Dominate the world

Chapter 22 The end of the trial

Not long after Jiang Xiaobai left, Zhao Wenyu rushed over with his people.

"Brother Zhao, there is a cave here, it should be here!"

Zhao Wenyu nodded, and then said: "Gold Knife Mantis has been sprinkled with Zhao's special tracking powder, so he should be inside."

"Then let's go in!" The people standing beside Zhao Wenyu were all gearing up.

In front of him is a first-class monster!

The few of them are not warriors, but they want to accomplish a heaven-defying feat.

Those who have not reached martial arts can kill first-level monsters!

"Go!" Zhao Wenyu said extremely calmly.

Since Golden Knife Mantis came here, it is natural to heal his wounds, and now is the best time to make a move.

Success or failure depends on this moment!

Zhao Wenyu and the others quickly entered the cave, and then became fully alert.

Although the Golden Knife Mantis was seriously injured, it was still a first-class monster. If it fought back desperately, it could still pose a threat to them.

However, when Zhao Wenyu and the others walked into the cave cautiously, they found silence inside.

"What's going on? Why is it so quiet?" Someone finally couldn't help asking.

"It's really strange, even if the Golden Knife Mantis is seriously injured, it won't be so quiet!"

Although the Golden Knife Mantis was seriously injured, it was still a level one monster. How could it be so quiet in the cave?

"Let's go!" Zhao Wenyu felt a little bad in his heart, and he quickened his pace instantly.

Several people followed closely, and when they reached the depths of the cave, they were suddenly stunned.

The corpse of the Golden Knife Mantis lay on the ground. The entire corpse had undergone severe damage, and all valuables on its body had been cleaned up, leaving only one corpse.

"Who is it! Who stole my prey!"

Zhao Wenyu roared angrily, and his voice echoed throughout the cave.

However, the instigator, Jiang Xiaobai, had already descended the mountain in a happy mood, and returned to Qingshan Town again.

The trial time was approaching, and Jiang Xiaobai looked at his harvest, and didn't stay here any longer, and walked directly outside Qingshan Town.

This time, he hunted and killed more than a dozen black gold iron rats, and he had already completed the task ahead of schedule. In addition, he was very satisfied with the unexpected golden knife mantis.

As for offending Zhao Wenyu, Jiang Xiaobai didn't take it seriously.

When Jiang Xiaobai walked out of Qingshan Town, he found that besides Instructor Lei Li, several warriors were also standing outside Qingshan Town waiting.Jiang Xiaobai could guess from the opponent's clothes that those fighters were probably the instructors of No. [-] and No. [-] Middle Schools.

Today's assessment is the unified examination of all high schools in Lei Ze City, and this is the last mock assessment. The students' scores need to be ranked together in the city.

If they can enter the top [-] in the city, not only the school will be rewarded, but Lei Ze City will also reward them heavily.

Of course, after Jiang Xiaobai came out, he only knew about it after listening to the discussions of his classmates. After all, he had been deserted for several months, and he didn't know much about the school's arrangements.

"There are rewards in the top [-] cities?" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but regret after hearing this.

If he had known this earlier, he could have been hunting black gold iron rats in Qingshan Town all the time. If it took half a day to kill them, there would have to be dozens of them.

The results of dozens of black gold iron mice are more than enough to enter the top twenty.

"Oh!" Jiang Xiaobai sighed, "What a pity!"

"Why are you sighing?" Lei Li came to Jiang Xiaobai's side, saw that the other party rarely sighed, and comforted him. "This is just a mock assessment. If you haven't actually fought in a few months, you should be a lot rusty,"

"Even if your grades are not satisfactory this time, if you perform well in the college entrance examination, Martial Arts University should not be a problem for you."

After hearing Lei Li's words, the surrounding students couldn't help being envious.

As a martial arts instructor, Lei Li is a powerful martial artist. He is extremely ruthless on weekdays, and he does not lie to anyone, but now he will take the initiative to comfort Jiang Xiaobai.

No doubt this surprised everyone.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his head and looked at Lei Li suspiciously: "You think I'm distressed because of my failing grades?"

Lei Li said casually: "Isn't it?"

Jiang Xiaobai has been abandoned for several months and has not participated in training. It is normal for his strength to decline. Although he defeated Zhang Hao before, there is still a difference between humans and monsters.

Monster beasts are relatively more dangerous, so even if Jiang Xiaobai recovers his strength, it is normal that he cannot hunt them down.

