"My God, Grandmaster Luo has made a move!"

"The power of the master, is this the power of the master?"

"Jiang Xiaobai is in a terrible situation. How dare he shout so loudly in front of Grandmaster, doesn't he treat Grandmaster like a human being?"

Passing by onlookers, the warriors who heard the news and came to see the excitement talked a lot.

Jiang Xiaobai's popularity in Los Angeles was unmatched for a while, and he was an existence that almost everyone knew about.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai's record is enough to disdain all warriors, not only the eighth-rank warriors, but also among the ninth-rank warriors, Jiang Xiaobai is also well-known.

Especially after the news of Jiang Xiaobai beheading Wang Yuan and Liu Tiangang spread, Jiang Xiaobai's reputation reached a peak again.

Therefore, most of the warriors who watched came here after hearing the news. Some warriors just came here and saw Luo Yuxiang attacking Jiang Xiaobai.

As a master, Luo Yuxiang's strength has surpassed their cognition.

Grandmaster-level warriors seldom take action. After all, compared to ordinary people, grandmaster-level warriors are a superior existence, and it is rare to see a grandmaster take action on weekdays.

Everyone stared at Jiang Xiaobai intently. From their point of view, Jiang Xiaobai would never be able to bear such a strong pressure.

A powerful air wave rushed towards him very quickly, Jiang Xiaobai stared intently at the menacing air wave, with an incomparably solemn expression on his face.

Although it was said to be a random strike by a master-level powerhouse, it was also an attack by a master-level powerhouse.

Ordinary warriors can't stop the attack of the strong master at all. After all, the strong master is a warrior with a great deal of energy.

This alone is not comparable to ordinary warriors.


Without any hesitation, Jiang Xiaobai stabbed the back with his left hand and the star with the right, rushing towards the momentum in front of him.


There was a loud noise, and Jiang Xiaobai was blown away by the powerful vitality.

With a puff, Jiang Xiaobai fell heavily to the ground, with wounds and blood flowing from his body.

However, Jiang Xiaobai didn't just fall down, he stood up with his hands on the ground, staring at Luo Yuxiang with cold eyes.

"Is this the combat power of your grandmaster?" Jiang Xiaobai wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "I don't think so!"

Luo Yuxiang's attack just now, if it was replaced by other warriors, even ninth-rank warriors, they might be killed directly.

But Jiang Xiaobai held on, even though he was seriously injured, he still held on.

"He, he actually held on? This, how is this possible!"

"Isn't he an eighth-rank warrior? How could he be so strong in the face of a blow from the master? It's unbelievable."

"It's too fake, it's impossible!"

After seeing that Jiang Xiaobai was safe and sound, everyone became restless.

Especially those martial artists who are in the same eighth-rank realm as Jiang Xiaobai, their eyes widened.

Luo Yuxiang's attack just now, if they were replaced, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

When they all thought that Jiang Xiaobai would be killed directly, they didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai was only injured.

The anger on Luo Yuxiang's face became more and more intense, his whole body was surrounded by a faint haze of prey, and his eyes were fixed on Jiang Xiaobai.

"You didn't die? But next time, you won't be so lucky!" Luo Yuxiang raised his right hand and clenched his fingers into a fist.

Immediately, the huge vitality formed a vortex at a speed visible to the naked eye, spinning around his fist, rotating rapidly, exuding terrifying power.

After seeing this power of Luo Yuxiang, all the warriors around showed horror.

Although they have not been exposed to this force, they can still feel that if they are hit by this force, they are likely to be reduced to dust.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help taking a step back, for fear of being affected by this force.

"Go to hell!" Luo Yuxiang yelled ferociously, and then punched out.

The huge vitality was like a dark cloud, surrounding Luo Yuxiang, and when he punched out, the huge vitality poured down.

Vitality and strength are two concepts. Warriors can only refine their vitality to increase their strength, but at the level of a master, they can completely refine their vitality for their own use.

Compared with strength, vitality is not just a level higher, and it is precisely because of this that no one can shake the master.

If such a strong vitality falls on any martial artist, it will be a disaster.

Generally speaking, only when the master-level powerhouses are fighting, or when fighting monsters, will they have such power.

The Grandmaster took action against a warrior, which was already the first spectacle in the city of Los Angeles in a century.

Grandmasters have their own arrogance, and they will never attack a warrior.

Now that Luo Yuxiang made a move, even if he killed Jiang Xiaobai, it would do more harm than good to him. If he didn't kill Jiang Xiaobai, it would be unacceptable to him.

Not only him, but the entire Luo family will be ashamed because of this incident.

With the explosion of vitality, Jiang Xiaobai's face became extremely solemn, and his heart became calm for a while.

He couldn't resist Luo Yuxiang's attack at all.

The attack just now had seriously injured his back. If Luo Yuxiang continued to attack now, Jiang Xiaobai would not have any strength to contend with it.

Is it that cold?

Jiang Xiaobai felt a destructive aura rushing towards him, and he could annihilate himself in the blink of an eye.

Even so, he still didn't regret coming to Luo's house.

The eighth-rank realm beheaded the ninth-rank realm!

For Jiang Xiaobai, this was already a successful challenge, not to mention that.

He even withstood a blow from a master-level warrior in the realm of an eighth-rank warrior.

This record is enough to add another color to Jiang Xiaobai's life.

"I didn't expect that I, Jiang Xiaobai, would die here today." Facing the threat of death, Jiang Xiaobai was extremely calm.

If you die today, it is not a real failure.

But facing the grandmaster, the grandmaster is like crushing ordinary warriors, this is an iron law.

No ordinary warrior has ever been able to escape his life under the guru.

Jiang Xiaobai is no exception.

When the huge vitality came in front of Jiang Xiaobai, everyone couldn't help closing their eyes, not daring to take a look.

A generation of proud Jiang Xiaobai is about to perish when facing Luo Yuxiang.


The huge vitality caused the surrounding ground to crack and traces, spreading like spider webs.

"Oh, a generation of proud! Just like that!"

"It's a pity! It was an existence that could grow into a master!"

"One year, just one year, Jiang Xiaobai slid by like a meteor, and then fell quickly."

Some sighed, some rejoiced, and some let out a long sigh of relief.

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