Dominate the world

Chapter 320 Battle Level 9 Realm

When Jiang Xiaobai's words fell into Luo Bin's ears, it was as if he had gone crazy.

Zhenjin stayed?

Otherwise, stay with Zhenjin?

Is the eighth-rank martial artist in front of me suffering from insanity?

Who was it that gave him the courage to say so?

A series of questions flashed through Robin's mind, making him even more angry.

"You child, you have too much temper." Seeing Luo Bin's gloomy expression, Jiang Xiaobai went straight forward and took the bag containing the shock gold, "Okay, let's go!"

Luo Bin didn't realize that Jiang Xiaobai would take the initiative to snatch his bag, and by the time he realized it, Jiang Xiaobai had already taken it away.

"Jiang Xiaobai!" Luo Bin roared, "Put it down!"

This is twenty catties of shock gold, not anything else, and it was taken away by Jiang Xiaobai like this, and he couldn't go back to do business at all.

Now that Zhenjin has been taken away by Jiang Xiaobai, he naturally wants to snatch it back.

What's more, Jiang Xiaobai is just a younger brother in front of him.

Luo Bin is already a ninth rank warrior, while Jiang Xiaobai is only an eighth rank.

The difference between the ninth rank and the eighth rank is that the ninth rank warriors have opened up a sea of ​​qi, which can be used to increase their strength, and even use their vitality to attack.

Vitality is much stronger than pure strength, and every strand of vitality has been tempered and refined.

It is not comparable to the strength of ordinary warriors at all, so ninth-rank warriors are generally able to crush eight-rank warriors.

Only a few warriors at the peak of the eighth rank can shake the ninth rank warriors.

Jiang Xiaobai is just entering the eighth rank, and it can be said that it is even more difficult to deal with him.

Therefore, Luo Bin didn't take Jiang Xiaobai seriously. He came here just to intimidate and threaten Jiang Xiaobai into submission.

Who would have thought that Jiang Xiaobai would not accept this at all, even if he used the Luo family to deal with Jiang Xiaobai, he would still remain indifferent.

He even wanted to leave twenty catties of Zhenjin behind!

This made Luo Bin unacceptable. When he looked at Jiang Xiaobai, his whole demeanor changed suddenly.

The power of the ninth-rank warrior poured down undisguisedly, and the surrounding ground buzzed and trembled.

"Don't think that since you are in Qilu Wuda, you can do whatever you want. In my opinion, Qilu Wuda is nothing at all!" Luo Bin said word by word.

"Really?" Jiang Xiaobai responded indifferently, "You should have been promoted to the ninth rank for less than a year!"

"That's right!" Luo Bin didn't hide anything, and responded sternly, "It's true."

"If it's less than a year, I don't think you are my opponent." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile on his face.

In less than a year, even if the sea of ​​qi is opened up, the sea of ​​qi will not be very strong. To Jiang Xiaobai, this is nothing to fear. If it is a strong person who is at the peak of the ninth rank, he is only one step away from the great achievement of the sea of ​​qi.

Then Jiang Xiaobai would also walk around, not daring to fight head-on.

After all, the strength of such a strong man is unfathomable.

"Speak wild words!" Luo Bin was irritated by Jiang Xiaobai's attitude, and became extremely violent.


A powerful energy burst out from him, and the surrounding trees and rocks instantly turned into powder.

"I just like the way you fight at the slightest disagreement." Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, and suddenly disappeared in front of Luo Bin.

Leaving an afterimage in the air, easily dodging the opponent's attack.


When Luo Bin was looking for Jiang Xiaobai's figure, he suddenly felt a gust of wind coming from his right side.

He subconsciously clenched his fist to resist, colliding with Jiang Xiaobai.


After Jiang Xiaobai and Luo Bin collided, the two quickly retreated.

"You..." Luo Bin felt the opponent's strength, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai in surprise. "Didn't you just advance to the eighth stage?"

"How can it be possible for a martial artist of the eighth rank to have such a powerful strength?"

As soon as he came into contact with Jiang Xiaobai, Luo Bin felt something was wrong. This was not the first time he had fought against an eighth-rank warrior.

But Jiang Xiaobai is definitely the strongest among his opponents. He only has the realm of an eighth-rank warrior, but his actual strength has indeed surpassed the eighth rank.

"You are not my opponent!" Jiang Xiaobai snorted coldly, clenched the spear in his hand and attacked.

Cihong is a master-level fighter, and after Jiang Xiaobai is promoted to the eighth rank, he can exert even stronger power.

The light on the blade became sharper, with a faint cold light.

A cold light flashed, and Cihong had already arrived in front of Luo Bin.

"This weapon!" Luo Bin couldn't help being stunned when he saw Zhanbing.

This was the first time he had fought against Jiang Xiaobai, and when he saw Jiang Xiaobai's palm of the hand, he immediately recognized it.

Grandmaster level soldiers?

As a ninth-rank warrior, he naturally recognized a master-level soldier.

But he didn't understand at all, Jiang Xiaobai was just an eighth-rank warrior, how could he have a powerful master-level soldier?

At least it is a weapon that a ninth-rank warrior should have!

At this moment, Luo Bin began to look serious, and his eyes staring at Jiang Xiaobai became serious.

An eighth-rank warrior with a master-level warrior and an eighth-rank warrior without a grandmaster-level warrior are completely different concepts.

At least, Jiang Xiaobai now makes him feel threatened.

A dagger appeared in Luo Bin's hand, glowing with a faint black light, and looked extraordinarily ferocious under the moonlight.

"Jiang Xiaobai, I didn't intend to kill you, but you did it to me, so I had to do it." Luo Bin licked his lips and said with a ferocious expression.

Luo Yuxiang once promised him that as long as this matter is done, he can enter the Luo family and become a collateral disciple of the Luo family.

Luo Bin, who has been wandering all the time, will naturally not miss this opportunity. Whether it is to persuade Jiang Xiaobai or kill Jiang Xiaobai, this matter can be over.

After all, because of Jiang Xiaobai's relationship, Luo Yuxiang couldn't hold his head up in the Luo family.

At this time, he, Luo Bin, naturally needed to stand up.

"Kill me? Let's see if you have the ability." Jiang Xiaobai sneered, and directly operated the Nine Prison Thunder Knife, with waves of powerful air around him.

The current Jiang Xiaobai is not what he used to be, and he is even more brave than when he was in Qianfo Mountain.

Coupled with the help of the assassin, although Jiang Xiaobai is not as good as Luo Bin in terms of realm, he can fight evenly.

The two sides were at a stalemate, and Luo Bin was most anxious in his heart.

It would be fine if Jiang Xiaobai could be beheaded, but if the senior officials of Qilu Wuda were brought over, he might not be able to leave even if he wanted to.

However, it is not so easy to kill or defeat Jiang Xiaobai.

"You can't help it?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a cold snort after he swung an attack.

"Looking for death!" Luo Bin stared at Jiang Xiaobai and yelled angrily, and his strength rose again.


Luo Bin's sea of ​​air emitted buzzing sounds, and in an instant, his strength increased again.

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