Dominate the world

Chapter 311 Jiang Xiaobai's Counterattack

As soon as Liu Tianyi finished speaking, Zhou Lixin and Wang Tian also sensed that something was wrong.

The number of fighters from the three major families is still decreasing. Jiang Xiaobai's attacks are extremely fierce, but all the fighters he has attacked are either killed or injured. The methods are extremely ruthless, and he does not give any chance to resist.

Jiang Xiaobai is not a soft-hearted person, especially when facing dark net killers and family warriors, it is impossible to stay strong.

Because he knows what will happen to him once he stays strong.

The killers and family warriors of the dark web would never give him a chance to survive.

It's not just because of Ten Jin Zhenjin!

It's because they don't want Jiang Xiaobai to rise.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were red with blood, and his clothes were already stained red with blood.

Hei Lin, who was in a combat uniform beyond the S rank, had already been torn apart, after all, he withstood countless attacks for Jiang Xiaobai.

"What should we do? If this continues, all of us will be killed!" Liu Tianyi asked anxiously.

Now Jiang Xiaobai's strength is too strong. At first, they still had a little strength to fight back, but now, they are more like a group of chickens and dogs waiting to be slaughtered. Jiang Xiaobai is a butcher with a butcher's knife.

"What to do? How the hell do I know what to do?" Wang Tian scolded angrily, "Why is this Jiang Xiaobai so evil? How could he be promoted at this time?"

"Calm down! Be sure to calm down." Zhou Lixin comforted, "We still have a chance!"

Zhou Lixin, who was extremely shocked in his heart, naturally couldn't show panic at this time.

Although there are three major families leading the team this time, the leader is Zhou Lixin. If he loses his mind, then the others will have no fighting spirit.

"Old Zhou, why am I so calm!" Liu Tianyi roared angrily, "These are all the elites of our Liu family, if they all die, our Liu family will be finished!"

"Your Liu family?" Zhou Lixin turned his head and gave Liu Tianyi a hard look, "Is it just your Liu family? Isn't our Zhou family? Isn't Wang Tian's Wang family?"

Only then did Zhou Lixin and the others lead the family's warriors out, in order to kill Jiang Xiaobai.

Coupled with the fact that there are dark net fighters sitting in the town, this is a surefire way.

But who would have thought that with frequent accidents, Jiang Xiaobai not only killed dozens of dark net killers, but also promoted his strength to the realm of an eighth-rank warrior.

If the entire army is wiped out, the three major families in Los Angeles will survive in name only.

The eighth-rank warriors who are the core strength are all here. Once they die, the consequences can be imagined.

"Let's retreat!" Liu Tianyi thought of retreating.

Only by retreating can it be possible to preserve strength and leave a spark for their family.

"Retire?" Zhou Lixin thought for a while, then shook his head and refused. "Back at this time, it's too late."

If Jiang Xiaobai hadn't been promoted to the eighth-rank realm, he might have a chance to retreat at that time.

But now, Jiang Xiaobai has been promoted to an eighth-rank warrior, if he retreats, Jiang Xiaobai will definitely wait for an opportunity to retaliate.

"Now there is only a fight to the death!" Wuyou licked his lips, his eyes showed a trace of determination, "Even if we die, we will keep Jiang Xiaobai here."

"En!" Zhou Lixin nodded, "Jiang Xiaobai must die, otherwise our family will be in danger!"

Hearing what they said, Liu Tianyi seemed to understand, raised his head and said, "I'm with you!"

The three of Zhou Lixin looked at each other, and soon the power in their bodies was ignited.

Bang bang bang!

Three forces soared into the sky and fell directly in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

"Desperate?" Jiang Xiaobai, who had been promoted to the eighth rank, had a sharp increase in his mental strength. When the three of them just left, he noticed the movements of these three people.

These three people chose to fight in this way, not afraid of life and death, but in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, it was extremely shameless.

Fight yourself to the death for your family!

What a noble feeling this seems, but in the final analysis it is only for self-interest.

And warriors like them, whether they are warriors from Budaoyuan or from the military department, have also had this kind of tragic fighting style.

The only difference between the two is that the guns of the three of Zhou Lixin are his, Jiang Xiaobai, while the guns of the other warriors are monsters that endanger humans!

"With such great strength, instead of beheading monsters and eliminating harm for human beings, you are going to be dogs for others." Jiang Xiaobai scolded coldly, "Even if you die, you can only be losers! "

There were several thunderstorms on the thorns, surrounding the thorns. After Jiang Xiaobai was promoted to the eighth rank, the thunder became stronger and stronger.

When the three of Zhou Lixin came to attack, Jiang Xiaobai didn't hesitate at all, he swung his spear and attacked.


Ci Hong and the three of them confronted each other, and the huge explosion caused the surrounding warriors to retreat, fearing that they would be affected.

Jiang Xiaobai, who was holding the thorn, was in the center of the storm, and the energy generated by the explosion tore his body.

At the same time, murderous intentions came from behind Jiang Xiaobai.

"Sneak attack?" Jiang Xiaobai swung a punch with one hand, hitting into the storm, while with the other hand he swung his stab hard to resist.


The attack of Zhou Lixin's three men erupted into a terrifying air wave, and three air currents blasted towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Boom boom boom!

Jiang Xiaobai's figure suddenly took a few steps back.

"Let's go together, kill him!" Zhou Lixin yelled violently, "Otherwise no one will be able to get out!"

The remaining nearly thirty eighth-rank warriors rushed up one after another, and everyone exerted their strength to the extreme.

Immediately, the surrounding ground shook, and the huge air waves covered the sun like dark clouds, blooming with terrifying coercion.

Although Pang Hong and the others were hiding in the dark, they had to retreat.

This level of attack is no longer something they can resist!

The attack of dozens of eighth-rank warriors is a bitter battle for anyone.

"Brother, is Jiang Xiaobai okay?" Sun Xiaosheng followed Pang Hong and asked.

"I don't know!" Pang Hong took the two of them back quickly, and then looked at Sun Xiaosheng puzzled, "Why do you start to worry about him? Don't you hate him?"

"I don't even know!" Sun Xiaosheng said in astonishment.

"He was conquered by Brother Bai." Wei Dong whispered.

Not only Sun Xiaosheng, Wei Dong was also deeply impressed after seeing Jiang Xiaobai's strength.

Only a young man fought dozens of eighth-rank warriors alone, and finally killed more than [-] warriors.

This level of fighting was unheard of for them.

Jiang Xiaobai's has already conquered the three of them!

Even so, Jiang Xiaobai is now in a tight siege, and his life and death are uncertain.

Countless warriors surrounded Jiang Xiaobai, huge air waves soared into the sky, and finally fell one after another, approaching Jiang Xiaobai.

If Jiang Xiaobai was hit by the attack of dozens of eighth-rank warriors, he would be almost dead!

"Today, I sentence you to death!"

Zhou Lixin's voice seemed to come from the sky, resounding around.

At the same time, everyone's attacks came to Jiang Xiaobai.

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