Dominate the world

Chapter 321 The Terrifying Power of the Nine Prison Thunder Knife

Luo Bin broke out with all his strength, and Jiang Xiaobai followed suit.

At this time, hiding clumsiness is really an unwise choice. After all, the opponent is a ninth-rank warrior, so he still needs to be given some respect.

The Nine Prison Thunder Knives that exploded greatly increased Jiang Xiaobai's strength, and the assassin directly slashed at Luo Bin's body.

Like a flash of thunder, boundless coercion came one after another, flocking to Luo Bin one after another.


Luo Bin raised his dagger to meet him, and a force of more than 12 jin burst out suddenly.

When the two collided, a series of powerful forces suddenly dispersed, and the trees and rocks beside them disappeared in smoke.

The entire back mountain trembled, startled a burst of birds and beasts, fled in all directions.

Boom boom boom!

Jiang Xiaobai took a few steps back abruptly, with a solemn expression on his face.

And Luo Bin on the opposite side was not much better. After the confrontation just now, the number of wounds on Luo Bin's body increased significantly, and traces of blood flowed down the wounds.

"You are stronger than I expected." Jiang Xiaobai said seriously.

"Is it just stronger?" Luo Bin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "Do you think you can still keep me?"

"Keep you?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled mysteriously, "How will you know if you don't try?"

Luo Bin's strength is somewhat stronger than Jiang Xiaobai imagined, which also let Jiang Xiaobai know the strength of a ninth-rank warrior.

Compared with the eighth-rank warriors, the ninth-rank warriors who have opened up the sea of ​​​​qi are very powerful. This is not only a difference in the sea of ​​​​qi, but also the strength has improved a lot after the precipitation of the sea of ​​​​qi.

Jiang Xiaobai, who was originally known for his strength, found that he had no advantage at all after confronting Luo Bin.

On the contrary, Jiang Xiaobai himself suffered a terrible loss.

If it wasn't for the stabbing, he might have been injured in the blow just now.

Bang bang bang!

Jiang Xiaobai stepped forward to attack again, and the huge and powerful force rushed towards Luo Bin again.

"Again?" Luo Bin quickly adjusted his breath, and waves of power rose from the sea of ​​air.


Luo Bin and Jiang Xiaobai collided together, causing the mountain to tremble again.

Boom boom boom!

Jiang Xiaobai's and Luo Bin's figures were entangled together, and they fought more than ten times in an instant.

The surrounding ground is cracked, and deep pits can be seen everywhere.

After 10 minutes, both Jiang Xiaobai and Luo Bin were at the end of their rope.

In particular, Luo Bin became more and more surprised the more he felt in his heart. He never thought that Jiang Xiaobai would be so difficult to deal with.

There are already many eighth-rank warriors who died in his hands, and no one is as strong as Jiang Xiaobai.


When Luo Bin was distracted, Ci Hong appeared in front of him again.

Luo Bin couldn't dodge in time, a gash was cut on his chest, and blood flowed horizontally.

"If you lose your mind at this time, you will die!" Jiang Xiaobai reminded, and then his figure disappeared into the darkness again.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Jiang Xiaobai used Jinghong's body to the extreme.

The choice just now was right, but it was because Jiang Xiaobai wanted to try Luo Bin's skills.

"Damn, disappeared again?" Luo Bin wanted to fight back, but found that Jiang Xiaobai was nowhere to be seen.

He had long heard that Jiang Xiaobai's movement skills were powerful, but after the actual fight, he realized how terrifying this set of movement skills was.

However, Luo Bin didn't think about it too much, but closed his eyes and released his mental power.

Perceive Jiang Xiaobai's movements through mental power, and capture the opponent's next attack.

The short dagger in Luo Bin's hand suddenly stabbed backwards, a seemingly chaotic attack, but it just happened to block the stabbed outside.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

He didn't expect that the other party would be able to find his trace at all. Jing Hong You Long's movement skills have reached a great level, and ordinary people can't find him at all.

"Mental power?" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly understood the reason after stepping back.

The other party is very likely to use mental power to find himself.

"But if it's a competition of mental strength, I won't be weaker than you at all." Jiang Xiaobai's figure disappeared again.

It wasn't that Jiang Xiaobai dodged on purpose. If he confronted him, everyone knew what the result would be.

What's more, Luo Bin's strength is somewhat higher than Jiang Xiaobai's, so it's understandable for Jiang Xiaobai to do this.

Bang bang bang!

The next attack on Jiang Xiaobai was still to use Jinghong Youlong to attack continuously. Although Luo Bin was able to catch Jiang Xiaobai's attack at first, the further he went, the more difficult it became for him.

After all, it consumes a lot of mental power, even though he is already a ninth-rank martial artist, he can't bear it.

After a few strokes, Luo Bin's speed slowed down, but Jiang Xiaobai still didn't slow down at all, but the offensive became more and more violent.

Although Jiang Xiaobai didn't create a sea of ​​Qi, he has a Tai Chi disc.

In the past few days of Jiang Xiaobai's cultivation, part of the vitality was absorbed by himself, and most of the vitality was refined by the Tai Chi disc.

The strength of the Yuan Qi refined by the Tai Chi Disc is even stronger, far beyond the reach of warriors who have opened up a sea of ​​Qi.

If it weren't for Jiang Xiaobai's inability to fully grasp the Taiji disc, Luo Bin wouldn't have been tossing it around for so long.


When the assassin stabbed, Luo Bin just raised his dagger to block it, but found that the assassin went straight through the dagger and came to his chest.

not good!

Luo Bin groaned inwardly, and quickly backed away. Even so, the assassin left a gash in his chest.

"You..." Luo Bin's eyes were red, "You kid actually hurt me over and over again?"

"Hurt you?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled, "Just hurting you is not enough, I want to teach you Luo family a lesson."


The strength of Jiang Xiaobai's body suddenly increased, and he surpassed Luo Bin in an instant.

"This is?" Luo Bin felt the strong power coming from Jiang Xiaobai, and his face turned pale.

This, this power!

Standing in front of Jiang Xiaobai, Luo Bin even felt heart palpitations. The strength Jiang Xiaobai showed just now has completely surpassed his peak period.

Nine Hell Thunder Knife!

It must be the blessing of the power of the Nine Hell Thunder Knife!

Thinking of this, Luo Bin turned around and left.

The strength of this force has already exceeded the range he can bear, and he is simply unable to resist it.

Nine Prison Thunder Knife, double the power of the blessing!

If it was Luo Bin who was not at the peak, he would definitely try to resist, but now, he has consumed most of his strength, and he can't resist Jiang Xiaobai's onslaught at all.

"I said, if you stay, you have to stay." Jiang Xiaobai, who was frantically running the Nine Prison Thunder Saber, said in a cold voice.

Choosing to use the Nine Prison Thunder Knife with all his strength at this time, Jiang Xiaobai had the attitude of killing with one blow.

Luo Bin showed up today, no matter what the outcome of the conversation, Jiang Xiaobai would let him go.

The hatred between him and the Luo family is not so easy to resolve!

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