Dominate the world

Chapter 328 The Destruction of the Wang Family

"Even if you increase your strength now, it won't help." Wang Yuan licked his lips, looked at Jiang Xiaobai and shouted coldly.

"In my eyes, you are always a waste."

Jiang Xiaobai's strength was only that of an eighth-rank martial artist, and Wang Yuan didn't take it seriously.

Ninth-rank warriors also have the arrogance of ninth-rank warriors. In their eyes, only master-level warriors make them look up to them. As for eighth-rank warriors, they are nothing more than ants.

"You families are really inexplicably confident!" Jiang Xiaobai didn't stop the stab in his hand, but swung it again and again.

Every time the stabbed sticks out, streams of light are emitted, and these streams of light quickly hit Wang Yuan's body.

When he got close to Wang Yuan, he was immediately cut to pieces by Wang Yuan's long knife.

"Isn't it?" Wang Yuan said coldly, "Your attack of this level can't hurt me at all."

"Why do I not believe it?" Jiang Xiaobai sneered, jumped up, and rushed towards Wang Yuan again.

Above the back of the stab, the thunder was faintly visible, and Jiang Xiaobai seemed to be transformed into a thunder at this moment, directly blasting towards Wang Yuan.

"Then I'll make you give up!" Wang Yuan saw Cihong's eyes froze, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, the power on Wang Yuan's body hit Jiang Xiaobai like a turbulent wave hitting the shore.

Soon Jiang Xiaobai staggered and almost fell to the ground.

In Jiang Xiaobai's desperation, he stretched out his hand and turned it over, and the thorn star appeared in his hand.

I saw Thorn Star dragging its long tail, blasting towards Wang Yuan with lightning speed.

"This, what is this?" When Wang Yuan felt a threat coming, his expression tightened, and he swung the long knife in his hand rapidly.

Just now, he felt tremendous pressure, as if he was under a huge threat.

If you don't handle it well, you may put yourself in danger.

Stabbing Star came to Wang Yuan with violent power, and when Wang Yuan sacrificed his long knife to block it, it exploded suddenly.

A powerful thunder force erupted from the thorn star, like a torrent rolling down on Wang Yuan.

The terrifying power in Thorn Star originated from the monsters in Lei Ze City.

In ancient times, Lei Ze City was a land of Lei Ze, and it was precisely because of this that he was named Lei Ze.

And the monster that Jiang Xiaobai wiped out on Lei Ze was full of the power of thunder in his body. In the end, Jiang Xiaobai refined the crystals in its body, and only then did he have today's Thorn Star.

If Wang Yuan was a master-level warrior, he would naturally not be afraid of Jiang Xiaobai's thunder power, but he is only a ninth-rank warrior, and he is still a mortal body. Facing such a strong thunder power, he can only retreat Son.

Although he retreated earlier, he was still affected, and the powerful thunder force surrounded him in an instant.

A series of powerful breaths washed over Wang Yuan's body, making Wang Yuan feel as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and swung the long knife in his hand continuously.

Even so, the power of Thorn Star has not been reduced much.


The power of Thorn Star suddenly exploded, completely enveloping Wang Yuan.


Seeing the power of the thorn star enveloping Wang Yuan, all the disciples of the Wang family around were stunned.

Especially the old man who followed out before, was stunned and anxious.

"Master, you have nothing to do!" The old man clenched his fists and his eyes were red.

He learned from the disciples of the Liu family that Jiang Xiaobai used this trick to kill Liu Tiangang, the patriarch of the Liu family, but now he is facing his own patriarch again. How could he not be worried?

Wang Yuan, who was engulfed by the stabbing star's power, was about to be torn apart by the bursts of violent power around him.

"Ah!" Wang Yuan screamed suddenly, and he flew upside down.


All the disciples of the Wang family stepped forward one after another and helped Wang Yuan up.

At this moment, Wang Yuan's chest collapsed, and there were deep bone wounds on his body.

"I..." Wang Yuan opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body sank immediately.

"Master, this is Jiang Xiaobai's killer move." The old man supported Wang Yuan, "I just learned that the head of the Liu family died under this move."

"You..." Wang Yuan raised his arm vigorously, pointed at the old man, and was about to speak when another mouthful of blood spewed out.

The destructive force just now, even the ninth-rank martial artist Wang Yuan couldn't resist, and it was only natural for Wang Yuan to be injured.

However, what the old man said just now made Wang Yuan even more depressed, and the anger in his body couldn't be vented, so he vomited it out directly.

After vomiting blood, Wang Yuan looked extremely decadent, and Jiang Xiaobai also came over at this time.

"You are stronger than Liu Tiangang." Jiang Xiaobai said flatly.

"Ahem!" Wang Yuan on the ground coughed up blood, but couldn't say anything.

"Jiang Xiaobai, the Patriarch is seriously injured, what else do you want?" The old man beside Wang Yuan raised his head and cursed angrily.

"What do I want?" Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the old man, who was an eighth-rank warrior.

This is probably the last eighth-rank martial artist of the Wang family!

"What do you think I want?" Jiang Xiaobai replied lightly, "Isn't this the same in the martial arts world? The weak prey on the strong, whether it is against monsters or other warriors."

"When Wang Yuan went to the Qiluwu Martial Arts Club, he should have considered his fate today."

The three masters came to Qilu Wuda and forced Jiang Xiaobai to bow his head. If Fang Xiqiong and Lu Feng hadn't arrived, Jiang Xiaobai might have been murdered by them.

For Jiang Xiaobai, this was something he could never forget.

It is precisely because of their low strength that they have an opportunity to take advantage of. Now that they have grown up, they will naturally seek justice.

"This..." The old man was speechless when he heard Jiang Xiaobai's words.

Jiang Xiaobai is right, the world of warriors is like this.

But as a domestic slave of the Wang family, the old man can't just leave him dead.

"Get out of the way, this time I'm only targeting Wang Yuan alone." Jiang Xiaobai said coldly.

The other disciples of the Wang family dispersed after hearing this.

They knew that Jiang Xiaobai was not joking, and the corpses of the Wang family disciples around him were the best witnesses.

"No!" The old man knelt on the ground with a plop, "I beg you to spare the Patriarch's life!"

"Get out of the way!" Wang Yuan exerted all his strength and kicked the old man away, "I, Wang Yuan, will not die in your hands."

After finishing speaking, Wang Yuan raised his long knife and stabbed it heavily into his chest.

A burst of blood spattered, and Wang Yuan's body fell straight down.

A generation of heroes, ninth-rank warriors, Wang Yuan died!

"You have more backbone than Liu Tiangang!" Jiang Xiaobai sighed when he saw this.

Both Liu Tiangang and Wang Yuan are the heads of the three major families, and they are also ninth-rank warriors, but their choices are different.

Seeing Wang Yuan's death, Jiang Xiaobai didn't stay too long and walked out of Wang's house.

Next, the Zhou family!

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