Dominate the world

Chapter 306 Desperate Jiang Xiaobai

Jiang Xiaobai's strength has reached the peak of a seventh-rank warrior, and he is only one step away from breaking through to the realm of an eighth-rank warrior.

The continuous battle just now made Jiang Xiaobai continue to make breakthroughs, but he was always close.

The vitality in the body is strong, but it is not enough to transform into its own strength, allowing its own strength to break through to a huge force of 12 jin.

The high-intensity battle made Jiang Xiaobai constantly refine the strength in his body, the vitality penetrated into his body, and the vitality in the combined body was suddenly absorbed by Jiang Xiaobai's muscles.

Every time Jiang Xiaobai breathes and moves, a large amount of vitality will be absorbed.

The display of kung fu and combat techniques stretched Jiang Xiaobai's body, his muscles and even cells became active, and his absorption of vitality became faster and faster.

Dao Dao power grew out of his body, and the flowing blood boiled, and Jiang Xiaobai's skin was covered with a light red layer.

Hearty battles can quickly increase strength, especially in this desperate situation, the improvement of the body is even greater.

Facing the threat of twenty killers from the dark web, Jiang Xiaobai fought without fear.

This kind of treatment is extremely rare not only in the entire Los Angeles City, but also in the entire Qilu Province, even in the entire Hua Country.

Several assassins at the peak of the eighth rank came to Jiang Xiaobai in an instant, and they stood on the left and right in a siege.

"Do you still want to escape?" the killer standing in front of Jiang Xiaobai asked proudly.

A total of five powerhouses at the peak of the eighth rank came after them, and the one with the highest cultivation level was even a little stronger than Wu Shifeng in front of him.

"Escape?" Jiang Xiaobai glanced at a few people, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Why should I run away?"

"I heard you killed Wu Shifeng?" An old man stared at Jiang Xiaobai and asked sharply.

"Hmm!" Jiang Xiaobai responded, "Who are you?"

"Me?" The old man was taken aback.

"Jiang Xiaobai, this is Lin Jiang, the predecessor of our darknet." Said the warrior standing beside the old man.

"Senior?" Jiang Xiaobai sneered, his whole body became strange, and he looked at the old man puzzled, "At your age, you are the peak of the eighth rank? It's a bit embarrassing!"


This time it wasn't just Lin Jiang, the killers around looked at Jiang Xiaobai in amazement.

Among the assassins at the peak of the eighth rank, Lin Jiang is one of the best existences, much stronger than Wu Shifeng.

Even the ninth-rank martial artist in the dark net once said that if Lin Jiang was not old, he might be promoted to the realm of ninth-rank warrior.

Therefore, age is Lin Jiang's taboo, and no one dares to say this in front of him.

Now Jiang Xiaobai's undisguised mockery made Lin Jiang furious.

"You..." Lin Jiang's face was flushed, and a monstrous anger rose in his heart.

Dao Dao's power involuntarily radiated out, and he himself rushed out suddenly, rushing directly in front of Jiang Xiaobai.


After a loud noise, strong winds rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai.

"Get out!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted in a low voice, and swung the thorn in his hand again and again, blocking Lin Jiang's attack outside.

"Huh?" When Lin Jiang saw the soldier in Jiang Xiaobai's hand, his pupils tightened, "This soldier?"

The soldiers in Jiang Xiaobai's hands made Lin Jiang feel strange, and the huge power emanating from them made him even inferior.


Lin Jiang punched heavily, and the boundless waves hit again.


Thorn waved again, and a sharp red-golden light pierced through the huge wave, forcibly dividing it into two halves.

"Grandmaster-level soldier?"

At this moment, Lin Jiang could clearly see Jiang Xiaobai's soldier rank.

It turned out to be a master-level soldier?

How could there be such a powerful warrior in the hands of a seventh-rank warrior?

"Did you see it?" Jiang Xiaobai knew when he was using his full strength to stab Hong, it was very likely that the assassin's rank would be exposed in advance.

But he didn't care, for this battle, he had to be promoted to rank eight martial artist.

Once he becomes an eighth-rank martial artist, he will not be afraid of the threat of a ninth-rank powerhouse, and he will be able to protect the assassin from being robbed.

"It really surprises me that you actually have a master-level warrior." Lin Jiang laughed loudly, "I didn't expect to have unexpected rewards for the task of shaking gold by ten catties."

Grandmaster-level warriors are much more valuable than ten catties of Zhenjin.

Lin Jiang had the same idea as Wu Shifeng, and wanted to meet this so-called Tianjiao boy.

Ten Jin Zhenjin, Lin Jiang is not short of it, especially for a martial artist like Lin Jiang who has no hope of being promoted to the ninth rank, now he only wants to train a successor.

At first he chose Wu Shifeng, but he didn't expect Wu Shifeng to be beheaded by Jiang Xiaobai.

I thought it was just revenge for Wu Shifeng, but I didn't expect to have unexpected gains.

Grandmaster-level soldiers!

If he gets it, he will be able to go one step further.

Maybe it can break the shackles of not being able to enter the ninth-rank realm.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiang became excited.

Grandmaster-level fighters must be obtained!

Boom boom boom!

Lin Jiang's attack became more and more fierce, attacking Jiang Xiaobai almost desperately.

Not only that, but Lin Jiang's inner martial arts and combat techniques came out together, trying to kill Jiang Xiaobai with one blow.

The darknet killers who followed Lin Jiang also felt Lin Jiang's killing intent, and everyone was extremely surprised.

"What's wrong with Senior Lin Jiang? Suddenly, he burst out with all his strength?"

"Yeah! It's been a long time since Senior Lin Jiang used his full strength. This is too scary."

"This kind of breath makes me, a warrior who is also at the top of the eighth rank, ashamed! So strong!"

Lin Jiang's sudden acceleration made everyone puzzled. Facing Jiang Xiaobai, what's the matter?

Lin Jiang exploded with all his strength, and Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt the pressure doubled.

"Isn't it just a master-level soldier? Is this guy going to fight for his life?" Jiang Xiaobai complained, but he didn't dare to be careless.

The current Lin Jiang is like a mad dog, wanting to kill Jiang Xiaobai directly.


In desperation, Jiang Xiaobai at least brought the Nine Hell Thunder Saber to its peak.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai's combat power also increased sharply, and powerful forces hovered in his body, lingering for a long time.

Jiang Xiaobai, who had been driven to a desperate situation, could no longer bear the full power of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber.

Double the combat power!

With the doubling of combat strength, Jiang Xiaobai instantly felt full of strength all over his body, and his every move seemed to have the power to destroy the world.

"Huh?" Lin Jiang quickly sensed Jiang Xiaobai's strength improvement, and couldn't help speeding up his pace.

The warrior killer beside Jiang Xiaobai rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai frantically under Lin Jiang's signal.


Jiang Xiaobai held the spear in his hand, swung a huge force, and instantly pierced the warrior who rushed to him.

Bang bang bang!

The thorns were swung out continuously, and there were continuous explosions around.

And all the martial artist killers who approached Jiang Xiaobai let out screams, and the eye-catching wounds were clearly visible.

In addition, three assassins at the peak of the eighth rank fell to the ground and died.

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