Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's strength, the three ninth-rank warriors couldn't help but pay attention.

They are rank nine warriors, but Jiang Xiaobai is not weak.

Although the existence of being able to kill ninth-rank warriors relies on sneak attacks, it also has strong strength as a support.

Boom boom boom!

Three ninth-rank warriors swarmed up and surrounded Jiang Xiaobai directly, without giving Jiang Xiaobai any chance to breathe.

The sea of ​​qi erupted at the same time, and the vitality rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai like a dragon.

"Vitality?" Jiang Xiaobai snorted coldly.

The source of strength of a ninth-rank warrior comes from vitality, and the strength of vitality directly determines the strength of a warrior.

"It's nothing more than that in my opinion!" Jiang Xiaobai cast the seventh level of the Nine Prison Thunder Knife, and stabbed stabs Hong and stabs stars quickly.

After cultivating to the seventh stage of the Nine Prison Thunder Knife, Jiang Xiaobai's strength has improved again. Although he is already at the peak of the eighth rank, he is not weaker than the warriors of the ninth rank.

The Nine Prison Thunder Knife was fully used, and the power in the body ran through the whole body, and the stab star and stab star became more and more fierce in Jiang Xiaobai's hands.

Bang bang bang!

It is also a great test for Jiang Xiaobai to monopolize the three major ninth-rank warriors.

However, Jiang Xiaobai also made up for this shortcoming by relying on the two master-level fighters of Stabbing Star and Stabbing Hong, so that he would not fall behind when he monopolized the three ninth-rank warriors.

If it was Jiang Xiaobai who had not undergone hard training, it would undoubtedly be extremely difficult to deal with three people, but after two weeks of training, Jiang Xiaobai's strength has increased a lot.

If he fights any ninth-rank warrior alone, Jiang Xiaobai has enough strength to defeat him.

The three ninth-rank warriors became more and more frightened as they fought, Jiang Xiaobai's strength was completely beyond his imagination.

This is only the strength of the peak of the eighth rank, and it can be equal to the three of them.

This is a bit too scary!

Are today's young people so powerful?

They are ninth-rank warriors who have opened up a sea of ​​​​qi, how could they be suppressed by warriors at the peak of eighth-rank?


Jiang Xiaobai was holding the thorn in his hand, and he attacked in an instant.

One of the fighters couldn't dodge in time, and was immediately hit by the assassin.

Immediately, blood flowed down his body, soaking his clothes very quickly.

Although the opponent is wearing a combat uniform, the sharpness of a master-level soldier cannot be resisted by ordinary combat uniforms.

Seeing that a warrior was seriously injured, Jiang Xiaobai attacked again.

Utilizing the completed Jinghongyoulong movement technique, he dodged the opponent's attack, and the next moment, he came directly in front of the opponent.


There was another sound of piercing through the air, and when they found out, Cihong and Cixing had already arrived in front of their eyes.

"No!" The two warriors suddenly shouted in horror.

However, it was too late, Cihong and Cixing directly penetrated the bodies of the two people.

Bang bang bang!

After being wounded, Jiang Xiaobai moved forward again, punched forward with his whole body, and hit the opponent again.

The man quickly flew backwards, Jiang Xiaobai dashed out, and Cihong was held in his hand again.


Assassin directly hit the opponent's chest, and that ninth-rank warrior also lost his breath of life unwillingly.

A rank nine martial artist was forcefully beheaded by Jiang Xiaobai!

The remaining two warriors suddenly panicked, as if they couldn't believe it was true.

Three rank nine fighters joined forces to besiege Jiang Xiaobai, but Jiang Xiaobai killed one instead.

"How is my strength?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the two and asked with a chuckle.

"You!" The two ninth-rank warriors glared at each other.

Both of them suffered injuries of varying degrees, although they would not be fatal, but their actions would be impaired.

Especially in battle, it is impossible to display peak combat power.

"A mere ninth-rank martial artist, if you want to block my way, Jiang Xiaobai, you really don't treat me like a human being!" Jiang Xiaobai said coldly, looking at the two of them.

These words fell into the ears of the two ninth-rank warriors, making them feel ashamed.

As a ninth-rank warrior, after all, it was a great insult to them to be ridiculed by an eighth-rank warrior.

But helpless.

Jiang Xiaobai's strength was beyond their ability, even the three of them couldn't defeat Jiang Xiaobai.

The gap between an eighth-rank martial artist and a ninth-rank warrior is ineffective in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

In the eyes of other warriors, warriors who have opened up a sea of ​​qi should crush warriors who have not opened up a sea of ​​qi, but in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, this is of no use.

"Do you want to beat me?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the two people in front of him and shouted sharply, "If you don't want to beat me, I'm leaving!"

"He must be putting on airs. How can there be such a strong warrior?" One of the ninth-rank warriors whispered, "Although one of our companions was beheaded, I don't believe that he has no influence. Now is our chance."

Another martial artist pondered: "Maybe so, we can give it a go!"

"it is good!"

The two reached an agreement in an instant, and definitely started to attack Jiang Xiaobai.

He is already a ninth-rank martial artist, and it is extremely difficult for them to be promoted to the realm of a grand master, and it will take time. I don't know how long it will take to perfect the sea of ​​​​qi.

If there is no great opportunity, maybe they will never perfect Qihai in their lifetime.

Now, as long as Jiang Xiaobai is killed, he can get the Taishan Order.

With the order of Taishan, the master is just around the corner.

Once they miss it, they may have to wait a few more years, but at that time, will they still know the trail of Taishan Order?of

So, facing Jiang Xiaobai today, they had to take a gamble.

If you win, the Grandmaster Realm is at your fingertips.

If they lose, this is also their fate.

The two of them stimulated the vitality in their bodies again, and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai frantically.

This time, they didn't hold back the slightest bit, and the two of them were full of vitality, full of great power.

The two ninth-rank warriors did not have any reservations, and fully displayed their strength.

The huge vitality cooperates with the soldiers, greatly increasing their strength.

Daodao's threatening attack made Jiang Xiaobai unable to deal with it for a while.

Jinghong Youlong and Nine Prison Thunder Knife erupted in full force, and Jiang Xiaobai turned into afterimages, flickering around.

Jinghong Youlong has cultivated to a near-perfect state, and the Nine Prison Thunder Knife has also reached the seventh level, coupled with the strong support of the Taiyue Heart Sutra, Jiang Xiaobai will not fall behind in the face of two people.

Jiang Xiaobai was tired of coping with the attacks of the two, and at the same time he was secretly looking for a way to win.

These two people should be from the background of ordinary warriors, and they don't have powerful exercises to support them. The exercises they cultivated are far inferior to the Taiyue Heart Sutra that Jiang Xiaobai practiced.

"Their vitality is not very strong. I can bear it with my physical strength alone." Jiang Xiaobai thought to himself. "But their defense is very difficult."

After a few minutes, Jiang Xiaobai gradually adapted to the opponent's offensive rhythm, and the battle became much easier.

Cihong and Cixing were held in Jiang Xiaobai's hands, quietly looking for opportunities.

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