Dominate the world

Chapter 346 Departure, Taishan Secret Realm

At eight o'clock in the evening, Jiang Xiaobai just woke up from his samadhi. When he woke up, he found that he did not know when he came to the back mountain of Wuhan University.

After being immersed in that power for several hours, Jiang Xiaobai felt a qualitative change in his mental power.

The spiritual power has become more solidified, and it has already surpassed the spiritual power that Jiupin Wuwu and should have.

"It's just a few hours of distraction, but it has improved my mental power so much?" Jiang Xiaobai exclaimed in surprise.

As a martial artist, he rarely practiced spiritual power. At that time, Jiang Xiaobai also used the Tai Chi disc to improve his spiritual power, but it was extremely difficult to improve.

As it is now, it is very rare to increase mental power so much in a short period of time.

"However, the improvement of mental power does not have much effect on me." Jiang Xiaobai's mental power is released, and everything around him appears in front of his eyes. He can clearly feel any disturbance.

The only downside is that although the mental power is strong now, Jiang Xiaobai cannot use mental power to attack.

If he can use mental power to attack, it will be enough for Jiang Xiaobai not to be afraid of the master-level powerhouse.


This thought only flickered in Jiang Xiaobai's mind for a moment, and then disappeared.

Mental power is just a surprise, Jiang Xiaobai didn't worry too much about this problem, his main problem now is to enter the secret realm of Mount Tai, and improve his strength through the secret realm of Mount Tai.

After resting for a few days, Jiang Xiaobai started to head for Mount Tai.

Before leaving, Jiang Xiaobai didn't make much fanfare, but very low-key and said goodbye to the dean Lan Yingying and others, and left Qilu Wuda in the phantom.

Qilu Wuda is a few hours away from Mount Tai. Although it looks very short, in these few hours, there will be a speed of life and death.

Presumably the warriors of the Luo family, other warriors who covet the Taishan Token, and even ninth-rank warriors from the dark net will surround him on the road.

At that time, if Jiang Xiaobai wanted to successfully enter Mount Tai, he would have to go through a hard fight.

Jiang Xiaobai in the car is closing his eyes and resting his mind, adjusting his strength to the best state to face the next battle.

Half an hour later, the Phantom God had already driven out of the range of Los Angeles and came to a wilderness area.


Suddenly, a flying stone suddenly hit, and it hit the phantom god heavily.

Stone chips flew all of a sudden, the phantom god was a martial arts chariot after all, ordinary stones couldn't stop it at all.

Huan Shen continued driving for a short time, and saw a few warriors lying in the middle of the road, each of them armed with soldiers, ready to fight.

"Idiot!" Jiang Xiaobai sneered when he saw the warrior in front of him.

Ninth-rank warriors are powerful, but want to resist phantom gods?


Jiang Xiaobai sent a speed-up command directly, and Huan Shen suddenly speeded up, like a whirlwind directly hitting the warrior in front of him.

"He, is he crazy? He hit us directly with phantom god?"

"Absolutely crazy, how dare he do such a thing?"

"No, at this speed we are no match for Phantom God."

One of the ninth-rank fighters immediately realized that this phantom god is not an ordinary one. The phantom gods in normal state cannot stop them, but the phantom gods under high speed are by no means comparable to them.


Everything happened in an instant, and when they realized it, the phantom god had already come to them.

The next moment, the three of them were thrown into the air by the phantom god.

It wasn't until the phantom god left that they fell to the ground, splashing a cloud of dust.

The three ninth-rank warriors on the ground struggled to get up from the ground, and Jiang Xiaobai's phantom god had disappeared.


A mouthful of blood spat out from the mouths of the three of them, looking sluggish.

After hitting three ninth-rank warriors into the air, the speed of Huan Shen remained unabated, but Jiang Xiaobai in the car couldn't help becoming vigilant.

It's only half an hour's journey, and three ninth-rank warriors have already appeared. How many warriors will be waiting for him next?

