Dominate the world

Chapter 337 The Luo Family's Conspiracy

"Hehe!" Zhou Lixing raised his head, looked at the young man in front of him, and there was a gleam of coldness in his eyes.

It is precisely because of this kid that he has changed from the aloof Patriarch of the Zhou family to the downcast appearance he is now.

"Jiang Xiaobai, I didn't expect you to grow up so fast!" Zhou Lixing gritted his teeth.

If it is about hatred for Jiang Xiaobai, Zhou Lixing should be the first.

Without Jiang Xiaobai, he would not have lost his arm, let alone the Zhou family.

He never thought that the foundation of nearly a hundred years would be destroyed in his own hands, let alone that it was done by a young man.

"There are so many things you didn't expect." Jiang Xiaobai took out the gun and came to Zhou Lixing, "Are you going to follow the process or do it directly?"

After Zhou Lixing heard about it, his face turned red.

What Jiang Xiaobai said clearly meant that he didn't take himself seriously.

Thinking of this, Zhou Lixing couldn't help clenching the long sword in his hand, and suddenly a sharp breath came out from his body, and soon spread around him.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you are too arrogant. People like this usually don't live long." Zhou Lixing responded coldly.

Then, he drew out his long sword, leaned forward, and attacked Jiang Xiaobai.

Zhou Lixing, who was a rank nine warrior, was the first to attack, which surprised the surrounding warriors.

In the eyes of everyone, Jiang Xiaobai is just an eighth-rank warrior, while Zhou Lixing has been promoted to ninth-rank warrior for many years.

Who is strong and who is weak can naturally be seen at a glance.

But now it is indeed discovered that Zhou Lixing seems to be more guilty than Jiang Xiaobai.

"Zhou, how did Patriarch Zhou launch the attack first?"

"Patriarch Zhou is a rank nine martial artist, so he must be afraid!"

"Afraid? How is it possible! Ninth-rank warriors will be afraid of eighth-rank warriors. Do you know what a ninth-rank warrior is?"

"Yes, a ninth-rank warrior is a strong man who has opened up a sea of ​​​​qi. It can be said that he is the closest to a master. How could he be afraid of a small eighth-rank warrior."

When the warriors around saw Zhou Lixing's move, they all started talking.

Ninth-rank warriors, in the eyes of everyone, are superior existences, and they are crushed against eighth-rank warriors, but now they are rushing to attack first, which makes all warriors confused.

Looking at Zhou Lixing who was attacking fiercely, Jiang Xiaobai knew the reason very well in his heart.

After all, Zhou Lixing's heart was filled with awe after defeating Wang Yuan and Liu Tiangang one after another. Now facing him, of course there will be pressure.

Seeing Zhou Lixing attacking, Jiang Xiaobai didn't hesitate at all, and swung out the spear in his hand again and again.


The long swords in the hands of Cihong and Zhou Lixing collided, and a green light suddenly bloomed from the long swords.

The powerful aura was rampant and directly scattered Jiang Xiaobai.

"This..." After Jiang Xiaobai felt the strong breath, his whole face changed.

The strength of this breath has exceeded his imagination.

"No, it's not his own breath, but the soldier in his hand!" Jiang Xiaobai was thinking while stepping back.

Jiang Xiaobai is already very familiar with the power of a ninth-rank warrior, and what Zhou Lixing showed just now is not just his own strength, but also the advantage of weapons.

That long sword should be a master-level soldier!

Soon, Jiang Xiaobai came back to his senses and stared at the weapon in Zhou Lixing's hand.

"Grandmaster-level soldier?"

Not only Jiang Xiaobai, Fang Xiqiong and Kong Shang also saw the rank of soldiers in Zhou Lixing's hands.

Unexpectedly, a ninth-rank warrior, the Patriarch of the Zhou family, would have master-level warriors!

Whether it is Wang Yuan or Liu Tiangang, there are no master-level fighters.

Unless they are promoted to the master level, they can upgrade their natal soldiers to the master level.

But why is Zhou Lixing better than them?

Luo Yuxiang stood aside with a sneer, quietly watching everything in front of him.

