Dominate the world

Chapter 344 Decisive Rejection

By the time Jiang Xiaobai walked out of the secret room, it had been less than a week since the opening of the secret realm of Mount Tai.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't go back to the dormitory or martial arts hall, but went directly to Fang Xiqiong's office.

"Dean!" Jiang Xiaobai directly opened the door and walked in. Just as he was about to speak, he saw a middle-aged man talking with Fang Xiqiong.

"Jiang Xiaobai? Why did you come in?" Fang Xiqiong frowned when he saw Jiang Xiaobai.

"Uh..." Jiang Xiaobai stopped there for a moment, at a loss.

"Is this Jiang Xiaobai?" The middle-aged man glanced at Jiang Xiaobai with interest, then stood up and stretched out his right hand, "Hello, my name is Chang Yue."

"Chang Yue?" After Jiang Xiaobai shook hands with the middle-aged man, he looked at him suspiciously.

The strength of this guy in front of him is unfathomable, even more terrifying than when he was facing Luo Xiyan.

When did Qilu Wuda have such powerful fighters?

"Yes, Chang from Changshan, Yue from the mountains." Chang Yue smiled, looking extraordinarily approachable, "The whole Luo City has been rumored about Jiang Xiaobai's extraordinary talent, and now it seems that his reputation is really well-deserved."

"The physique is strong. Although I haven't opened up a sea of ​​​​qi, I have the power of a ninth-rank warrior. If I open up a sea of ​​​​qi, I'm afraid I will have to compete with the master!"


Hearing this, Fang Xiqiong stood up suddenly, walked quickly to Jiang Xiaobai's side, and opened Chang Yue's hand.

"This is from my Qilu Wuhan University, don't even think about getting your hands on it." Fang Xiqiong said coldly.

"What about people from Qilu Wuda University?" Chang Yue smiled indifferently, "Jiang Xiaobai is a once-in-a-century genius, and this kind of genius should be honed in my dark net."

"In less than ten years, he will become the sharpest knife on the dark web! That is, the grandmaster can be destroyed with one hand."

"Hehe!" Fang Xiqiong sneered back, "Do you think Jiang Xiaobai will join you? Don't forget what you have done."

"So what?" Chang Yue said calmly, "Although my dark net killer kills people, I am also aboveboard. Anyone who wants to kill will be announced online. How can it be like a family among you who dare not show their faces when they kill people?"

Dark web killer?

When Jiang Xiaobai heard this name, his heart tightened and he was full of vigilance.

He has dealt with dark web killers a lot, and even had conflicts.

Now, he saw a killer from the dark net at Qilu Wuda University. How dare he appear in Wuda blatantly?

Isn't he afraid of being besieged?

"It seems that you still have a little impression of my dark web." Chang Yue teased, "Then do you want to join our dark web? The resources of our dark web are much stronger than Qiluwu University."

"Forget it!" Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and directly refused, "I don't have a good opinion of dark web killers."

"Goodwill is cultivated slowly. Shouldn't you be grateful to the dark net killer?" Chang Yue said in a persuasive way, "Without the training of the killer, you would not be able to grow so fast."

"This is my destiny. If it wasn't for my destiny, I would have died a long time ago." Jiang Xiaobai said indifferently, "At that time, would you still recruit me?"

"No!" Chang Yue shook his head, "We have no interest in the dead Tianjiao."

"So I won't join you." Jiang Xiaobai continued.

"Okay!" Chang Yue rubbed his temples, "But you have to get over the immediate crisis first."

"What?" Jiang Xiaobai asked suspiciously.

"I went to Luo's house a few days ago and said that I would protect you to death." Chang Yue smiled slightly, "I guess they are looking for you like crazy now."

"Chang Yue, you are too bad!" Jiang Xiaobai said angrily with his eyes turning cold.

"I just want to make it more difficult for you. The sword is sharpened!" Chang Yue said and walked outside, "Come on, young man, I am optimistic about you!"

"Fuck!" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help cursing, then looked at Fang Xiqiong, "Who is this guy? Why is he so arrogant?"

"He is Chang Yue, the person in charge of Qilu Province on the dark web." Fang Xiqiong responded.

"So what? I must step on him." Jiang Xiaobai cursed angrily. "Isn't this a scam?"

"He is already a king-level powerhouse." Fang Xiqiong said quietly.

"Uh..." Jiang Xiaobai was speechless for a moment, "We'll talk about it later."

"Why did my credits become negative?"

"Negative number?" Fang Xiqiong pretended to be surprised, "How many credits have you spent these two weeks?"

"How do I know? Isn't someone responsible?" Jiang Xiaobai replied angrily.

After he just came out of retreat, he wanted to buy something, but when he opened the Wuda Mall, he found that his credits were not only gone, but had become negative.

Negative credits, this has never happened before at Qiluwu University. Thinking that he lost tens of thousands of credits in an instant, and still owed thousands of credits, Jiang Xiaobai rushed up with anger.

"Don't worry, I'll show you the bill." Fang Xiqiong walked to the desk and took out two bills.

"These two are your consumption records. I reimbursed you for one of them, and deducted the other with your credits. It turned out that your credits were insufficient, so it became a negative number."

"You are the pride of our Qilu University, what are these credits?"

Jiang Xiaobai was dumbfounded when he took the bill and looked at it.

This, this, why so many!

Looking at the series of elixir and spiritual materials, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt a sense of collapse.

"Principal Fang, you are so dark!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Fang Xiqiong helplessly.

This guy definitely did it on purpose.

I am practicing, so how much I spend as the dean will not control it?

How can you play like this?

"Young people should have vigor, and the daughters will come back after leaving!" Fang Xiqiong recited a poem.

"At that time, I should have followed Chang Yue." Jiang Xiaobai complained.

"Hehehe!" Fang Xiqiong chuckled, "We will enter the secret realm of Mount Tai in five days. I will send a few people to protect you and escort you all the way to Mount Tai."

"What? Someone will besiege me?" Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes and asked.

"People from the Luo family will definitely besiege you. At that time, not only the Luo family, but also other warriors will do whatever they can to fight for the Mount Tai Order." Fang Xiqiong's eyes became serious, "This time there will be difficulties and obstacles ahead."

"Even if there are thousands of difficulties and dangers, I, Jiang Xiaobai, push with all my strength." Jiang Xiaobai responded loudly.

Push horizontally?

Fang Xiqiong looked at Jiang Xiaobai and couldn't help but wonder, this guy is still so confident.

"This is for you." Fang Xiqiong took out a card and handed it to Jiang Xiaobai.

"What is this?" Jiang Xiaobai took the card and saw the logo of Qilu Provincial Martial Arts Institute on it.

"This is the proof of the Provincial Martial Arts Institute. As long as it is entered into your information, you are a martial artist of the Martial Arts Academy. The master-level powerhouses dare not attack you at all." Fang Xiqiong explained, "With him, your The enemy will only be the strong under the master."

"It seems that the Martial Arts Institute is still interesting." Jiang Xiaobai happily accepted it.

On the way to Mount Tai, there will definitely be various enemies. Although Jiang Xiaobai is confident, he is not arrogant to the point of ignorance.

As long as he is not a master-level powerhouse, Jiang Xiaobai can definitely fight.

But if the grand master came in person, even Jiang Xiaobai would be unable to resist.

This time he became a martial artist of the Provincial Martial Arts Academy, so he could naturally avoid a lot of trouble.

However, he also knew in his heart, what if the Luo family went mad?

At that time, would the Luo family estimate the regulations of the Provincial Martial Arts Academy?

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