Dominate the world

Chapter 316 The Moment of Vengeance

Just when Qin Feng was about to be forgotten, Jiang Xiaobai always remembered it.

Choosing Qianfo Mountain, Jiang Xiaobai is telling all the warriors.

But for my Jiang Xiaobai's friends, if anyone hurts, they must pay the price!

Maybe I wasn't strong enough at the time, but when I am strong enough, I will take revenge immediately!

"It's over!" Lan Yingying stepped forward to comfort her.

"Yes!" Tang Songting said helplessly, "The dead are gone, and the living still have to move forward."

Tang Songting and Lan Yingying never expected that Jiang Xiaobai would be so stubborn, but at the same time they were very relieved.

With such a friend, Qin Feng can rest in peace.

In this turbulent age, warriors are the most powerful, but also the most easily forgotten.

Since the beginning of the upheaval, how many warriors have died in battle, tens of thousands, millions of warriors have all died under the claws of monsters, but how many can be remembered by people?


Although Qin Feng is the pride of Qilu Wuda, it has only been a few months, and his name seems to have been forgotten by everyone.

But Jiang Xiaobai did not, and chose to remember Qin Feng in this way, which moved Lan Yingying and Tang Songting.

"It's okay to move forward, but don't forget the contributions of others." Jiang Xiaobai said stubbornly.

He hasn't been with Qin Feng for a long time, but the other party has devoted a lot to himself wholeheartedly. This alone is enough for Jiang Xiaobai to remember.

The dark net killer and the warriors of the three major families had enmity with him, and sooner or later they would have to deal with it, so he chose to stay in Qianfo Mountain, not only to resolve his grievances, but also to teach the dark net and the three major families a lesson.

Qin Feng, will not die in vain!

And Jiang Xiaobai's revenge has only just begun.

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai would not tell Tang Songting and the others about this plan, so as not to worry them.

Jiang Xiaobai was also grateful to Tang Songting and Lan Yingying.

When something happened to him, these two people would always be the first to stand up and help him.

"Don't worry, Xiaobai, you still have us?" Zhao Chong clenched his fists and said heavily. "We are brothers, and we will never let you take risks alone in the future."

"You!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhao Chong and said with a smile. "You should improve your refining level! Help me as soon as possible. If you fight, I will be enough."

"I..." After Zhao Chong heard it, he felt like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Zhao Chong's weapon refining talent is among the best in the weapon academy, but the progress of weapon refining has not been greatly improved.

The current him is capable of refining silver-rank soldiers.

In the eyes of others, Zhao Chong is already quite a monstrous existence, but in his own opinion, this is far from enough.

A silver-rank soldier cannot help Jiang Xiaobai at all.

"Jiang Xiaobai, I'm the one to fight!" Zhang Chulan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said.

"Um, are you not afraid?" Zhao Chong asked.

"No!" Zhang Chulan replied straightforwardly, "I'm already a seventh-rank warrior!"


Jiang Xiaobai was quite surprised when he heard it. In just a few months, Zhang Chulan's improvement speed was not weaker than his own.

What he has experienced, he is very clear in his heart, and with the help of Tai Chi Yuanpan, this has allowed him to be promoted to the eighth rank, and Zhang Chulan...

"Seventh Grade?" Zhao Chong jumped up as if his tail had been stepped on.

"That's too fast!" Liu Dou'er also opened her mouth wide in surprise, unable to believe it was true.

In Liu Douer's eyes, Zhang Chulan was the most beautiful person with a sense of presence, and now he was promoted to the seventh-rank realm quietly.

This speed of promotion is really frightening.

"It's okay!" Zhang Chulan said lightly, "In a few months, maybe you can be promoted to the realm of an eighth-rank warrior."

"You're not human either!" Jiang Xiaobai cursed with a smile.

Zhang Chulan's promotion speed has always shocked them, especially after Zhao Chong heard about Zhang Chulan's cultivation, he was completely stunned.

He is only a fifth-rank warrior, while Zhang Chulan is already a seventh-rank warrior.

Not only Zhao Chong, but also Liu Douer rolled his eyes angrily.

Before Jiang Xiaobai and others came, Liu Dou'er's cultivation had always been the best among freshmen.

Since Jiang Xiaobai appeared, Liu Douer was completely suppressed.

"This year's warriors are becoming more and more difficult to train, and everyone's strength is almost surpassing that of my instructor!" Tang Songting looked at Jiang Xiaobai and others, and said thoughtfully.

Jiang Xiaobai's eighth grade!

Zhang Chulan rank seven!

Zhao Chong fifth grade!

Liu Douer has also reached the pinnacle of the sixth rank!

The cultivation base of these four people is improving rapidly, and it may not be long before they will surpass them.

This is also the first time in Qilu Wuda's hundred years that there have been so many arrogance.

Tianjiao emerged in endlessly, whether it was Tang Songting or Lan Yingying, they felt very relieved.

The frequent appearance of human warriors, which is a great thing for the entire human race.

In this way, human beings have a chance to stand up.

"It seems that this world will be the world of young people in the future." Lan Yingying said with a smile.

"Sister Lan, you are also in full bloom!" Zhao Chong flattered him in a timely manner, "In my heart, Sister Lan is the youngest."

"Sycophant!" Liu Dou'er snorted, "You are the best at talking, right?"

"I'm just telling the truth!" Zhao Chong argued, "Could it be that I'm wrong?"

"..." Liu Dou'er glared at Zhao Chong angrily, and stopped talking.

Because she found that she had no chance of winning when she argued with Jiang Xiaobai.

"Stop arguing, let Jiang Xiaobai rest for a while." Lan Yingying patted Zhao Chong's head, "If you use these ghost thoughts on cultivation, you will not be weaker than Zhang Chulan now."

"I was afraid of hitting him!" Zhao Chong glanced at Zhang Chulan, "You see, I can refine weapons, what can Zhang Chulan do? He can only read books, and if he doesn't give him some confidence, his reading of this book will be in vain .”

Zhang Chulan looked at Zhao Chong coldly, then turned her head aside arrogantly.

Jiang Xiaobai and the others also raised their foreheads and were speechless for a while.

"Don't be poor." Tang Songting said, "Instructor Lan told Jiang Xiaobai to take a good rest, so don't disturb me."

"Okay!" Zhao Chong and others said in unison.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai come back, they were relieved.

In any case, as long as Jiang Xiaobai returns safely.

If Jiang Xiaobai doesn't come back, it is estimated that they can really kill the three major families and kill the dark net.

Although they know that their strength is invincible, but for them, this has nothing to do with strength

Zhao Chong and Liu Douer walked aside and began to practice, while Jiang Xiaobai went straight back to the dormitory.

Tang Songting and Lan Yingying looked at each other and followed Jiang Xiaobai.

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