Dominate the world

Chapter 319 Face?Are you worthy?

Just when Jiang Xiaobai was about to go out for a walk, he just received the news.

The Luo family sent people to Qilu Wuda, wanting to see Jiang Xiaobai.

However, the message was sent anonymously, not Jiang Xiaobai who was contacted through legitimate channels.

"The Luo family?" Jiang Xiaobai sneered after seeing the news, "Have you finally stopped being a turtle?"

Whether it's the darknet killer or the three major families in Los Angeles, in the final analysis, it's the Luo family who are doing the tricks.

But because the Luo family is too large, it is no less than a colossus to Jiang Xiaobai. Even if he tries his best, it is impossible to compete with the Luo family.

However, Jiang Xiaobai has always regarded the Luo family as the number one enemy, and is always careful.

Unexpectedly, today, the fighters of the Luo family would take the initiative to ask him out?

This result didn't surprise Jiang Xiaobai, just a little surprise.

"The back mountain of Qilu Wuda University?" Jiang Xiaobai raised the corner of his mouth when he saw the location chosen by the other party, "This is really a good place to kill people and throw corpses."

The back mountain of Qilu Wuda is a deserted mountain range. After the drastic changes in the world, the vitality recovered. In just one month, the barren mountain was covered by green vegetation.

Because it is relatively close to Qilu Wuda University, there are very few monsters in the back mountain.

Jiang Xiaobai has been there several times, and the environment is quiet and natural, which has helped him improve his cultivation to a certain extent.

"Okay, I'll wait for you at eight o'clock in the evening." Jiang Xiaobai quickly replied to the message.

Since the Luo family warriors wanted to meet, Jiang Xiaobai would naturally satisfy their request.

If you keep hiding, it is not the solution to the problem, but it will make the other party feel that you are afraid of them.

For Jiang Xiaobai, it was impossible to bear.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't tell anyone about the news that Luo family warriors contacted him. At 07:30 in the evening, Jiang Xiaobai came to the back mountain alone.

He found a random place to sit cross-legged, and at exactly eight o'clock, a young man appeared in front of him.

"Are you Jiang Xiaobai?" The young man came to Jiang Xiaobai and asked in a cold voice.

"Yes!" Jiang Xiaobai opened his eyes and looked at the young man in front of him, "Are you from the Luo family?"

"That's right." After hearing the other party's confession, the young man calmly came to Jiang Xiaobai's side, "You are so bold, aren't you afraid that I will deal with you?"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, looked at the young man, and remained silent.

"You should know the purpose of my coming!" The young man stood at Jiang Xiaobai Minqian, looking down and said.

"I don't know, tell me." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand lightly, "I really don't understand what your family is doing."

"This time I came here for your Mount Tai Order." The young man said in a deep voice.

"Sure enough, it's for the Mount Tai Order." Jiang Xiaobai had already guessed the number of the other party, with a faint smile on his face, "But do you think I will give you the Mount Tai Order?"

"I've killed dozens of eighth-rank fighters, you don't know it!"

The young man also chuckled, still looking at Jiang Xiaobai indifferently.

"I know the news that you beheaded an eighth-rank martial artist, that's why we have this interview." The young man introduced. "I am a retainer of the Luo family, Luo Bin!"

"I'm not interested in knowing your name, and that's not the point of my concern." Jiang Xiaobai said bluntly, "Tell me what your Luo family means!"

The young man named Luo Bin didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to be so straightforward, so he threw a bag from his back: "This is twenty catties of shock gold, used to buy your Taishan Token!"

Twenty catties of gold?

After Jiang Xiaobai heard the number, he couldn't help but glance at Luo Bin.

Sure enough, it is the Luo family, with a profound heritage, which is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

A shot is twenty catties of shock gold, even Qilu Wuda can't do this.

After Luo Bin threw Zhenjin in front of Jiang Xiaobai, he crossed his arms and looked extremely proud.

In his opinion, twenty catties of Zhenjin is enough to buy Jiang Xiaobai. He has already investigated Jiang Xiaobai's background, but he is from an ordinary family.

The real rise is nothing more than coming to Qilu Wuda University, completely relying on one's own strength, turning out to be born.

After investigating Jiang Xiaobai, Luo Bin couldn't help being shocked by Jiang Xiaobai's experience.

From a poor warrior to reach today's height, it has completely surpassed all warriors, even those warriors from the proud family are not as good.

Luo Bin has been with Luo Yuxiang since he was a child, and he is an orphan picked up by Luo Yuxiang. Afterwards, under careful guidance, Luo Bin became the youngest ninth-rank warrior.

Thirty pairs of ninth-rank warriors, for Luo Bin, can be ranked in the forefront even in the Luo family.

But when he saw Jiang Xiaobai, he felt a sense of frustration again.

"Do you think twenty catties of Zhenjin can be worth the Mount Tai Order?" Jiang Xiaobai glanced at it lightly, and then asked.

"Of course it's not worth it, but for you, this is the best choice!" Luo Bin said without emotion, "Although you are already an eighth-rank warrior, if you want to enter the secret realm of Mount Tai, there is only one end, you know ?"

"Really?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled mysteriously, "But I still want to give it a go! As the saying goes, take a gamble to turn a bicycle into a motorcycle."

"You?" Luo Bin sneered disdainfully, "It seems that you are going to reject my proposal."

"Of course!" Jiang Xiaobai put away his smile and said seriously, "Back then you hired darknet killers, but you spent a lot of money! Now that the assassination failed, you want to buy me? When I Jiang Xiaobai Is Bai easy to bully?"

"I am not representing myself this time, but the Luo family!" Luo Bin frowned and said in a deep voice.

"What's wrong with the Luo family?" Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, "Are all the warriors of the Luo family masters? If not, what are you pretending to be here?"

"You dare to insult the Luo family?" Luo Bin's expression became agitated, "The Luo family is not something that you, a mere warrior, can provoke. You must know that if the Luo family wants to deal with it, it will be easy obliterate you."

"Then let them come!" Jiang Xiaobai spread his hands, "I'm just a little warrior, if a century-old family like yours wants to deal with me, I can't do anything about it."

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's indifferent face, Luo Bin's face turned livid with anger.

As Luo Yuxiang's person, when he went out to do errands in Los Angeles, who didn't treat him with respect.

Not because of him, but because of the Luo family.

And the martial artist in front of him didn't pay much attention to the Luo family.

Deceiving too much!

Luo Bin was completely angry, stepped forward to pick up Zhen Jin, and shouted coldly: "You will regret it!"

"I regret and don't regret it." Jiang Xiaobai said lightly, "Zhenjin stays, you go!"

"What?" Robin's eyes widened, "What did you say?"

"I said, Zhen Jin stays, you go." Jiang Xiaobai said coldly, "Otherwise, both you and Zhen Jin stay."

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