Dominate the world

Chapter 312 Thunder Rage


The sound of explosions came from where Jiang Xiaobai was standing, deep pits suddenly appeared, and deep cracks appeared on the ground.

The bombardment of dozens of eighth-rank warriors could not be resisted even by ninth-rank warriors.

Zhou Lixin and others stood not far away, looking at the scene in front of them, and then they felt relieved.

The attack just now, which he saw with his own eyes, all fell on Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai, so what if he was promoted to the eighth-rank realm?

In the face of their concerted attack, they are also powerless to resist.

"Is it over?" Zhou Lixin asked uncertainly as he looked at the breath in front of him.

"It should be over!" Liu Tianyi said indifferently.

He used all his strength to attack just now, and now there is not much power left in his body. It would be strange if Jiang Xiaobai didn't die.

"This is not dead, he thinks he is immortal?" Wuyou said dismissively, "This is an attack from nearly thirty eighth-rank warriors! How can he, Jiang Xiaobai, withstand it?"

At this time, the killers in the dark net subconsciously separated from the family warriors. When Jiang Xiaobai was around, they were allies!

Now that the matter is over, these darknet killers naturally know where they are.

As a killer, he takes on missions on weekdays and makes countless enemies, and besides those family warriors, in case of conflict...

However, in addition to this, there is one more headache for them.

Jiang Xiaobai is dead, who completed the task?

The killers of the dark web looked at each other, seeming to be aware of this problem.

"How many warriors do we have left?" Zhou Lixin asked looking at the warriors beside him.

"There are still a dozen people left!" Wuyou estimated, "There should be less than 20 people!"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Zhou Lixin felt relieved.

It was only half dead, which was still an acceptable situation for them.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai was also dead, and it was worth the lives of a dozen warriors.

The three of Pang Hong hid aside and stared at them with mixed feelings.

"Brother, Jiang Xiaobai won't really die, right?" Sun Xiaosheng didn't know why, and looked extremely uncomfortable.

"I don't know, it looks like the worst is going to happen." Pang Hong looked serious.

As a darknet killer, he has seen thousands of warriors, but Jiang Xiaobai is the only warrior he respects.

Young appearance, invincible Los Angeles!

Jiang Xiaobai deserves this kind of evaluation!

Regardless of whether Jiang Xiaobai is alive or not, after this battle, everyone will know that Jiang Xiaobai, the great genius of Qilu Wu in Luocheng!

This name will affect generations of people.

"I don't think so!" Wei Song lowered his head and whispered, "He's Jiang Xiaobai!"

The three of Zhou Lixin were counting the number of people and rescued all the injured warriors at the same time, they didn't care where Jiang Xiaobai was at all.

In their subconscious mind, Jiang Xiaobai was already dead and could no longer die, so there was no need to pay attention to it.

"Old Zhou, are we going to send Jiang Xiaobai's body back?" Wang Tian came to Zhou Lixin's side, "The Patriarch said that we must get Jiang Xiaobai's body."

"Okay!" Zhou Lixin nodded, "Now the wounded are almost treated, you and Liu Tianyi go and have a look!"

"Don't bother Liu Tianyi, I can do it myself!" Wuyou smiled mysteriously, patted Zhou Lixin on the shoulder, and walked over directly.

"There are too many small thoughts!" Zhou Lixin didn't know that Wang Tian's small thoughts were clearly looking for something from Jiang Xiaobai.

However, Zhou Lixin did not stop him. In his heart, what was on Jiang Xiaobai's body was far less important than killing Jiang Xiaobai.

As for the treasures in it, Zhou Lixin didn't care at all.

Wang Tian walked alone towards the place where Jiang Xiaobai was before. At this moment, the huge air wave had dissipated, and only the remaining dust filled the surroundings.

"Jiang Xiaobai, don't let me down, as an eighth-rank warrior, you should have some good things." Wang Tian calculated and slowly approached the deep pit.

He was already imagining how much spoils he could get from Jiang Xiaobai this time, and how many treasures he had in his small treasury.

Soon, Wuyou approached the deep pit and was about to go down.

Suddenly a stream of light rushed out and shot at his forehead.


Wuyou tilted his body and fell straight down. The center of his eyebrows was pierced, and blood flowed out.

The martial artist next to him didn't notice all of this, and was still busy with his own business.

"Young Heaven!" Zhou Lixin yelled after finishing the matter.

After waiting for a while, Zhou Lixin found that there was no response.

At this time, Liu Tianyi came over and came to Zhou Lixin's side: "Old Zhou, have you seen Wang Tian?"

"Didn't he go to see Jiang Xiaobai?" Zhou Lixin said suspiciously, "I called him just now and he didn't respond, so he probably went somewhere!"

"No, I searched all around, but I didn't see Wuyou." Liu Tianyi shook his head, "It's been 5 minutes, and he hasn't moved at all, this is not normal!"

"Could it be possible?" Zhou Lixin's face changed when he thought of this.

"Impossible! He's already dead!" Liu Tianyi shook his head resolutely, "Besieged by rank eight fighters, how could he survive?"

The blow Jiang Xiaobai suffered was the full-out attack of many eighth-rank warriors.

How could he not die?

But if it wasn't for Jiang Xiaobai, how could Wuyou be missing?

"Go and have a look first!" Zhou Lixin couldn't make up his mind for a while, so he had to go and have a look first.

Liu Tianyi followed behind Zhou Lixin, full of suspicion, he simply did not believe that Wang Tian's disappearance was related to Jiang Xiaobai.

The two soon came to the deep pit and saw a trace of blood. When they wanted to look, the two of them suddenly widened their eyes.

This, how is this possible!

Zhou Lixin and Liu Tianyi saw a familiar face, it was Jiang Xiaobai.

"Surprised? Surprised?" Jiang Xiaobai grinned under the pit.

"You, how could you be fine?" Liu Tianyi pointed at Jiang Xiaobai and shouted in horror. "No, it's not true."

"You're not dead!" Zhou Lixin said through gritted teeth.

"Death?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly, "You think I die so easily?"

Just now, Jiang Xiaobai could smell the breath of death after being hit by all the fighters with all their strength, but at the last moment, the thorn star pierced his body and met the attacks of all the fighters.

The power contained in the Thorn Star suddenly exploded, completely smashing the attacks of all warriors.

It was precisely because he thought so that Jiang Xiaobai survived unharmed, but was knocked out by the remaining air waves.

Yes, dizzy.

When Wuyou came here, Jiang Xiaobai just woke up, and before he climbed out of the pit, he saw Wuyou's hateful face.

Jiang Xiaobai directly sacrificed the assassin and beheaded the opponent.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaobai began to absorb his vitality and slowly recovered.

After being promoted to rank eight martial artist, Jiang Xiaobai's strength recovery speed suddenly accelerated, and soon he recovered more than half of it.

At this time, Zhou Lixin and Liu Tianyi just came here.

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