golden Knife Mantis was fleeing.

Ten minutes later, Golden Knife Mantis hid in a cave, and Jiang Xiaobai followed after making sure there was no danger.

The entrance of the cave was covered with green vines, and a fresh breath came out, and Jiang Xiaobai sniffed hard.

The air here is much better than that in Lei Ze City, and Jiang Xiaobai feels refreshed when he inhales it into his lungs.

Stepping into the soft and damp ground in the cave, Jiang Xiaobai will not be afraid of other monsters waiting to move.

There are only a handful of first-class monsters in Qingshan Town, and each monster has its own territory and will not invade each other.

The only thing Jiang Xiaobai needs to worry about is whether this golden knife mantis has a younger brother.

I have to say that Jiang Xiaobai was lucky. There was only one Golden Saber Praying Mantis in the entire cave, and there was nothing else.

When Jiang Xiaobai entered the cave, Golden Knife Mantis also sensed the intrusion.


A whistling sound piercing the air suddenly rushed out, directly approaching Jiang Xiaobai's face.

Jiang Xiaobai's hairs burst immediately, and his body retreated quickly. The blade scraped against his body and fell heavily to the ground.


The ground was immediately cut a deep hole.

"Hold the grass!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted angrily in surprise, and looked over with lingering fear.

It was only a slight difference just now, and he would be cut off by the opponent.

Although the golden knife mantis was seriously injured, it was a first-class monster after all, and its pair of golden knives were extremely sharp. If it was accidentally hit, it was very likely to be chopped off in the middle.

Jiang Xiaobai drew out the dagger and held it tightly in his hand. He was very nervous and carefully dealt with the opponent's surprise attack.


There was another sound of breaking through the air, and this time Jiang Xiaobai responded immediately.

In the narrow space, Jiang Xiaobai dodged around, avoiding the attack of the golden knife mantis.

He didn't choose to take the initiative to attack. After all, this was the first time he faced a first-level monster, and it was impossible to say that he was not under pressure.

A few minutes later, Jiang Xiaobai gradually became familiar with the attack of Golden Knife Mantis, and tried to counterattack.

The dagger in Jiang Xiaobai's hand flew up and down, attacking the Golden Knife Mantis with all his strength.

After all, Golden Knife Mantis was seriously injured, and was gradually defeated under Jiang Xiaobai's desperate attack.


Jiang Xiaobai saw the right opportunity, and suddenly thrust out the dagger in his hand, piercing the Golden Knife Mantis' head.

The Golden Knife Mantis suffered from pain, rolled on the ground, and attacked, but Jiang Xiaobai was relentless, and came to the back of the Golden Knife Mantis again, and threw the dagger hard.


After the dagger pierced the Golden Knife Mantis' head, it couldn't hold on any longer and fell down.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai was exhausted, the strength in his body was exhausted, and he was completely powerless to fight again.

In fact, as long as the Golden Knife Mantis supports a little longer, Jiang Xiaobai's will be defeated.

"Level [-] monsters are really powerful!" Jiang Xiaobai said out of breath.

Although the golden knife mantis in front of him was seriously injured, it was still very difficult for Jiang Xiaobai. The battle just now seemed light, but in fact it was full of dangers. If he was not careful, he would be killed by the opponent.

"It's worth dying in peace to become the first-class monster that I, Jiang Xiaobai, killed." Jiang Xiaobai used all his strength to cut off the material from the Golden Knife Mantis.

When Jiang Xiaobai put the materials into the backpack, he suddenly found that the golden knife mantis' abdomen was dripping with faintly glowing blood.

"Blood?" Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up, and he patted his head suddenly, "Why did I forget about the monster blood?"

Monster blood is also an extremely rare material for warriors, it can be used to refine body quenching liquid, and the body quenching liquid refined from monster blood is more precious than ordinary body quenching liquid.

However, the monster blood of the Golden Knife Mantis in front of him could only refine two bottles of top-quality body quenching liquid at most.

"It's better to have less than none!" Jiang Xiaobai comforted alone, and put all the monster blood into the bottle.

The backpacks for this trial were uniformly distributed by the Ministry of Education. Every school is the same, and they have everything they need.

It wasn't until Jiang Xiaobai searched away all the valuable things that he left the cave contentedly.

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