Dominate the world

Chapter 307 Happy New Year

The star chasing in this world is not much worse than in the previous life, especially for those young and handsome warriors, they are more obsessed with them.

This is true of Qin Feng before and Jiang Xiaobai now.

But now Jiang Xiaobai's popularity is much higher than that of Qin Feng back then, because Jiang Xiaobai's personality is more in line with what a warrior should be.

Kill decisively!

Never procrastinating, which made Jiang Xiaobai gain a lot of popularity.

Before Jiang Xiaobai had time to react, he instantly felt a mass of softness sticking tightly to his body, followed by a burst of fragrance.

The sexy beauty who spoke just now hugged Jiang Xiaobai tightly, not a polite hug, but a close-fitting bear hug.

"Female benefactor, don't..." Jiang Xiaobai was about to refuse, but saw the other party kissing him on the mouth.


"Wow! So bold! Kissed, kissed!"

"Why should she take the lead? It should be me."

"Sorry, I was able to kiss my idol just now by taking the initiative!"

After seeing Jiang Xiaobai being kissed, the girls next to him started talking sourly.

After Jiang Xiaobai became famous, he became the idol of many girls, and some girls even fantasized about Jiang Xiaobai as their boyfriend.

It is said that when a couple of martial artists were driving, the girl actually asked the other party to wear Jiang Xiaobai's mask, otherwise they would not be allowed to get in the car.

After 1 minute, the girl let go of Jiang Xiaobai.

"Jiang Xiaobai, I'm sorry, I, I'm so happy, I can't help the impulse in my heart." The girl said charmingly.

When she kissed Jiang Xiaobai just now, she clearly felt that her life had reached its peak, and she felt as if she had gone to heaven.

"Uh, this is my first kiss..." Jiang Xiaobai wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Ah..." After hearing this, the girl suddenly blushed and collapsed limply on the ground.

"Zhang He, what's wrong with you?" Another girl ran over and quickly helped her up.

"I, I seem to..." The girl named Zhang He whispered next to her companion.

"Oh, you're not even a bit reserved, you bastard." The companion slapped Zhang He, and then teased.

Finally, Jiang Xiaobai passed through the crowd and entered the martial arts arena.

As soon as he entered the Martial Arts Field, he saw Liu Douer sitting beside him in a rage.

"Doudou, what's the matter?" Jiang Xiaobai seldom saw Liu Dou'er angry, so he stepped forward and asked.

"It's okay!" Liu Dou'er said directly without giving Jiang Xiaobai a good look.

"Who made my Doudou unhappy?" Jiang Xiaobai sat down beside Liu Dou'er and asked with a smile.

"Is it comfortable to be kissed?" Liu Douer asked abruptly.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly became nervous.

Did this guy see it all?

No wonder he looked so ugly.


What does it have to do with her being forced to kiss her?

This girl shouldn't like herself!

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Liu Dou'er with great interest. Since he knew each other, he rarely saw this expression on his face.

"Don't think too much, I'm just afraid that you will be cheated!" Liu Dou'er forcefully explained.

Early this morning, she came to the Martial Arts Field to wait for Jiang Xiaobai. After waiting for several hours, she did not see Jiang Xiaobai's figure.

Hearing a noise outside just now, Liu Douer looked outside curiously, just in time to see Zhang He and Jiang Xiaobai kissing.

In an instant, Liu Dou'er's mood fell to the bottom, and a wave of irritability rose from the bottom of her heart.

All along, Liu Dou'er has never been so irritable like today. Although she doesn't admit it, the fact is that she likes Jiang Xiaobai a little bit.

"Okay, I'm also a victim!" Jiang Xiaobai tried hard to explain, "Who knows that the girls nowadays are so crazy that they dare to do such obscene things to me in public. I must tell the school and punish them severely."

"Forget it, it's you taking advantage of someone kissing you." Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's explanation, Liu Dou'er's mood gradually cleared up.

"Are you waiting for me?" Jiang Xiaobai asked shyly.

"Yeah!" Liu Dou'er hummed softly, and then took out an exquisite box, "Happy New Year, this is a New Year's gift for you."

"Happy New Year?" Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized that tomorrow is New Year's Day.

Before you know it, is it already New Year's Day?

Half a year has passed since he was promoted to warrior.

Jiang Xiaobai, who has been immersed in training and fighting, is completely unaware that it is the beginning of a new year.

"It's 2020!" Jiang Xiaobai sighed.

The life of these six months is more exciting than his previous 18 years of life.

"Aren't you going to see what the gift is?" Liu Dou'er complained.

"Yes, look at my memory." Jiang Xiaobai opened the gift box and saw a dragon-shaped jade pendant lying quietly inside.

It's only the size of a fingernail, but it's carved so vividly that it even looks like a dragon swimming if you look closely.

"This is?" Jiang Xiaobai asked suspiciously.

"Just ask if you like it or not!" Liu Dou'er didn't answer, but asked directly.

"I like it!" Jiang Xiaobai replied honestly, he could feel that this jade pendant is not a mortal thing, how magical it is, he can't see it now.

"Put it on if you like it!" Liu Dou'er said angrily. "It's up to me to teach you."

"Okay, okay!" Jiang Xiaobai saw that Liu Dou'er was different today, and his temper was too abnormal.

In order not to offend Liu Douer, he had no choice but to hang the jade pendant around his neck.

The jade pendant was pressed against his chest, and a gentle breath was introduced into his body, making his limbs feel comfortable.

"Couldn't this be a gift from your grandparents to their grandson-in-law!" Jiang Xiaobai laughed.

In the novels of the previous life, there were many plots like this, which happened to be used to tease Liu Dou'er.

"Stop dreaming!" Liu Douer pouted, looking at Jiang Xiaobai eagerly.

"What do you see me doing?" Jiang Xiaobai was terrified and at a loss.

"It's okay." Liu Dou'er turned around and ignored Jiang Xiaobai.

When Jiang Xiaobai wanted to continue asking, Zhao Chong ran in panting.

"Xiaobai, let's go out for a drink tonight!" Zhao Chong came to Jiang Xiaobai and gulped water. It was already cold winter, but this guy was sweating profusely.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Xiaobai asked puzzled.

"I didn't do anything, I ran a few laps in the back mountain." Zhao Chong said casually.

How many laps did you run?

You are going to dig a mountain!

How many laps can a fourth-rank martial artist perform like this?

"I've worked hard for three days!" Zhao Chong saw Jiang Xiaobai who couldn't hide it, so he had to tell the truth.

"What's wrong with you?" Liu Dou'er asked suspiciously.

"Leave him alone, is this a broken relationship torturing yourself?" Jiang Xiaobai said angrily.

It has been a few days since Zhao Chong became this kind of personality, and he has not slowed down these few days.

"Lovebroken! I've said it a long time ago, you are not good enough for Sister Lan." Liu Dou'er said solemnly.

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