Dominate the world

Chapter 360 Li Changtian is defeated

The warrior from the Luo family is Luo Dong, the direct descendant of the Luo family. He is in his early twenties, but he is already a strong man at the peak of the ninth rank.

Luo Dong has been cultivating in his family all along, and has never entered Wuhan University. Even so, Luo Dong's strength is not weaker than any student of Wuhan University.

If it is placed in Qilu Wuda, Luo Dong can crush all existences.

Even some of the instructors at Qiluwu University are not as strong as Luo Dong.

This time, the Luo family will get a Taishan Token and give it to Luo Dong, the purpose is to make Luo Dong a master-level powerhouse, and then suppress Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai has already become a confidant of the entire Luo family.

Although Jiang Xiaobai's current strength is insufficient, his potential has already made the Luo family feel threatened.

This kind of growth rate, once it rises, will inevitably become a serious problem for them.

When Luo Dong received this task, he paid enough attention to it in his heart. After all, the fact that Jiang Xiaobai killed the three masters in a row had already shocked the entire city of Los Angeles.

When he came here, he wanted to kill Jiang Xiaobai, but he didn't expect that Li Changtian had already confronted Jiang Xiaobai.

"It seems that I don't need to make a move this time." Luo Dong watched Jiang Xiaobai and Li Changtian fight, and said softly.

Li Changtian is the Li family's proud warrior, powerful, even Luo Dong is not sure that he can beat him.

And Jiang Xiaobai is just a warrior at the peak of the eighth rank, so how easy is it to deal with Li Changtian?

From Luo Dong's point of view, Jiang Xiaobai was sure to lose this time, and he didn't need to make a move himself.

Soon, Luo Dong came to the side of the other warriors and quietly watched the battle between Jiang Xiaobai and Li Changtian.

The two fought together, and there was no winner, but from the perspective of momentum, Jiang Xiaobai was obviously at a disadvantage.

Li Changtian has a long breath, and when he uses his family's skills, he is full of power. He is not comparable to Jiang Xiaobai, a martial artist with a humble background.

If it weren't for Jiang Xiaobai's exquisite body skills, he would have been killed by Li Changtian long ago.

The warriors around showed their vigor after seeing the two fighting.

Although they are both strong at the peak of the ninth rank, Li Changtian is already somewhat stronger than them.


Li Changtian punched, and a loud bang echoed around.

Dao Dao Yuan Qi is like a dragon like a sea, rushing and surging.

Jiang Xiaobai took his time, and Thorn Hung and Thorn Star flew up and down, quickly crushing Yuan Qi.

However, when the vitality was about to collapse, a dagger surged out like thunder.


In desperation, Jiang Xiaobai moved his mind, and Cihong and Cixing suddenly returned to his side, resisting the short knife attack.

Boom boom boom!

Although Jiang Xiaobai resisted the opponent's attack, he was still pushed back by the huge force.

After a few steps, Jiang Xiaobai stabilized his figure.

"Is this all acceptable?"

Li Changtian couldn't help but exclaimed, he was very clear about the strength of the blow just now.

But he was still carried down by Jiang Xiaobai.


For a moment, not only Li Changtian, but all the warriors around widened their eyes, unable to believe it was true.

"What's going on? How could this happen?" Luo Dong cried out.

Jiang Xiaobai is only an eighth-rank martial artist, how could he possibly withstand Li Changtian's attack?

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Jiang Xiaobai stepped forward again, and he suddenly jumped out.

Thorn Hong and Thorn Star turned into two cold lights and charged forward with lightning speed, instantly surrounding Li Changtian.

"Two pieces of Grandmaster-level fighters?" Li Changtian couldn't help but shouted when he saw the ranks of Thorn Hong and Thorn Star clearly.

During the previous battle, he didn't pay attention to Jiang Xiaobai's soldiers.

The opponent was only an eighth-rank warrior, and he subconsciously thought that the warriors used by the opponent were just ordinary ranks.

And now it seems that is not the case at all.

The two daggers turned out to be master-level warriors!

What is his origin?

When Li Changtian wanted to dodge, it was already too late, and his whole body was suppressed by Cihong and Cixing.

If it weren't for the strong vitality in his body, he would have been seriously injured by Jiang Xiaobai long ago.

The Ziyan Knife had already fallen to the ground, and it was impossible to pick it up now.


Cihong and Cixing stabbed towards Li Changtian again, streams of light splashed everywhere.

Li Changtian quickly used the vitality of the Sea of ​​Qi to resist the attacks of Thorn Hong and Thorn Star.

"Hmph!" Jiang Xiaobai stepped forward, and suddenly came to Li Changtian, raised his hand and punched out.


The strong wind of the fist tore through the air and rushed straight to Li Changtian's face.

Li Changfeng yelled inwardly, if he was hit by this blow, even he would be seriously injured.

In desperation, he had no choice but to keep retreating to resist Jiang Xiaobai's strong attack.

Li Changfeng's retreat hit Jiang Xiaobai's arms, and Cihong and Cixing rushed over unreasonably.

Bang bang bang!

Under Jiang Xiaobai's control, the two master-level warriors unleashed a powerful attack.

A powerful force blasted towards him, instantly enveloping Li Changtian.

At this time, the seventh level of power of the Nine Prison Thunder Saber suddenly exploded, and the huge power came all over the sky, making Li Changfeng feel suffocated.

"Ah?" Li Changfeng roared angrily, and his whole body exploded with a strong momentum.

Dao Dao powerful attacks rose into the air, impacting on Jiang Xiaobai's Thorn Hung and Thorn Star.

The oppression of the two master-level soldiers made Li Changtian feel the crisis.

He never thought that Jiang Xiaobai would be so powerful.

This is just an eighth-rank martial artist!


Although Li Changfeng tried his best to dodge, he was still hit by the assassin.

After being hit by the assassin, a wound soon appeared on Li Changfeng's body.

Immediately afterwards, blood flowed horizontally, and the burning pain stimulated Li Changfeng's senses.


All warriors including Luo Dong, when they saw the wound on Li Changfeng's body, everyone showed shock.

Jiang Xiaobai actually wounded Li Changfeng?

This, what's going on?

Jiang Xiaobai, who was at the peak of the eighth rank, actually hurt Li Changfeng?

What kind of monster is this guy?

For a moment, everyone showed puzzled expressions.

"You..." Li Changfeng roared angrily, "You..."

However, before Li Changfeng could say a word, Jiang Xiaobai punched him.

Li Changfeng tilted his body, fell to the ground, and spurted out a mouthful of blood at the same time.


The spear turned into a stream of light, piercing directly through the opponent's chest.

All of this happened in a blink of an eye, and when they woke up, they found Li Changfeng kneeling on the ground with a pale face.

Cihong seriously injured Li Changfeng, but under Jiang Xiaobai's deliberate effort, he did not kill him directly.

This is not because Jiang Xiaobai cares about the other party's identity, but because doing so has more impact.

Shock others!

Li Changfeng, the strongest among them, is not Jiang Xiaobai's opponent. What strength do the others have to resist?

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