Dominate the world

Chapter 362 Give You Time

The six ninth-rank warriors did not expect Jiang Xiaobai to attack suddenly, and everyone was caught off guard and injured by Stab Hong and Stab Star.

"Too much deceit, to attack at the slightest disagreement!"

"Shameless, do you dare to sneak attack?"

"Jiang Xiaobai, I am at odds with you!"

Everyone cursed angrily, they had already forgotten that they were the ones who provoked the incident first, and wanted to deal with Jiang Xiaobai.

"Are you fools?" Jiang Xiaobai taunted softly after swinging an attack. "It's you who want to deal with me, so I have to attack."

"Could it be that I have to stay where I am, waiting for you to come and kill me?"

Thorn Hong and Thorn Star radiated powerful power when Jiang Xiaobai performed it, and the power was extremely fierce.

Even in the face of ninth-rank warriors, Jiang Xiaobai didn't have any fear at all.

What about rank nine warriors?

As long as he is not a master-level warrior, Jiang Xiaobai is not afraid at all.

Taos of vitality descended from the Tai Chi disc, turning into Jiang Xiaobai's own vitality, which was displayed wantonly.

Ever since Jiang Xiaobai got the Tai Chi disc, he has been refining the Tai Chi disc, and even most of the vitality he refined every time was absorbed by the Tai Chi disc.

It is precisely because of this that the vitality stored in the Tai Chi disc has already surpassed the sea of ​​energy of ordinary ninth-rank warriors.

But because it was not refined by Jiang Xiaobai himself, it cannot be used to bless himself, otherwise Jiang Xiaobai would not be afraid of the master at all.

Bang bang bang!

Facing the attacks of the six ninth-rank warriors, Jiang Xiaobai showed no mercy.

A series of powerful attacks were blasted out, and they exploded in the crowd instantly, and the huge vitality splashed everywhere, attracting other warriors to avoid everywhere.

"Why is this guy so strong?"

After facing Jiang Xiaobai's attack, all the ninth rank warriors were shocked.

They never expected that Jiang Xiaobai would be so fierce?

Watching the battle between Li Changtian and Jiang Xiaobai just amazed them, but after fighting Jiang Xiaobai, they realized Jiang Xiaobai's true strength.

The condensed vitality is not weaker than them at all, it doesn't seem like they have just mastered it, but it seems that they have already mastered it.

For them, it is an extremely terrifying thing.

As soon as this idea appeared, it caused waves in their hearts. After all, this was a great challenge for them.


The ninth-rank fighters who were close to Jiang Xiaobai changed their expressions drastically after being exposed to Jiang Xiaobai's attack.

Dots of powerful purple light instantly annihilated him, and the huge force of tearing was attacking his body.

"Ah!" The ninth-rank martial artist couldn't bear the attack, and suddenly flew backwards.

Seeing this, the other warriors rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai one after another.

Wanting to suppress Jiang Xiaobai through the joint efforts of many people, after all, trying to deal with Jiang Xiaobai through personal strength is tantamount to fantasy.

The attack of the remaining five fighters working together was almost equal to Jiang Xiaobai.

"This guy seems to have become stronger again!"

Luo Dong watched the battle in the arena and whispered to himself.

"Is this Jiang Xiaobai's strength? It looks stronger than a ninth-rank warrior!"

"Yeah! Look at it like this, the ninth-rank warrior is not an opponent at all."

"This guy is really a monster!"

"It's not just a monster, it doesn't treat ninth-rank warriors as human beings!"

The warriors around Luo Dong couldn't help talking, not only shocked by Jiang Xiaobai's strength, but also feeling uneasy in their hearts.

This is the warrior at the peak of the eighth rank!

It is actually possible to toughen so many ninth-rank warriors.

If it was placed before, the ninth-rank warriors faced the warriors who had not opened up a sea of ​​​​qi, wouldn't they just kill them directly?

How can it be like now that a few ninth-rank warriors can suppress a peak eighth-rank warrior?

Is this still the martial arts world they know?

For a time, all warriors became confused.

They tried their best to cultivate to the ninth-rank realm, but they were not as good as an eighth-rank warrior who came from behind, which made them very uncomfortable.

But what happened next, Jiang Xiaobai, made them even more uncomfortable.

The Nine Prison Thunder Knife was used to the extreme by Jiang Xiaobai, and thunderstorms filled the sky, and soon fell on the ninth-rank warrior in front of him.

Soon, after the ninth-rank fighters who fought against Jiang Xiaobai felt it, everyone showed a shocked expression.

"This, how can this power be so strong?"

One of the warriors couldn't help shouting in horror.

The other four ninth-rank warriors looked stern, and this ninth-rank warrior shouted what they wanted to say.


Jiang Xiaobai didn't answer, and they responded with a strong attack.

The power of the Nine Prison Thunder Saber fell, and several ninth-rank warriors dispersed again.

Facing the powerful Jiang Xiaobai, they no longer have the strength to fight again.

Although these martial artists are all in the ninth rank realm, their sea of ​​qi is not perfect, and the vitality contained in them is even more limited.

Jiang Xiaobai, on the other hand, became more and more fierce as he fought, and his strength could be vaguely improved by a level.

Compared with when they first fought, Jiang Xiaobai's combat power has increased dramatically.


Soon, another ninth-rank martial artist was blown out, fell to the ground, and was seriously injured.

The remaining four warriors panicked immediately, and the sea of ​​qi in their bodies all buzzed, trying to use all their strength to suppress Jiang Xiaobai.

In just a few minutes, Jiang Xiaobai had already defeated two ninth-rank warriors in a row.

Even so, Jiang Xiaobai's momentum has not weakened in any way, and his whole body is filled with vitality, killing and cutting.

"I'll give you time to adjust your vitality." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the four ninth-rank warriors who were facing the enemy, with a slight sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Fighting against ninth-rank warriors greatly improved Jiang Xiaobai's strength.

The proficiency of the Nine Prison Thunder Knife and the Taiyue Heart Sutra has skyrocketed, especially after these few battles, the Nine Prison Thunder Knife is about to reach the state of perfection.

You know, this is the seventh level of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber.

With the Nine Layers Nine Prison Thunder Knife, one can be promoted to the realm of a master.

Even the ancestor of the Nine Prison Thunder Saber did not cultivate the Nine Prison Thunder Knife to the seventh level in such a short period of time.

And Jiang Xiaobai did it!

All the nine-rank martial artists in front of them were running exercises, quickly adjusting the vitality in their bodies.

At first, they thought that a few of them could deal with Jiang Xiaobai, but unexpectedly, they were completely suppressed by Jiang Xiaobai after the battle.

If it was the beginning, if Jiang Xiaobai said this, it would definitely arouse the disgust and disdain of others.

But now, for them, this is a time to breathe.

Dao Dao Yuan Qi was absorbed into their bodies, merged into the sea of ​​​​qi, and then operated the exercises to restore their strength.

Li Changtian frowned and looked at Jiang Xiaobai. When he saw Jiang Xiaobai fighting against several ninth-rank fighters by himself, his eyes could not help but shine brightly.

Five minutes later, Jiang Xiaobai cleared his throat and asked.

"It's time, let's continue!"

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