Just when everyone thought Jiang Xiaobai was going to die, a sudden change occurred.

Not only the warriors around, even Jiang Xiaobai himself thinks so.

When Luo Yuxiang's vitality attack came in front of Jiang Xiaobai, it suddenly exploded and then dissipated.

Luo Yuxiang: "???"

The warriors around: "???"

Jiang Xiaobai was even more puzzled and at a loss.

Just now he clearly felt that under the heavy pressure, he was about to be torn into pieces, but just now, the huge pressure disappeared without a trace.

"Luo Yuxiang, are you deceiving me that there is no one in Wuhan University?"

The next moment, a cold drink fell from the sky, and Fang Xiqiong brought an old man down from the sky and came to Luo Yuxiang.

"Fang Xiqiong? Kong Shang?"

Seeing the person coming, Luo Yuxiang narrowed his eyes and frowned slightly.

Those who came were Fang Xiqiong, the dean of the martial arts academy, and Kong Shang, the dean of the liberal arts academy.

These two people are both master-level powerhouses who have been famous for a long time, and their strength should not be underestimated. Compared with Luo Yuxiang, they are still much stronger.

"The dignified master actually took action against an ordinary warrior?" Fang Xiqiong said with a cold face, "It seems that the Luo family is getting worse and worse!"

"Are you here to disrupt the situation?" Luo Yuxiang didn't expect that Fang Xiqiong and Kong Shang would come here, and he was at a loss for a while.

"Spoil the situation? Do we have any?" Fang Xiqiong responded angrily, "As a master, you attack my students from Qiluwu University. Your Luo family is in vain for a century-old family in Luocheng."

Fang Xiqiong and Kong Shang ran all the way, trying to get to Luo's house as quickly as possible, for fear that something might happen to Jiang Xiaobai.

Even so, when they arrived, they still found Luo Yuxiang attacking Jiang Xiaobai.

Fang Xiqiong shot in an instant, defusing the opponent's attack, which saved Jiang Xiaobai's life.

If he was a little late, Jiang Xiaobai might die at the hands of Luo Yuxiang.

It was precisely because of this that Fang Xiqiong was so angry.

Jiang Xiaobai is a once-in-a-century talent in Qilu Wuda. If it falls into the hands of the Luo family, it will be a loss for the entire Qilu Wuda.

"Luo Yuxiang, you are not young, how could you do such a thing?" Kong Shang looked at Luo Yuxiang and said lightly.

Kong Shang, who is the dean of the Academy of Arts, has a bookish air. From the perspective of outsiders, he would think he is an old master from some school.

But anyone who really knows Kong Shang knows that he cannot be provoked.

With an unrivaled literary spirit, he could almost overwhelm the entire Los Angeles Grandmaster.

It is relatively difficult for the warriors of the Academy of Arts to cultivate. Once they succeed in cultivation, their strength will be terrifying.

Facing the coercion of Fang Xiqiong and Kong Shang, even Luo Yuxiang did not dare to do anything wrong.

"He is causing trouble in my Luo family. As a disciple of the Luo family, of course I have to take care of it." Luo Yuxiang's face gradually calmed down, and he said in a cold voice, "Why are the deans of the civil and military colleges here?"

"What do you think?" Kong Shang said with a smile, "Jiang Xiaobai and the Zhou family's grievances, you and I are very clear, this time the Luo family shielded Zhou Lixing, we naturally have to make decisions for our students, are you right? ?”

"Cover up?" Luo Yuxiang denied it flatly, "How can I cover up? Zhou Lixing came to my house as a guest. Is it possible that my Luo family will kick him out?"

"My Luo family, as a century-old family, can't do such a thing at all!"

"Hehe!" Fang Xiqiong sneered, "It seems that your Luo family is deliberately mixing in. Don't forget, Jiang Xiaobai and you also have an agreement."

"So what?" Luo Yuxiang responded, "It's just him? Unless you are promoted to a master, you can fight me."

Luo Yuxiang didn't take Jiang Xiaobai seriously. In his opinion, Jiang Xiaobai was just an ordinary warrior, and it was impossible for him to be promoted to the Grandmaster realm in a short period of time.

The reason why he was angry was because of the trouble Jiang Xiaobai had brought to him all the time and he couldn't get rid of it, not because he was afraid of Jiang Xiaobai.

Although there is only one realm difference between a ninth-rank martial artist and a grandmaster, it is no less than a natural chasm, which is difficult to cross.

As a master, he has already transcended the category of warriors, and transcended the category of ordinary human beings.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Grandmaster, even rank nine martial artists are like ants.

"Hmph!" Jiang Xiaobai stared at Luo Yuxiang and snorted coldly. "You have only practiced for a few years longer than me. If we practice together, you will now be designated to be rubbed on the ground by me!"


Jiang Xiaobai's words cheered up all the warriors around, and they all looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

Even Fang Xiqiong and Kong Shang looked at it in puzzlement, this guy really dared to say anything.

When they looked at Jiang Xiaobai, they found that Jiang Xiaobai had a calm face.

"You are so arrogant!" Luo Yuxiang scolded angrily, "You come from a humble background, what qualifications do you have to compare with me?"

"I'm too lazy to compare with you." Jiang Xiaobai said without giving in, "Let Zhou Lixing come out."

"You're dreaming!" Naturally, Luo Yuxiang couldn't agree to Jiang Xiaobai.

If Zhou Lixing is handed over, everything he has done will be wiped out.

After the test just now, Luo Yuxiang could clearly know that Jiang Xiaobai's strength was not comparable to that of Zhou Lixing.

Jiang Xiaobai was only good at the eighth rank, and Luo Yuxiang felt a mysterious aura from the opponent.

Even as a master, he couldn't detect that breath clearly.

"Unless you can defeat me, I will release Zhou Lixing willingly." Luo Yuxiang stared at Jiang Xiaobai and said.

"You really are shameless!" Jiang Xiaobai cursed.

For a martial artist like Luo Yuxiang who is not ashamed of his cultivation, this is the only one with no other branches.

"You..." After Luo Yuxiang heard about it, he immediately wanted to fight Jiang Xiaobai, but found Fang Xiqiong standing in front of him.

"Want to fight? Our grandmaster vs. grandmaster, why are you bullying a junior?" Fang Xiqiong's face was indifferent.

Now he is obviously full of disgust towards Luo Yuxiang.

As a grand master, he dealt with Jiang Xiaobai again and again.

If a martial artist of the same level wants to deal with Jiang Xiaobai, he will definitely not stop him.

Because in that case, Jiang Xiaobai's defeat is a defeat. If a grand master wants to deal with Jiang Xiaobai, Fang Xiqiong will never agree to this.

"This is the Luo family, not your Qilu Wuda!" Just when Luo Yuxiang was helpless, an old man strode out. "Fang Xiqiong, what are you doing with the students from Wuhan University at my Luo's house?"

"Luo Jiaying?" Fang Xiqiong frowned when he saw the person coming.

Luo Jiaying is the core executive of the Budo Academy, and one of the key fighters of the Luo family in the Budo Academy.

But now, Luo Jiaying is not the only one, there are three more masters beside him.

At this moment, five grandmasters of the Luo family have appeared.

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