Dominate the world

Chapter 361 You can try

Li Changfeng's defeat, just as Jiang Xiaobai thought, made everyone gasp.

They never expected that things would turn out like this.

I thought that Li Changfeng, who was at the pinnacle of the Ninth Rank, would face Jiang Xiaobai, and Jiang Xiaobai would definitely lose.

But, how long has passed, Jiang Xiaobai defeated the opponent abruptly.

For the surrounding warriors, this is no less than a bomb, exploding among them.

Li Changtian knelt on the ground, his eyes were blank.


Did he lose?

As the arrogant of the Li family in the Central Plains, he lost to an unknown warrior?

This made Li Changtian unacceptable no matter what. If the other party was an aristocratic family with the same reputation as him, Li Changtian would be able to accept it, but the other party was just a humble Qilu warrior.

Isn't it rumored that all the warriors in Qilu Province have fallen?

Why, there will be such a strong warrior rising?

Compared to everyone's shock, Luo Dong seemed much calmer.

Jiang Xiaobai's strength, he has learned a lot from Luo family warriors, but he has never seen it with his own eyes.

Seeing him today made him truly feel Jiang Xiaobai's absolute strength.

Even if he is a bit stronger than the current self, even if he goes all out, he can't guarantee whether he can really defeat Jiang Xiaobai.

"He, is he so strong now?" Luo Dong sighed softly.

Other warriors came here one after another. When they saw Li Changtian kneeling on the ground, they all showed puzzled expressions.

When they were even more surprised, standing in front of Li Changtian was a martial artist at the peak of the eighth rank.

"You lost!" Jiang Xiaobai bent down to pick up Ziyan Knife from the ground, and said softly.

"Put it down!" Li Changtian shouted anxiously when he saw the soldiers being taken away by Jiang Xiaobai.

"Let go?" Jiang Xiaobai said coldly, "You lost, this is just a trophy."

"If you don't let me take it, I can still take it away if I kill you, don't you believe it?"

What Jiang Xiaobai said made Li Changtian speechless for a moment.

He clearly understood that just now Jiang Xiaobai was indeed merciful and deliberately shifted his heart, otherwise he would probably be a dead person now.

Just like that, Li Changtian watched Jiang Xiaobai put away the Ziyan knife, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"Jiang Xiaobai, what are you going to do?" At this time, a warrior stood up and attacked, "Chang Tian has already lost, do you still want to humiliate him like this?"

"If you do this, where will we place our ninth-rank warriors?"

The warrior spoke impassionedly, and after he finished speaking, he did not forget to look at the surrounding ninth-rank warriors, and continued to encourage him: "Everyone, we are both ninth-rank warriors, and we came to the secret realm of Mount Tai to seek opportunities, but Jiang Xiaobai, with eighth-rank The martial artist's posture actually humiliates us again and again?"

"This tone, as ninth-rank warriors, can we bear it?"

The ninth-rank warriors standing next to him were silent, and after a while, someone stood up and said, "No!"

"Yes, I can't bear it!"

"We are ninth-rank warriors, how can we let an eighth-rank warrior be ridiculed?"

"Jiang Xiaobai, you must not treat our ninth-rank warriors like this."

More and more ninth-rank warriors are targeting Jiang Xiaobai. Not all of them have hatred against Jiang Xiaobai. Most of them don't want to see the rise of an eighth-rank warrior.

After Luo Dong saw this, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Before he exerted his strength, he saw so many ninth-rank warriors starting to target Jiang Xiaobai, so he couldn't help gloating.

Jiang Xiaobai and the Luo family have an indissoluble feud!

If he can deal with Jiang Xiaobai this time by relying on other warriors, it will naturally be something he likes to hear.

"You all want to deal with me?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the warriors around him calmly, with a cold light in his eyes, "Yes, since this is what you think in your heart, then I will fulfill you."

Jiang Xiaobai waved his vitality, drawing a deep mark in front of him.

"Those who want to challenge me can cross this line." Jiang Xiaobai said lightly, "Once this line is crossed, life and death are at stake!"

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai, with the support of the Tai Chi disc, did not consume much vitality in his body. If he fought again, Jiang Xiaobai still had the strength to fight.

Along the way, Jiang Xiaobai never stopped fighting. Although this made him feel tired, it benefited him a lot.

Not only the improvement of the Nine Hell Thunder Knife, but also his dantian is being slowly blown away.

A series of cracks appeared on his dantian, and the dense traces made him more confident.

I believe it won't be long before he can break through his dantian and create a sea of ​​Qi.

Once the Sea of ​​Qi is achieved, Jiang Xiaobai's strength will be greatly improved.

At that time, the merging of the Taiji disc and the sea of ​​qi would definitely allow him to go one step further.

Several ninth-rank warriors hesitated and did not move forward.

The prestige of Jiang Xiaobai's defeat of Li Changtian is still there, making them dare not move forward rashly.

"What are you afraid of? He's just a ninth-rank warrior." The ninth-rank warrior who spoke before said disdainfully, "He can defeat Li Changtian, but it doesn't mean he can defeat us!"

"We have so many ninth-rank warriors, are we still afraid of an eighth-rank warrior?"

After hearing this, the other ninth-rank warriors nodded thoughtfully.

"I'll take the lead first, you guys go with me!" The warrior took a step forward and said loudly. "Before the secret realm of Mount Tai begins, we must kill this guy."

"The secret realm of Mount Tai can only be entered by warriors of the ninth grade, and the existence of the secret realm of Mount Tai cannot be insulted by the warriors of the eighth rank."

"I'll wipe..." Jiang Xiaobai curled his lips and couldn't help complaining.

What the hell are you talking about in human terms?

What happened to the eighth-rank warrior?

Have you eaten your rice?

Obviously, the martial artist who took the lead didn't have a high degree of education, and he didn't know much about speaking.

But even so, that martial artist still made others agree with him very much.

Swish swish!

In an instant, five ninth-rank warriors followed behind the man, facing Jiang Xiaobai without giving in.

However, Luo Dong and other warriors from Qilu Province did not follow up. As warriors from Qilu Province, they had heard of Jiang Xiaobai's name for a long time and did not dare to act rashly.

Especially Luo Dong, he was even more calculating in his heart.

It would be fine if these people killed Jiang Xiaobai, but if they couldn't, then it would be troublesome.

According to Jiang Xiaobai's character of vengeance, there is absolutely nothing good for these people.

"There's no need to take action now. After I enter the secret realm of Mount Tai and become a master, I can completely suppress Jiang Xiaobai." Luo Dong thought secretly, "These people are just too impatient, why not be more steady?"

Sure enough, Luo Dong's worries were soon fulfilled.

As soon as those warriors stepped over, they were immediately followed by Shihong and Shixing.

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