Dominate the world

Chapter 317 Dispute at Budo Academy

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai returned to the dormitory, Tang Songting and Lan Yingying followed him.

"Why are you here?" Seeing two people coming to his dormitory, he asked with a smile.

"Don't you understand what we're here for?" Tang Songting asked with a smile on his face.

"I don't know!" Jiang Xiaobai responded, "What do I know just now?"

"Don't play dumb with me." Lan Yingying said seriously, "Tell me about your next plan."


Jiang Xiaobai stared at Lan Yingying and Tang Songting seriously, and then said calmly: "Cultivate hard, strive to win glory for Wuhan University, and eliminate monsters for mankind!"

"Don't talk about these useless things." Tang Songting sat directly opposite Jiang Xiaobai, "I don't know you yet?"

"I told you, the Martial Arts Institute will handle this matter, so don't mess around."

Whether it was Tang Songting or Lan Yingying, they knew Jiang Xiaobai's character quite well, and he was not such a player who was willing to give up.

It would be strange to cultivate as seriously as Jiang Xiaobai said just now.

It is estimated that it will not be long before they will go to trouble the three major families.

"What am I messing around with?" Jiang Xiaobai gave Tang Songting a white look, "It seems that you are smart, don't you think? Do you think I'm going to mess with the Zhou family?"

"He is a ninth-rank martial artist, am I that stupid?"

"Hehe, when I was at the seventh rank, I could engage dozens of eighth rank warriors." Lan Yingying made up the knife at the side, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with a smile.

"You can just watch me." Jiang Xiaobai said helplessly. "You don't believe me anyway."

"It's not that we don't believe you, it's just that we don't want you to have an accident at this juncture." Tang Songting persuaded.

"Don't worry, I have a measure." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, "I think you can go back if you have nothing to do."

Tang Songting and Lan Yingying looked at each other and realized that their persuasion was useless.

Jiang Xiaobai's stubborn character is not something they can persuade.

"What should I do?" Tang Songting walked out of Jiang Xiaobai's dormitory, and couldn't help but look back.

"What else can I do? Find Dean Fang!" Lan Yingying tossed her long hair, "We have nothing to do with this guy."

For Jiang Xiaobai, Lan Yingying also had a headache and couldn't persuade him at all.

Lan Yingying knew about Jiang Xiaobai's stubborn character from the first day she knew him.

"Let's go, let's go without delay." Tang Songting left quickly.

After arriving at Fang Xiqiong's dean's office, Tang Songting and Lan Yingying told the whole story and at the same time expressed their guesses.

After Fang Xiqiong heard about it, she became extremely excited: "What? He still wants to toughen up the three major families?"

"Dean, don't you know Jiang Xiaobai's temper?" Tang Songting said helplessly, "He can really do it."

"Is he crazy!" Fang Xiqiong knocked on the table, "Take step-crossing battles as a play? Are ninth-rank warriors so easy to deal with?"

"Ninth-rank warriors are strong people who have opened up a sea of ​​qi, and they can completely crush eighth-rank warriors."

Tang Songting and Lan Yingying were silent. Now that Jiang Xiaobai can return safely, they don't want Jiang Xiaobai to encounter any danger.

However, if Jiang Xiaobai really went to find the three major families, the danger would be needless to say.

"Now we have to let the Martial Arts Institute come to appease Jiang Xiaobai!" After a long time, Fang Xiqiong said in a deep voice.

Martial Daoyuan agreed to give Jiang Xiaobai an explanation, and naturally sent people to Qilu Wuda in person.

However, what made Fang Xiqiong feel puzzled was that the Martial Arts Institute had not sent anyone so far.

"President Fang, can you hurry up?" Tang Songting said worriedly.

"I will." Fang Xiqiong nodded.

Hearing Fang Xiqiong's words, Tang Songting and Lan Yingying felt relieved.

If the Martial Arts Academy steps in to adjust, even Jiang Xiaobai's stubborn personality will be restrained. After all, for him, the Martial Arts Academy still has to give him face.

However, it has been two days since Jiang Xiaobai came back, and there is still no trace of the warriors from the Martial Arts Institute.

In the past two days, Jiang Xiaobai did not go out, but was stabilizing his own strength.

Except for the dormitory, he hardly went out, did not go to the martial arts field or the martial arts club, and practiced steadily in the dormitory alone.

Apart from training, he was replenishing his energy. After all, the Battle of Qianfo Mountain was not only exhausting his strength, but also exhausting his spirit.

Three days later, Jiang Xiaobai walked out of the dormitory.

On the way, someone would greet Jiang Xiaobai warmly when they saw him.

Now Jiang Xiaobai has become everyone's idol, not just Qilu Wuda's idol, even in the entire Luo City, Jiang Xiaobai will be admired by everyone.

The young martial artist, Jiang Xiaobai worshiped him like a god, and even put his portrait in his bedroom and worshiped him every day.

"Hasn't Martial Arts Academy sent anyone?" Jiang Xiaobai found a quiet place, sat down and thought.

Jiang Xiaobai was surprised that the warriors from Budaoyuan did not show up.

As a proud martial artist in Luo City, he was besieged by dozens of people in Qianfo Mountain, but the Martial Arts Institute didn't respond at all?

Is this not taking yourself seriously?

However, what Jiang Xiaobai didn't know was that the Martial Arts Institute had already caused a lot of noise because of his affairs.

There are many factions in the Martial Arts Institute, especially the senior management of the Martial Arts Institute headed by the Luo family and other families, and they have resolutely decided not to come forward to appease Jiang Xiaobai.

Their reason is that the Martial Arts Institute is an institution affiliated to Huaguo, and Jiang Xiaobai is not a martial artist from the Martial Arts Academy, but just an ordinary student of Wuhan University. There is no need for the Budao Academy to bow its head.

Not only that, but the senior officials of the Luo Family and other factions also asked Jiang Xiaobai to come to the Martial Academy to plead guilty. Killing so many warriors from the three major families is clearly weakening the power of human beings.

Yao Tianming from the Martial Arts Institute blushed angrily when he heard this.

"The three major families joined forces with dark web killers to besiege Jiang Xiaobai, and still want Jiang Xiaobai to apologize? What do you think?"

"Old Yao, you are also a high-ranking member of the Martial Arts Academy, don't you understand this?" The martial artist of the Luo family stared at Yao Tianming and said word by word, "Our Martial Arts Academy serves the entire Qilu Province, not just one Serving Qilu Wuhan University is not for Jiang Xiaobai."

"As we all know, you and Fang Xiqiong are comrades-in-arms. You said it for him, and I naturally don't care, but you have to think clearly about the responsibilities of our Martial Arts Institute."

"The duty of the Martial Arts Academy?" Yao Tianming stared back, "The Martial Arts Academy's duty is to protect warriors and safeguard the safety of human beings, not for your family's selfish desires."

The warriors of the Luo family blushed when Yao Tianming said it, and were indignant: "What is the family's selfish desire? When the monsters rioted, how many warriors did our Luo family produce? You all know it in your heart!"

After hearing this, the warriors around nodded their heads.

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