Ten minutes later, several ninth-rank warriors appeared in Jiang Xiaobai's sight.

"Three people again?" Jiang Xiaobai stared at the warriors in sight, and his whole body became extremely calm.

Originally thought that these three people would be as brainless as the ninth-rank warriors just now, but after getting closer, Jiang Xiaobai realized that the other party was much smarter than the people just now.

Before Jiang Xiaobai approached, the three of them had already displayed their vitality. Each of them held their soldiers in their hands, and the vitality was criss-crossed, like a big net waiting for Jiang Xiaobai to enter.

"Try it!" Jiang Xiaobai gritted his teeth and shouted in a deep voice when he saw the three people waiting in full force.

The phantom god's speed increased to the extreme, like an arrow flying out of the string, it hit the three people heavily.


After the impact, the three warriors retreated quickly, drawing traces on the ground.

But Jiang Xiaobai's phantom turned over in the air, and then fell to the ground.

The three ninth-rank warriors seemed to have guessed Jiang Xiaobai's route long ago, and they were even more prepared for the phantom god, so in this duel, the three of them did not suffer a loss.

Soon, Jiang Xiaobai walked out of the phantom god, looking at the three ninth-rank warriors with a pair of cold eyes.

There must be a connection between these ninth-rank warriors, otherwise they would not have prepared so well.

All three of them were wearing combat uniforms, which were used to counteract the impact of the phantom god.

"Jiang Xiaobai, hand over the Mount Tai order."

The three ninth-rank warriors shouted in unison.

"Taishan order?" Jiang Xiaobai squinted at the three people, "You are also worthy?"

"Since you don't cooperate, don't blame me for being rude!"

The three warriors rushed over without much nonsense, each of them was entwined with vitality.

They had heard about Jiang Xiaobai's fighting power, so they decided not to give Jiang Xiaobai any chance, and tried to kill him directly in a short period of time.

Jiang Xiaobai looked extremely calm when he saw three people rushing forward.

Cihong and Cixing were held in his hands respectively, and fierce breaths emanated from him.

Bang bang bang!

When the three of them came to Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai immediately fought back.

The Taoist power generated in the body was completely transferred to Cihong and Cixing by Jiang Xiaobai, and suddenly the lavender light and the crimson light shot out like two rays of sunlight.

The four of them wrestled together, and their aura soared to the sky.

After feeling Jiang Xiaobai's strength, the three ninth-rank warriors were shocked.

They learned from the news that Jiang Xiaobai had the strength to fight a ninth-rank warrior, but he only killed him with a sneak attack.

But the current Jiang Xiaobai is different, he actually used his own combat power to fight against them.

When fighting, Jiang Xiaobai didn't show any signs of decline.

"Strange, how could he have such a strong force?"

"This is unbelievable. He is only an eighth-rank warrior, and his combat power seems to be similar to that of a ninth-rank warrior."

"Yuan Qi can't break through his defense, what the hell is this guy?"

The three ninth-rank warriors became more and more frightened, and everyone couldn't help but tremble with fear.

As rank-[-] warriors, they had killed many rank-[-] warriors and even level-[-] monsters, but none of them made them exhausted so much.

But facing Jiang Xiaobai, it made them feel difficult.

This guy is only an eighth-rank martial artist!

One of the warriors held a long stick and slammed it heavily at Jiang Xiaobai.


Jiang Xiaobai raised the thorn to resist, and the long stick hit the thorn, causing Jiang Xiaobai's feet to sink immediately, and his feet sank into the mud.

However, that martial artist was also uncomfortable, and the powerful counter-shock force directly made him fly backwards.

Fortunately, he opened up a sea of ​​qi, and his vitality was deep, so he didn't get hurt.

"Use all your strength!" The remaining two warriors rushed forward one after another, their strength once again increased by a few points compared to just now.

Through the battle just now, they found that if they didn't exert their full strength, they couldn't suppress Jiang Xiaobai at all.

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