"No!" Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, "You don't understand my suffering!"

Lei Li suddenly showed a black face with question marks, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai speechlessly.

"Instructor Lei, what's the situation at the No. [-] Middle School?" Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the No. [-] Middle School instructor who was making statistics.

"I don't know the exact results, but now someone has hunted and killed ten black gold and iron rats." Lei Li replied with a dark face.

As an instructor of the No. [-] Middle School, he would subconsciously compare with the students of No. [-] Middle School. Although he knew he was inferior, he still believed in miracles.

However, the reality is that he is slapped in the face again and again, making Lei Li unable to hold his head up in front of the instructors of No. [-] Middle School.

"Ten black and gold iron mice?" Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows when he heard this result.

This is nothing more than that!

Lei Li thought that Jiang Xiaobai was envious, so he patted him on the shoulder: "No. [-] Middle School has abundant resources, so it's normal to have such achievements."

Just as Jiang Xiaobai was about to tell him the truth, at this moment, a middle-aged man with delicate features walked over.

"Old Lei, I've wanted to say hello to you for a long time, and you just finished my work now." The middle-aged man said with a fake smile on his face, and said very hypocritically.

"Zhou Ming, what are you doing here if you're not staying at No. [-] Middle School?" Lei Li was obviously not too impressed with the person in front of him, and said without saying a word.

"Why don't you come to see your old classmates!" The middle-aged man, that is, Zhou Ming said with a smile, "Old Lei, you said that you insisted on coming to No. [-] Middle School to be an instructor, wouldn't it be good to be a security guard in No. [-] Middle School? "

"It's not that you don't know that the treatment of the security guards in the No. [-] Middle School is better than that of the instructors in the No. [-] Middle School!"

The security guard at No. [-] Middle School?

The instructor of No. [-] Middle School?

Jiang Xiaobai sneered as he listened to it. It seemed that Zhou Ming, the instructor of No. [-] Middle School, had a deep conflict with Lei Li, otherwise he wouldn't have come here to make fun of him at this time.

Regarding Lei Li, Jiang Xiaobai had also heard some things about him.

Lei Li graduated from a key provincial martial arts university with high talent. When he chose to return to Lei Ze City to teach, he chose No. [-] Middle School, but because his family conditions were too ordinary, Zhou Ming in front of him took the lead.

Compared with Lei Li, Zhou Ming is not only a star and a half behind, not only is his school not as good as Lei Li, but he is also one level behind in strength.

But Zhou Ming's family was well-off, and through his connections, he squeezed Lei Li out abruptly and became an instructor at No. [-] Middle School.

"Have you said enough?" Lei Li's face was dark, and he was very angry inside.

He was already upset, but now he still has to face Zhou Ming's ridicule. If it wasn't because he was an instructor, he would have gone berserk long ago.

"Meeting old friends, why do you do this!" Zhou Ming said with a smile still.

Afterwards, he looked at Jiang Xiaobai, and his eyes lit up: "Isn't this Jiang Xiaobai, the arrogance of your third high school?"

"It is said that the last time I was seriously injured, I have become a useless person. I didn't expect to come to participate in the trial. How is it? Have you been scared to cry by the monster?"

Jiang Xiaobai raised his head and glanced at the gloating Zhou Ming: "Aren't you a fool?"


Zhou Ming's smile stopped abruptly, and a strange expression appeared on his face.

The surrounding students also showed incredulous expressions, and they all stared at Jiang Xiaobai dumbfounded.

"My God, did Jiang Xiaobai take the wrong medicine? The instructor of No. [-] Middle School is opposite."

"Offending the instructor of No. [-] Middle School, Jiang Xiaobai must be too courageous!"

"This is a terrible situation. It is said that Zhou Ming, the instructor of the No. [-] Middle School, is extremely cautious. The students in the martial arts class dare not offend him easily."

Lei Li subconsciously stood in front of Jiang Xiaobai after hearing the discussions of the students around him.

"You brat, you have no respect, how can you talk?" Zhou Ming came back to his senses, and stared at Jiang Xiaobai through gritted teeth.

"Isn't that right?" Jiang Xiaobai asked back, "Who told you that I'm abolished? As an instructor, you insult a student in a martial arts class like this, are you trying to destroy Hua Guo's martial arts?"

Ruined the martial arts of Huaguo?

Zhou Ming shrunk his head subconsciously, and even he couldn't hold back the big hat.

"You're spitting blood!"

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