Dominate the world

Chapter 343 Rank 8 Peak, Tempering Soldiers

When Jiang Xiaobai was cultivating, the Luo family was not idle, but was constantly looking for Jiang Xiaobai's trace. When they learned that Jiang Xiaobai was concentrating on cultivating, they began to plan everything.

During the past two weeks, the entire city of Los Angeles was full of uproar, and Jiang Xiaobai's deeds were spread all over the streets and alleys.

At this time, a thin figure was walking on the road, looking at the posters about Jiang Xiaobai around him, and listening to the people around him talking about Jiang Xiaobai, the corner of his mouth could not help but smile.

"This kid, I didn't expect it to be successful."

Soon, the thin figure disappeared into the crowd.


Jiang Xiaobai in the secret room is surrounded by Taos of vitality, hovering around him like a dragon.

Jiang Xiaobai opened his mouth and swallowed, and the strong vitality completely entered his body.

The vitality entered the body, and the Nine Hell Thunder Knife immediately started to work. After quenching the vitality, it fell into the dantian.

As soon as the tempered vitality fell into the dantian, the Taiyue Heart Sutra circulated and flowed into Jiang Xiaobai's limbs and bones.

Week after week, day after day.

Jiang Xiaobai has been practicing this kind of training for more than two weeks, and the strength in Jiang Xiaobai's body has accumulated to a terrifying level.

Every inch of skin and every cell of the body contains majestic power.

With every gesture, Jiang Xiaobai has great power.


When the Nine Prison Thunder Knife was operating to the extreme, Jiang Xiaobai's body surface made a sizzling sound, and thunderbolts were faintly visible.


The power in Jiang Xiaobai's body suddenly gathered, and powerful and fierce forces circulated in the meridians, rushed down rapidly, and rushed towards the dantian.


The huge force quickly bombarded the dantian, and Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help trembling.

However, Dantian only let out a muffled snort, and then became quiet, just like just now.

"Failed again?" Jiang Xiaobai opened his eyes, and sighed in disappointment, "Sure enough, it's only the peak of the eighth rank. It's too difficult to be promoted to the ninth rank of warriors after stabilizing at the peak of the eighth rank."

This is not the first time he has bombarded his dantian, trying to open up a sea of ​​qi, but each time ended in failure.

After self-cultivation, Jiang Xiaobai realized the arrogance of ninth-rank warriors like Liu Tiangang, and the ninth-rank realm and eighth-rank realm are completely two concepts.

If Jiang Xiaobai hadn't possessed the Tai Chi Disc and Thorn Star as his backup, it would have been impossible to kill them.

It is already a difficulty to cultivate the eighth rank to the peak of the eighth rank.

But it is an insurmountable hurdle to cultivate from the peak of the eighth rank to the ninth rank.

To enter the ninth rank, one needs to open up a sea of ​​qi, use all the power of the whole body to bombard the dantian, blast the dantian away, and create a sea of ​​qi.

The dantian is the lifeblood of a warrior. Generally, when a warrior is practicing, he will focus on cultivating the dantian.

Therefore, the dantian is very strong, and it is almost as difficult as reaching the sky to blast away the dantian and create a sea of ​​energy.

It is precisely because of this that there are much fewer ninth-rank warriors than eighth-rank warriors.

And for a martial artist like Jiang Xiaobai, who is invincible at the same level, his dantian has been tempered to perfection, like a rock, even if Jiang Xiaobai uses all his strength, he still cannot blast his dantian away.

The repeated failures made Jiang Xiaobai's stubborn character feel disheartened.

The root cause is that Jiang Xiaobai's own strength is not enough to support him to blast through his dantian and open up a sea of ​​qi.

Challenging ninth-rank warriors and facing the master directly, Jiang Xiaobai's revenge is one aspect, and the other aspect is because Jiang Xiaobai is gaining momentum.

Prepared for a blow, let him open up a sea of ​​​​qi under strong pressure.

But unexpectedly, the hardness of the dantian was far beyond his imagination.

Even if he gained momentum by beheading several ninth-rank warriors, he couldn't break through the dantian, and there wasn't even a single crack.

This is gaining momentum by challenging ninth-rank warriors!

Is it possible to let him become a master?

Thinking of Grandmaster, Jiang Xiaobai felt a sense of powerlessness all over his body, this was not something he could deal with at all.

"Forget it, I can't blast through my dantian with my own strength." Jiang Xiaobai got up and looked at the crumbs of the elixir on the ground, "How many elixirs did I waste?"

The elixir fragments on the ground were densely packed, and there was even a little dust around it.

These dusts were not real dust, but the turbid air that Jiang Xiaobai got rid of after absorbing the elixir, and the turbid air fell to the ground and turned into dust.

However, although Jiang Xiaobai didn't blow away his dantian, his physical strength has improved a lot.

If he faced Ka Liu Tiangang and the others again, Jiang Xiaobai could completely defeat them by relying on his own strength.

"In that case, then I'd better ask Brother Pan to help temper the soldiers!" Jiang Xiaobai casually took out the long sword left by Zhou Lixing, "However, is it the stabbing star? Or the stabbing Hong?"

Thorn Star is somewhat stronger than Thorn Hong, but after a few attacks, Jiang Xiaobai can clearly feel that the power in Thorn Star is constantly weakening.

Now the power of Stabbing Star has weakened a lot compared to before, and now the ninth-rank warriors on the ground may only injure the opponent, not enough to kill them.

"Assassin, after all, Assassin is my first soldier." After careful consideration, Jiang Xiaobai still chose Assassin.

After all, in comparison, Jiang Xiaobai's feelings for Cihong are deeper.It would be the best thing if it could be tempered.

Jiang Xiaobai put the long sword and stab gun on the Tai Chi disc, instilled spiritual power, and then fell into it.

Soon, streams of light burst out from the Tai Chi disc, instantly submerging the long sword and stabbed.


After a heavy explosion, the Tai Chi disk burst into colorful glare.

After the brilliance dissipated, a crimson dagger appeared on the Tai Chi disc, and beside the dagger, there was even a mass of green objects suspended in the air.

"Is there something left?" Jiang Xiaobai took Cihong down. The rank of Cihong didn't improve much, but it was a bit sharper than before.

After the stabbing was removed, the green object on the Tai Chi disc did not disappear, it was still suspended on the Tai Chi disc.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai sent the thorn star to the Tai Chi disc again.

If it is waste, it will definitely be evaporated by the Tai Chi disc, and now it is still on the Tai Chi disc, so it is still useful.

After the thorn star entered the Tai Chi disc, sure enough, the Tai Chi disc burst into light again, and the thorn star and the green object were wrapped.

After a few seconds, the haze dissipated, leaving only Thorn Star lying quietly in it.

"It seems to be different." Jiang Xiaobai held the thorn star, and felt a different breath coming from it.

As for what's different, Jiang Xiaobai doesn't have any clue now.

He just felt that Cihong and Cixing seemed to have some kind of connection.

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