Dominate the world

Chapter 336 Surrender Zhou Lixing

Du Pingyuan is the head of the Martial Arts Academy sent from the Huaguo Martial Arts Academy to Qilu Province. He is not a martial artist from Qilu Province, but a powerful master from other provinces, without any faction.

Even in the entire Qilu Province, Du Pingyuan has always been active only in the Martial Arts Academy. The Luo family also tried to win over Du Pingyuan, but they were all rejected.

Later, the Luo family did not go to deal with Du Pingyuan, but suppressed him in all aspects.

Therefore, when the masters of the Luo family, especially Luo Xiyan, frowned when they saw Du Pingyuan coming here.

Ever since Du Pingyuan appeared, Luo Xiyan knew that today's matter might not be solved simply.

Du Pingyuan is different from Fang Xiqiong. Fang Xiqiong is just the dean of the Qiluwu University of Martial Arts, while Du Ping is in principle the dean of the Provincial Martial Arts Academy.

The king-level powerhouse of Qilu Province!

Luo Xiyan had to pay attention to this dual identity.

If they dared to openly challenge Du Pingyuan, it would be tantamount to fighting against Huaguo.

Although their Luo family is prosperous, compared with the entire Hua Kingdom, they are like ants.

"Dean Du!"

The master of the Luo family bowed his head in greeting.

A strong master is indeed awe-inspiring, and a king-level master is an existence that even a master looks up to.

"Your Luo family is so majestic." Du Pingyuan ignored the master of the Luo family, but looked directly at Luo Xiyan, and shouted in a questioning tone.

"My Luo family is a century-old family, and instead of showing face, Jiang Xiaobai humiliated me wantonly. As the elder of the Luo family, I naturally want to seek justice." Luo Xiyan said neither humble nor overbearing. "If we don't resist, where is the dignity of the family?"

"At the beginning of the upheaval, Huaguo's family tried their best to repel the monsters and keep a large area of ​​Huaguo's territory, but now because of a warrior, my family is in dire straits?"

These words were sonorous and powerful, as if Jiang Xiaobai had become a sinner through the ages, a warrior who trampled on the dignity of the aristocratic family.

After Fang Xiqiong heard this, he was furious. If Kong Shang hadn't stopped him, he would have gone to the other party to argue.

What does Jiang Xiaobai mean by disregarding the dignity of his family?

Who is the cause of this war?

If it wasn't for the Luo family's persecution, why bother?

Du Pingyuan looked at Luo Xiyan indifferently. After the other party finished speaking, he asked softly: "The killer from the dark net dealt with Jiang Xiaobai, how do you explain it?"

Dark net killer against Jiang Xiaobai?

Luo Yuxiang frowned slightly after hearing this, and a wave of panic quickly spread.

"Could it be that the matter was exposed? Impossible! How could the dark web betray the employer's news."

Luo Xiyan responded without hesitation: "What does this have to do with my Luo family? Could it be that my Luo family sent someone to deal with Jiang Xiaobai?"

"Dean Du, don't even think about it. What qualifications does Jiang Xiaobai have to deserve my Luo family's shot?"

"Really?" Du Pingyuan stared at Luo Xiyan, then looked at Luo Yuxiang instantly.

Luo Yuxiang, who was being watched by Du Pingyuan, felt his heart move and couldn't help trembling, but his face remained calm.

"Is Dean Du suspicious of me?" Luo Yuxiang asked calmly.

"It's not suspicion, I'm here to ask you to give me an explanation." Du Pingyuan asked in an undeniable tone.

"What explanation? I don't understand." Luo Yuxiang denied it.

If he admits it at this time, it will be a huge blow not only to him, but also to their family.

The aristocratic family actually wants to deal with an ordinary warrior. If it gets out, the Luo family may become the laughing stock of other aristocratic families.

"You really don't cry when you see the coffin." Du Pingyuan waved his hand, and a series of data and images appeared in front of them.

Luo Yuxiang looked at everything in front of him, his face turned livid.

"These data come from your Luo family!" Du Pingyuan said, "There are also these video pictures, you should understand the pictures above!"

"No, someone is framing me!" Luo Yuxiang waved his hands frantically, denying.

Seeing this, Luo Xiyan immediately understood.

When Jiang Xiaobai dealt with the Luo family, it can basically be concluded that Luo Yuxiang took the lead.

Otherwise, as Jiang Xiaobai, a small martial artist, how dare he come to the Luo family to make a fuss?

But Luo Xiyan knew that it did not mean punishing Luo Yuxiang. After all, Luo Yuxiang was the master of the Luo family, and if he wanted to punish him, he would only punish him within the family. In front of outsiders, Luo Xiyan would put the Luo family first.

"These are just your one-sided claims, and we will definitely verify them." Luo Xiyan said seriously, "If it is true as you said, my Luo family will naturally punish me severely, but if someone wants to use this to deal with my Luo family, I will also No mercy."

After all, Luo Xiyan looked at Jiang Xiaobai with sharp eyes, and gave him a hard look as a sign of punishment.

But Jiang Xiaobai didn't notice all of this, and he was still immersed in the battle between the two masters just now.

Jiang Xiaobai benefited a lot from seeing the battle between the two masters just now, especially seeing the fighting skills of both sides, it made Jiang Xiaobai suddenly enlightened.

He was in the midst of comprehension, and he didn't notice Luo Xiyan's eyes at all.

"Well, you can go and verify this matter, but today's matter must be settled." Fang Xiqiong stepped forward and said, "The master of the Luo family came to suppress my warriors from Qilu Wuda, can you give me an explanation?"

Fang Xiqiong's well-timed make-up was beyond everyone's expectations.

"An explanation?" Luo Xiyan looked at Luo Yuxiang again.

Luo Yuxiang stepped forward bravely, looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said, "This matter happened because of Zhou Lixing, I will hand him over, as for how to solve it, it depends on your wishes."

At this time, it is meaningless to establish a line in Baozhou, and it will bring unnecessary trouble to the Luo family.

Both the Wang family and the Liu family have been swept away by Jiang Xiaobai, leaving only the Zhou family alone. The three major families in Los Angeles have already existed in name only.

After finishing speaking, Luo Yuxiang walked directly into Luo's house.

Zhou Lixing followed behind Luo Yuxiang, completely devastated, without the demeanor of being the head of a family.

Ever since Jiang Xiaobai came here, he already knew about it, including some things that happened later, and Zhou Lixing had noticed it all. He thought he was fine.

Unexpectedly, things turned around, and he was handed over in the end.

At first, Zhou Lixing also thought about resisting, but he gave up this idea in the blink of an eye when he thought that this was in Luo's house.

There are many masters here, and it is impossible to escape.

He had no choice but to follow Luo Yuxiang out.

When Zhou Lixing appeared in front of everyone, everyone stared at him with wide eyes.

Zhou Lixing at this moment is completely different from before.

In the past, as the head of the Zhou family, Zhou Lixing was full of vigor, but now it's the complete opposite.

"Patriarch Zhou, don't come here without any problems!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the slumped Jiang Xiaobai and asked with a smile.

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