"Did it come from the Luo family?" Jiang Xiaobai immediately made a judgment when he spotted Luo Yuxiang from the corner of his eye.

If he can't have a master-level warrior himself, there is only one reason.

The soldier in his hand is from the Luo family!

"Jiang Xiaobai, you didn't expect that!" Zhou Lixing immediately attacked again after seeing that the attack worked.

With a master-level soldier in his hand, he does have some confidence in his heart.

During the battle, Zhou Lixing was not as decadent as he had shown before, but instead was full of energy.

This also shows that Zhou Lixing has been pretending all along.

He deliberately showed weakness to Jiang Xiaobai in order to kill Jiang Xiaobai with one blow.


Soon, Zhou Lixing's attack appeared before Jiang Xiaobai's eyes again.

The long sword fell directly on Daojiang Xiaobai's body with a stream of light, and the sword energy drooped down, as if to annihilate him.

"It's over!" The power in Zhou Lixing's body was running wildly, and the power was released with the swing of the long sword.


The sword energy hovered above Jiang Xiaobai's head like a storm.

"Hmph!" Jiang Xiaobai snorted coldly, stamped his right foot on the ground, and poured out all his strength.

At the same time, the Thorn Star appeared on his left hand, and the purple power criss-crossed.

call out!

Jiang Xiaobai raised his hands, and Thorn Star and Thorn Hong flew out immediately, and slammed straight at Zhou Lixing's long sword.


With a loud noise, Thorn Star and Thorn Hong rushed towards the long sword and collided fiercely.

The powerful aura scattered wantonly, and every force that fell on the ground would create deep pits.

"Old Fang, your disciple is interesting!" Kong Shang stared at Jiang Xiaobai with a flash of light in his eyes.

This was the first time he saw Jiang Xiaobai's battle. He had only heard about his deeds before, but hearing about it and actually seeing it were two different concepts.

A young martial artist has actually possessed the strength of the peak of the eighth rank.

How long has it been since he entered the eighth-rank realm?

"Yeah!" Fang Xiqiong nodded calmly. In fact, he was more shocked than anyone else.

I have never seen any martial artist who can fight against a ninth-rank warrior when he is at the eighth rank.

Jiang Xiaobai not only managed to fight against ninth-rank warriors, but also beheaded two people.

Oh no, if you count the young man on the back mountain, there should be three of them!

The three ninth-rank warriors were all defeated or beheaded by Jiang Xiaobai.

At this time, Fang Xiqiong finally understood what kind of monster appeared in Qilu Wuda at this moment.

In fact, Fang Xiqiong was ecstatic at this moment.

For a hundred years, although Qilu Wuda University has been called a first-class university, it has never had any good dancers.

Qiluwu University is admired by others, but it is because of the talents that have emerged in an endless stream since the establishment of the school, which makes everyone admire and amazed by it.

But in recent decades, the status of Qilu Wuda has plummeted, and it has become nothing more than a superficiality.

Until the appearance of Qin Feng, Fang Xiqiong saw the dawn, but it was only a flash in the pan. In the end, Qin Feng passed away, which made people feel sorry.

Now, Jiang Xiaobai was born out of nowhere and once again amazed everyone.

"He is the foundation of my Qiluwu University's inheritance!" Fang Xiqiong looked at Jiang Xiaobai and clenched his fists tightly.

At this moment, the battle between Jiang Xiaobai and Zhou Lixing was once again in a stalemate. If Jiang Xiaobai hadn't digested the surprise of the master's battle just now, he might not be able to attack Zhou Lixing at all.

Compared with Zhou Lixing, Jiang Xiaobai has the advantage created by the Tai Chi Disc, while the other party relies on the high grade to hold on.

Boom boom boom!

The two confronted each other several times, and Zhou Lixing's movements also slowed down.

Although the master-level warriors are powerful, Zhou Lixing's strength has indeed improved, but Jiang Xiaobai actually has two warriors.

This is beyond his reach.

He thought that he could rely on the master-level soldiers to win, but now it seems that this wishful thinking may be in vain.

"This trash, you can't even kill him with a master-level soldier!" Luo Yuxiang complained softly.

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