Dominate the world

Chapter 338 Gathering Momentum

Relying on the power of Jinghongyoulong and Jiuyu Leidao, Jiang Xiaobai keeps dealing with each other.

Although Zhou Lixing is a ninth-rank martial artist, his internal strength is limited, and he cannot compare with Jiang Xiaobai at all.

As time passed, Jiang Xiaobai became more and more courageous in his battles, while Zhou Lixing showed signs of decline.


With the stab in his hand, Jiang Xiaobai stabbed forward suddenly when he found the right moment.

At this time, it happened to be Zhou Lixing's time to attack. He never thought that Jiang Xiaobai would attack directly.

When he wanted to resist, Zhou Lixing realized that it was too late. In desperation, he had no choice but to avoid his vital parts.


The stabbed pierced directly into his abdomen, followed by a burst of blood rushing out.

Zhou Lixing is injured!

Seeing that Zhou Lixing was injured, the surrounding warriors exclaimed again.

"What's going on? Patriarch Zhou was injured?"

"A ninth-rank warrior was injured by an eighth-rank warrior? This is incredible!"

"Are you stupid, can Jiang Xiaobai be regarded as an ordinary eighth-rank warrior? I'm starting to be careful about that news."

"What news? You mean Jiang Xiaobai beheaded Wang Yuan and Liu Tiangang?"

"Yeah! It might be true!"

The warriors around whispered. The news that Jiang Xiaobai had killed two Patriarchs in a row had spread wildly on the Internet. At first, there were a lot of doubts, and some people even mocked Jiang Xiaobai for wanting to be famous and crazy.

All this is just to hype himself and make himself the idol of young people.

But now, after they saw Jiang Xiaobai's strength with their own eyes, everyone knew Jiang Xiaobai again.

This boy is not a simple eighth-rank martial artist!

"This kid?" Luo Xiyan didn't pay attention to the battle between Jiang Xiaobai and Zhou Lixing at first, but when Zhou Lixing was injured, Luo Xiyan's eyes lit up.

How could an eighth-rank warrior be able to hurt a ninth-rank warrior?

This is kind of interesting.

Luo Xiyan didn't care about Zhou Lixing's life or death. After all, the Zhou family had no real interest relationship with their Luo family, they were at most a vassal.

Without the Zhou family, there will be other families rising, which will not affect the status of the Luo family.

However, Luo Yuxiang's face was extremely ugly, and he secretly cursed Zhou Lixing as a waste in his heart.

"I didn't expect that you would become an enemy of Jiang Xiaobai for such a waste?" Luo Xiyan said softly.

"Third Elder, I don't want to either. If I choose again, I will definitely kill Jiang Xiaobai immediately." Luo Yuxiang said indignantly.

"Why?" Luo Xiyan turned around, looked at Luo Yuxiang and said.

Luo Yuxiang hesitated to speak, but when he saw Luo Xiyan's sharp eyes, he said bravely, "The last Taishan Token is on him."


Luo Xiyan was shocked when he heard the words, and stared at Luo Yuxiang.

"What did you say? The last Taishan Token is on him?" Luo Xiyan's voice couldn't help but increase a bit.

Tarzan Order!

This is Taishan Order!

Taishan Token that can enter the secret realm of Mount Tai!

Ninth-rank warriors enter the secret realm of Mount Tai, and [-]% of them hope to be promoted to the realm of grand masters. This is an extremely powerful temptation for anyone.

Even if the Luo family is a century-old family, there are several grandmasters, but who would think that there are too many master-level powerhouses?

Especially the secret realm of Mount Tai, which is only opened once in a few years, and every warrior who enters the secret realm of Mount Tai and becomes a master is somewhat stronger than ordinary warriors.

For example, Fang Xiqiong in front of him was the master who achieved through the secret realm of Mount Tai back then. Even ordinary masters would not be his opponent.

The master of the secret realm, invincible at the same level!

This is already an open secret.

Therefore, after Luo Xiyan heard it, he was not calm at all.

The Luo family now has many young talents, all stuck in the realm of ninth-rank warriors, unable to save a single cent, and the Luo family paid a painful price for getting a Taishan Order.

Today, Luo Yuxiang told himself that the young man in front of him has the order of Mount Tai.

