Dominate the world

Chapter 305 The Inexhaustible Crowd

While Jiang Xiaobai was fighting the killer, more and more killers came to Jiang Xiaobai's vicinity, there were more than a dozen of them.

As soon as he came here, he saw Jiang Xiaobai fighting fiercely with several killers.

"Already started? Are we late?"

"It must be late, but Jiang Xiaobai monopolizes so many killers?"

"What the hell is this guy doing?"

Seeing the situation in front of them, everyone was stunned. They didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to be so vicious.

These are several killers whose realm is higher than his!

But Jiang Xiaobai didn't choose to give in, instead he killed him.

"What should we do?" The others began to hesitate, looking at Jiang Xiaobai, they didn't know what to do next.

"Let's go together!" Someone stared at everything in front of him and said, "If others take the lead, wouldn't our trip be in vain?"

Hearing this sentence, the killers around immediately agreed.

They came here just to kill Jiang Xiaobai, and now Jiang Xiaobai is being besieged, if they don't make a move, the reward of ten catties of shock gold will be missed for them.

As a killer of the dark web, he doesn't know what morality is.

In their eyes, everything is about profit.

Soon, they also joined the battle group, and launched an attack on Jiang Xiaobai together with other darknet killers.

Jiang Xiaobai's pressure was getting bigger and bigger, and he was walking in the shadow of swords and swords, avoiding many powerful attacks.

If every attack hits, Jiang Xiaobai will pay a heavy price.

After all, those who besieged him were all eighth-rank warriors. Even if Jiang Xiaobai had the black scale combat uniform, he could only resist it for a while, but not for a lifetime!

Combat uniforms that surpass the S rank can withstand the attacks of ninth-rank warriors, but they are also slightly insufficient in the face of the siege of many eighth-rank warriors.

These eighth-rank warriors in front of them are enough to kill ninth-rank warriors.

The Jinghongyoulong body technique was used to the extreme by Jiang Xiaobai, and his figure became erratic, dodging under the huge pressure.

After all, this is the only capital that can allow him to gain a foothold now, and his profound agility allows him to still fight under the weight of more than a dozen eighth-rank warriors, without flinching at all.

The three of Pang Hong who were hiding in the dark could no longer be described as shocked.

Jiang Xiaobai's performance completely collapsed their worldview.

This is simply not human!

It wasn't just them, Yu Wensong, who was watching the battle, was sitting on the sofa dumbfounded.

The picture on the screen made him unbelievable no matter what. This is a Jiang Xiaobai who is only in the seventh-rank realm. How did he do all this?

The killers of the dark net don't say how powerful they are, but they are definitely strong compared to ordinary warriors, and even some warriors from the Budo Academy are not as good as them.

But now facing a seventh-rank martial artist, they are at an impasse.

What made him feel even more horrified was that Yu Wensong could feel that Jiang Xiaobai had not reached his limit, but still had more strength to spare.

More than a dozen eighth-rank warriors couldn't make Jiang Xiaobai submit. Who is this guy?

It was only at this moment that he understood Chang Yue's words.

Worry about dark web killers!

Could this guy be able to kill all the killers in front of him?

After Yu Wensong thought of this, he quickly threw the idea away.

This kind of thinking is too dangerous, how could he do it.

Unless it is a ninth-rank martial artist who comes personally and kills with huge strength, it is possible to kill these dozen killers.

However, it was too difficult for Jiang Xiaobai.

There are still about ten killers coming here. Will Jiang Xiaobai be able to deal with all the darknet killers who will exceed twenty?

Obviously, this is impossible.

Unless Jiang Xiaobai is a ninth-rank martial artist, or has a backhand against the sky.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to escape in front of so many killers. If Jiang Xiaobai went to kill them one by one, Jiang Xiaobai could indeed crush his opponent, but now it is a gang fight against Jiang Xiaobai.

There is absolutely no chance of winning.

Yu Wensong's eyes were still staring at the screen in front of him, motionless. He was eager to know what Jiang Xiaobai would do in such a predicament.

More and more killers joined the battle, which invisibly brought enormous pressure to Jiang Xiaobai.

Although Jinghong's movement technique is incomparably mysterious, it has limited effect when facing a dense crowd.

"I can't go on like this. I can't stand the encirclement and suppression of them at all." Jiang Xiaobai realized his danger and began to think about countermeasures.

There are more and more killers on the dark net, which greatly reduces his scope of action and limits the performance of Jing Hong You Long.


Jiang Xiaobai suddenly broke away from the battle and retreated quickly.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai retreat, the surrounding killers chased him up again.

"No, he wants to run, keep up!" Someone in the crowd reminded loudly.

Immediately, the other killers followed, chasing in the direction where Jiang Xiaobai was escaping.

Jiang Xiaobai wants to escape?How could they possibly let the cooked duck fly away?

"Are you really following?" Jiang Xiaobai's eyes flickered coldly, just as he thought.

He didn't make them give up because of his escape, on the contrary, he chased them even more.


The killer who was closest to Jiang Xiaobai suddenly found that Jiang Xiaobai had disappeared in front of him, and then heard an explosion coming from his side.

In a panic, he waved his soldiers to resist.

However, the assassin is a master-level warrior, and it is a weapon tempered by pure shock gold. How can ordinary warriors stop it?


Under the heavy pressure of the assassin, the soldier in the killer's hand suddenly shattered, and the assassin came directly in front of him.

"Ah!" The assassin had no choice but to dodge in desperation, but he was still hit by the assassin.

A wound appeared on his chest, and blood flowed horizontally.

After Jiang Xiaobai took the shot, his figure disappeared again, and he rushed forward rapidly.

The killer, who was injured by Jiang Xiaobai just now, simply treated the wound and chased after him again.

This is ten catties of gold!

Jiang Xiaobai was like this, dodging and dodging, finding the right opportunity to attack.

Severe injury, serious death.

The dark web killers didn't feel anything at first, but later discovered that this would be a great loss to them.

In less than half an hour, five or six killers had already died under Jiang Xiaobai's hands.

This made them as dark net killers unacceptable anyway. More than 20 killers besieged a seventh-rank martial artist, but how many people were killed by the opponent?

"Follow him and surround him!" Someone among the killers reminded, "The warriors at the peak of the eighth rank follow me!"

Whoosh whoosh!

The speed of several figures suddenly accelerated, and they were rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai in an instant.

The warrior killer at the peak of the eighth rank is extremely powerful among all people, and it is also a powerful force against Jiang Xiaobai.

"Come back to your senses?" Jiang Xiaobai said with a sneer after noticing a few powerful auras around him. "In that case, let's fight to the death!"

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