Dominate the world

Chapter 342 Unlimited Resources

In the next few days, Jiang Xiaobai has been cultivating in the secret room, striving to be promoted to the realm of ninth-rank warrior when the secret realm of Mount Tai is opened.

Of course, this is not Jiang Xiaobai's wish, but the vision of Fang Xiqiong, Kong Shang and others. They hope that Jiang Xiaobai can be directly promoted to the realm of master.

If there is such a master in Qilu Wuda, it will be obvious to the status improvement of Qilu Wuda as a whole.

With Jiang Xiaobai, Qilu Wuda can join the ranks of the first-class Wuda University in Huaguo, instead of relying on the previous prestige, but gaining real recognition.

For a long time, although Qilu Martial Arts University has been a key martial arts university in Huaguo, its own strength is not enough to allow them to have the combat power of a first-class martial arts university.

It will be different for Jiang Xiaobai to be promoted to Grandmaster, which is a great honor for Qilu Wuda.

When Zhao Chong and Zhang Chulan heard the news about Jiang Xiaobai's retreat, they went back to the School of Instruments and the School of Arts, working hard to improve their strength.

Especially Zhao Chong, because of his limited talent, had to transfer to the Academy of Weaponry.

Since entering the Academy of Equipment, Zhao Chong's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, and recently he was able to refine silver-level warriors.

A freshman refining a silver-ranked warrior is already an impressive achievement.

But Zhao Chong was not complacent, and immediately immersed his mind on the gold-ranked soldiers.

What Zhao Chong wants to do is to be on par with Jiang Xiaobai, not just to refine silver-level warriors, or gold-level warriors, but his goal is to master master-level warriors, or even higher.

From the beginning, Zhao Chong and Jiang Xiaobai were on the same starting line, and he didn't want to be pulled further and further away by Jiang Xiaobai.

Zhang Chulan held back even more energy, and was about to surpass Jiang Xiaobai.

For this reason, Kong Shang had no choice but to leave Qilu Wuda with Zhang Chulan. Even Fang Xiqiong didn't know where he went.

Kong Shang only left one sentence, and when Zhang Chulan came back again, he would definitely become a ninth-rank warrior.

Fang Xiqiong blushed when she heard the news.

He has been the president of the martial arts academy for decades, and the martial arts academy of Qilu Wuda is like a pool of stagnant water, lifeless, even if there is a talent like Qin Feng, there is only one.

Since Jiang Xiaobai entered school, the mood of the entire Qilu University has changed suddenly.

The strong rise of Jiang Xiaobai made everyone wake up, the most obvious one being the Martial Arts Club.

Zhong Liang of the Martial Arts Club is already at the pinnacle of the sixth rank, which is even stronger than Qin Feng before.

Fighters like Qian Buyi and Zheng Kai have already reached the threshold of the sixth rank.

And Yang Chengbin, Wu Sheng and other freshmen are already warriors at the peak of the third rank.

It was unimaginable for a freshman to reach the peak of the third grade before Qilu Wuda University. The only one who could do it was Liu Douer back then.

In addition, it is already a remarkable thing for a freshman to be able to cultivate to a second-rank martial artist.

Now, the first-year students of Qilu Wuda University are basically the second-rank warriors.

The place where few people go to practice on weekdays is already overcrowded, and most of them are occupied by warriors from Qilu Wuda.

"I didn't expect that when I was here, I could still see such a prosperous side of Qilu Wuda." Fang Xiqiong sighed.

In the past, he had used many methods to make the warriors of Qilu Martial Arts University advance, but with little success.

Now with the power of Jiang Xiaobai's example, all warriors had to speed up their pace.

For this, Fang Xiqiong is very happy to see.

Although Jiang Xiaobai was practicing in the secret room, Fang Xiqiong did not forget his concern for Jiang Xiaobai, whether it was the elixir or other medicines used in the practice, he provided everything.

At the beginning, Fang Xiqiong still called the shots, and Qilu Wuda reimbursed all Jiang Xiaobai's training expenses.

But a week later, when the person in charge of Wuda Mall came to Fang Xiqiong to fill out the reimbursement form, Fang Xiqiong was stunned.

"What? How much did this guy use?" Fang Xiqiong looked at the number of pills on it, and was shocked, "What does this mean? Three hundred pills were used for the Peiyuan pill? Five hundred pills were used for the solid pill..."

"Is he taking drugs? How could he use so much?"

Jiang Xiaobai's consumption for a week is already equivalent to the consumption of the entire Qilu Wuda University for a week.

Tens of thousands of people in Qilu Wuda consume so much pills in a week, but Jiang Xiaobai used up all of them in just one week.

What kind of freak is this guy?

"Dean, I am also surprised." The person in charge of Wuda Mall showed a look of embarrassment.

When he saw the elixir consumed for the first time, his reaction was greater than Fang Xiqiong's.

As the person in charge of Wuda Mall, all the pills in the mall are his life. If it weren't for Fang Xiqiong's special approval, he would have gone to Jiang Xiaobai to fight for his life.

"That's all!" Fang Xiqiong waved his hands helplessly, "Let's reimburse him for these first!"

"Dean, but we don't have a lot of surplus food!" The person in charge of Wuhan University Mall said awkwardly, "Besides, the resources allocated across the country will be readjusted this time. Fewer and fewer."

"Now our elixir is in a hurry. If we continue to use it like this, what will happen to the new students next year?"

Fang Xiqiong was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then slowly said: "Jiang Xiaobai must be given what is due. As for the new students, if there is no pill, let them go out to practice. I think that when the drastic change just started, how can there be so much?" Too many pills to supply? But haven’t human beings produced many masters, king-level masters, and even emperor-level powerhouses?”

"Before the new students start school, I will definitely go to the Martial Arts Academy in Huaguo to redistribute resources. Qilu Martial Arts University has a talent like Jiang Xiaobai, and those people in the Martial Arts Academy have to show some face."

In the past, Fang Xiqiong couldn't save face. The Martial Arts Academy asked for resources because they didn't have a strong talent, which made him lack confidence.

But now it is different. With Jiang Xiaobai as a typical example, who would say that Qilu Wuda wasted resources?

"Okay!" The person in charge of Wuda Mall gritted his teeth, "I will definitely not stop Jiang Xiaobai. As for the new students, I am trying to find a way to adjust it!"

The person in charge of Martial Arts Mall also agrees with Jiang Xiaobai very much, and he has no complaints when the resources are diverted to Jiang Xiaobai.

"Well, that's fine." Fang Xiqiong nodded, "It's just hard for you!"

"Dean Fang, you're just kidding, my old Xiao is also from Qilu Wuda!" The person in charge of Wuda Mall said with a smile.

"Don't be too embarrassing, clear Jiang Xiaobai's credits to zero!" Fang Xiqiong said with a smile, "Then give him a negative amount of points, and he should be owed to Qilu University."

"This..." Lao Xiao looked at Fang Xiqiong in confusion.

Jiang Xiaobai has tens of thousands of credits, so I'm afraid the other party won't be able to accept it!

"Do as I say, let him come to me if there is any problem." The smile on Fang Xiqiong's face grew stronger.

He could imagine the wonderful expression on Jiang Xiaobai's face after seeing his credits cleared.

The reason why Fang Xiqiong did this was to reduce the pressure on the mall.

After all, what Lao Xiao said was right. If the freshmen were to enter school, the pressure on Wuhan University Mall would increase.

It is now May, and the college entrance examination in June will come soon, and then two months later, there will be a batch of new students enrolled.

There is not much time left for them to prepare.

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