How could this not excite him?

"Are you sure?" Rossi Yan asked again for confirmation.

"Of course!" Luo Yuxiang nodded, "If not, why would I deal with Jiang Xiaobai? It is to give the order of Taishan to the family, so that my descendants of Luo Yuxiang will become direct disciples."

"Yuxiang!" Luo Xiyan patted Luo Yuxiang on the shoulder. "I know what you're thinking. The Patriarch treats you all equally. I will tell the Patriarch if your heir becomes a direct disciple."

"Thank you, Third Elder!" Luo Yuxiang thanked him with a bow, "I will definitely do whatever it takes to get the Order of Mount Tai, so that we can have one more master in the Luo family."

"Grandmaster is so precious to my Luo family. It's time for our Luo family's young talents to experience it." Luo Xiyan glanced at Jiang Xiaobai who was fighting Zhou Lixing, "Jiang Xiaobai wants to gain momentum and break through. , that's why I chose the three masters to fight, and now, let him be the stepping stone of our Luo family's pride!"

When Luo Xiyan and Luo Yuxiang were talking, the battle between Jiang Xiaobai and Zhou Lixing had come to an end.

Thorn Hong and Thorn Star were standing next to Zhou Lixing, ready to go, while Jiang Xiaobai began to confront Zhou Lixing head-on.

Boom boom boom!

Jiang Xiaobai threw a few punches from his body, and each punch hit the long sword in Zhou Lixing's hand.

The blade of the long sword hummed, and he himself retreated rapidly under Jiang Xiaobai's bombardment.


Facing Jiang Xiaobai's violent bombardment, Zhou Lixing suddenly felt a sweetness in his throat, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

In an instant, Thorn Star suddenly attacked.

After the sound of thunder, Stabbing Star turned sharply upwards, and then blasted towards Zhou Lixing like a shooting star.

And Zhou Lixing swung his sword to resist, in his opinion, the power of stabbing star and stabbing hong was about the same, and there would be no great danger at all.

But not long after he swung the long sword, Zhou Lixing's expression changed drastically.

A sharp and violent breath surrounded the long sword, and quickly spread towards him.

"Ah? No!" Zhou Lixing screamed. He saw with his own eyes that the purple force swallowed his arm.

The power contained in the stabbing star is the power of thunder, which is similar to the explosive strike of a ninth-rank warrior, but now it is tempered by the Tai Chi disc, the power of the stabbing star is purer and more terrifying .

The explosion at this time undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Zhou Lixing, and the huge force instantly annihilated him.

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Lixing's body was completely enveloped by the stabbing thunderbolt, and turned into ashes in an instant.

"Well, what's going on here?"

"How could this be? Where's Patriarch Zhou? Where's the person?"

"What? How could it be like this?"

"Jiang Xiaobai, when did you become so scary!"

The warriors around looked at each other, what's more, their eyes widened, their faces full of disbelief.

A rank nine martial artist was beheaded by Jiang Xiaobai?

How is this going?

How could such a thing happen!

Isn't the ninth-rank realm crushing the eighth-rank realm?

Now it was Jiang Xiaobai who forcibly overthrew Zhou Lixing.

This kind of record is completely unimaginable to them.

The faces of the Luo family warriors were extremely gloomy, Zhou Lixing was someone they wanted to protect, and now he was killed right under their noses.

This is tantamount to slapping them hard in the face.

After beheading Zhou Lixing, Jiang Xiaobai slowly stepped forward and picked up the long sword from the ground.

"Stop!" Luo Yuxiang scolded Jiang Xiaobai immediately when he saw Jiang Xiaobai picking up the long sword.

"Why?" Jiang Xiaobai picked up the long sword, put it away, looked at Luo Yuxiang, and asked indifferently. "I take my booty, what does it have to do with you?"

"You..." Luo Yuxiang was speechless for a moment.

This long sword was indeed lent by Luo Yuxiang to Zhou Lixing for the purpose of beheading Jiang Xiaobai.

But unexpectedly, Zhou Lixing was defeated.

Even the master-level soldiers are lost!

He could only watch helplessly as Jiang Xiaobai took the long sword away, but there was nothing he could do.

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