Dominate the world

Chapter 327 The Precursor of the Wang Family's Destruction

The soldier in Wang Yuan's hands is the weapon he has been raising all along. Like Liu Tiangang, if he can be promoted to the realm of the master, the soldier in his hand will also be promoted accordingly.

Soldiers such as warriors are mostly swords, guns, sticks, long swords, etc., mainly because this kind of warriors are easier to refine, and they are easier to use, so under the master, most of the warriors are in this way.

Holding the soldier in his hand, Wang Yuan suddenly changed his aura, much stronger than before.

"Soldier?" Jiang Xiaobai saw the soldier in Wang Yuan's hand, his eyes showed a strong fighting intent, and soon he held the assassin in his hand and stared at Wang Yuan in front of him.

"Jiang Xiaobai, if you stayed in Qilu Wuda University, you might be able to gain a chance of life, but if you come out now, there is only one end." Wang Yuan stared at Jiang Xiaobai and said in a hateful voice, "I'm here today to report a broken arm. Vengeance!"

The patriarchs of the three major families cut off their own arms, although it was said that it was because of Lu Feng's suppression, but in their view, it was entirely Jiang Xiaobai's fault.

If it weren't for Jiang Xiaobai's forced rescue of Zuobufan, Lu Feng would not have appeared later.

If it weren't for Lu Feng, he wouldn't have ended up cutting off his own arm.

Therefore, Wang Yuan hated Lu Feng, and even more hated Jiang Xiaobai.

He held the long knife in his hand, and the surroundings were full of murderous aura. When he saw Jiang Xiaobai, he had already decided Jiang Xiaobai's life and death.

"You take revenge, I will take revenge too, tell me, which one of us will win?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Wang Yuan in front of him with interest, and smiled softly.

"Hahaha!" Wang Yuan laughed out loud after hearing this, "You actually think you still have a chance? It's really ridiculous."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't talk too much nonsense, and rushed up directly with the spear in his hand.


Cihong drew streams of light, which directly landed on Wang Yuan.

"I will let you give up today!" Wang Yuan brandished a long knife, firmly resisting the assassin.

The long knife is in Wang Yuan's hands, making him extremely powerful, even surpassing Liu Tiangang.

Jiang Xiaobai was cautious when fighting.

Facing Liu Tiangang, Jiang Xiaobai attacked him with a stabbing star and beheaded him.

The same method can still be used for Wang Yuan.

Jiang Xiaobai understood the strength of Thorn Star, and even ninth-rank warriors could not withstand his blow.

Unless the opponent has a powerful combat uniform, this can block the attack of Thorn Star.

Otherwise, the powerful power contained inside the Thorn Star can completely tear the opponent into pieces.

However, Jiang Xiaobai didn't use the stabbing star immediately. After all, the stabbing star's power was very unstable. Once Wang Yuan dodged it, if he wanted to kill him at that time, he might never have the chance again.


The stabbing knife collided with the long knife, but Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but take a few steps back, and the strong wind tore Jiang Xiaobai's clothes.

The black scale combat uniform had already been destroyed, but this time he was fighting entirely with his physical strength.

Now he doesn't have such a strong defense, so he can only be cautious, not daring to resist Wang Yuan's attack.

After all, Wang Yuan is also a rank nine martial artist with great strength. Even though his strength is almost the same as Wang Yuan's, in terms of actual combat power, he is not as good as the opponent.

"You are considered a relatively strong existence among the eighth-rank warriors, but now your opponent is me." Wang Yuan glanced at Jiang Xiaobai and said, "You are destined to have no chance to grow up."

"Really?" Jiang Xiaobai shook his head with a sneer, "I don't think so. To me, you should be the one who loses today."

"Whimsical!" The long knife in Wang Yuan's hand blasted out again, and the huge air current blasted towards Jiang Xiaobai in an instant.

The long knife came with a strange light, and came to Jiang Xiaobai in an instant.

Cihong swung out again, hitting Wang Yuan's long knife heavily.

Immediately, sparks splashed in all directions, and the aftermath spread around, making the disciples of the Wang family shudder.

Patriarch Wang Yuan's cultivation is strong, but Jiang Xiaobai, who is only an eighth-rank martial artist, is not weak, and he can even compete with Wang Yuan.

This completely exceeded their expectations. In their view, this situation is simply impossible.

How can a warrior who has just been promoted to rank eight be against a rank nine warrior?

This is not a level at all!

However, Jiang Xiaobai's going out refreshed their cognition.

"Damn it!" Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai was able to resist his attack, Wang Yuan became extremely irritable.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't get into his eyes at all, and couldn't even stand in front of him.

But now, Jiang Xiaobai not only stood in front of him, but also didn't want to get on and off with him.

He is just an eighth-rank martial artist, why can he do this?

Wang Yuan stared at Jiang Xiaobai with resentment in his eyes.

At the same time, the strength in the hand also increases at any time, wherever the long knife goes, hurricanes are torn apart, and the powerful energy is rampant.

In Jiang Xiaobai's hands, Cihong was still struggling to resist Wang Yuan's attack.

As time passed, Wang Yuan was not as calm as he was at the beginning, but became more and more anxious.

After all, for him, the longer the battle lasts, the greater the impact on his reputation. It may not be long before the news that the Patriarch of the Wang family lost to the eighth-rank martial artist Jiang Xiaobai will spread.

At that time, what dignity did their royal family have to talk about?

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan's power increased again, and the powerful force roared past, completely crushing Jiang Xiaobai.


Jiang Xiaobai was instantly sent flying, but thanks to Jiang Xiaobai's own strength, he rolled in the air and fell heavily to the ground.


Jiang Xiaobai smashed two deep footprints on the ground.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you are not my opponent." Wang Yuan shouted, and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai.

If Jiang Xiaobai can't be killed at this time, I'm afraid there will be long nights and dreams in the future.

Jiang Xiaobai's rapid progress was noticed by everyone, especially Wang Yuan, who didn't want to face a terrible enemy in the future.

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan was like a burning flame, and the surrounding forces rose strongly, rushing towards Jiang Xiaobai violently.

"Again?" Jiang Xiaobai let out a deep cry, the vitality around the Tai Chi disk surged wildly, and at the same time, his own strength was constantly improving.

With the blow just now, Jiang Xiaobai obviously felt that his strength was not as good as Wang Yuan's.

But even so, Jiang Xiaobai would not back down.

What's more, he still has a killer move that he hasn't used yet.

Once the ultimate move is used, it is not certain who will win the battle.

Thinking of this, the strength in Jiang Xiaobai's body rose sharply, and soon reached a peak.


A roar erupted from Jiang Xiaobai's body immediately, and waves of air spread around him and surrounded him.

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