Dominate the world

Chapter 367 The first battle, failure

Jiang Xiaobai asked a few more questions again, and only then did he gain some understanding.

It turned out that all of this was because Jiang Xiaobai's strength was too strong, and he was already close to the critical point of the Taishan Secret Realm's combat power, so such a mirror image was born to test Jiang Xiaobai.

Like other warriors, as long as they defeat monsters of the same level, they can gain opportunities.

But Jiang Xiaobai was different, monsters of the same level did not pose any challenges to him.

Instead, the biggest enemy is himself.

It is also the mirror image of the peak combat power of the eighth rank!

"So, as long as I defeat you, I can get a chance?" Jiang Xiaobai asked looking at the mirror image boy.

"No, it's about defeating yourself." The boy shook his head, "I know what you know, and I know what you don't know."

"It's like the Taiyue Heart Sutra, like the seventh level of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber, I have already cultivated to the perfect state, but you haven't."

"Have you cultivated the Taiyue Heart Sutra to perfection?" Jiang Xiaobai looked over in confusion.

"Of course!" the young man said proudly, "Taiyue Heart Sutra comes from Mount Tai, so I can master it naturally. As for the seventh level of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber, it's not a great skill, it's not difficult for me."

"Yes, you are very strong." Jiang Xiaobai gave a thumbs up to the mirror image boy, "You are as good as you!"

"Ready?" the young man asked softly. "If you're ready, let's get started!"

"This time the Taishan Secret Realm is only available for one week. If you can defeat me in advance, you can get a few more days of opportunity. If you can't defeat me after seven days, you can only say sorry."

"I know." Jiang Xiaobai nodded solemnly, and instantly held Cihong and Cixing in his hands.

It was the first time for Jiang Xiaobai to fight against his own mirror image.


Jiang Xiaobai indiscriminately held the thorn and attacked, hitting the opponent's chest directly.

The mirror image boy didn't dodge or dodge, he clenched his fist, raised his hand and blasted towards him.


Jiang Xiaobai and the mirror boy collided with each other, and there was an earth-shattering sound.

"Come again!" Jiang Xiaobai yelled fiercely, and waved the Thorn Hung and Thorn Star again to bombard them.

The mirror image boy in front of him is very different in strength from himself, but the combat power displayed by the other party is somewhat higher than him.

Not only that, but the opponent's use of power is even more ingenious.

Jiang Xiaobai is the pinnacle of the eighth rank!

The opponent is also at the peak of the eighth rank!

The only difference is that the other party's Taiyue Heart Sutra and the seventh level of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber are already in a state of perfection.

And Jiang Xiaobai is not weak, he has two master-level fighters in his hands, the Thorn Hong and the Thorn Star.

Therefore, there is little difference in strength between the two.

Boom boom boom!

The two confronted each other dozens of times in an instant, and every time there would be bursts of sound that resounded through the sky.

"His power!" Jiang Xiaobai frowned after confronting each other.

Even facing ninth-rank warriors, it was not so difficult, but now facing his own mirror image, he was helpless.

The strength of the seventh great perfection of the Nine Prison Thunder Saber has fully exploded, and Jiang Xiaobai feels that he can't bear it.

If it weren't for the protection of the two master-level fighters of Thorn Hong and Thorn Star, he would have been injured by now.

"If he also has master-level fighters, I..." Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, the opponent didn't have a master-level soldier by his side, otherwise he would be doomed.

He thought that his own strength could deal with ninth-rank warriors, and he was already invincible under the master, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Now he can't even beat a mirror image that doesn't have a master-level soldier.

If other grandmasters saw this, they would probably drop their jaws to the ground in surprise.

The strength of the mirror image in front of him is close to that of a master-level powerhouse.

In his eyes, ordinary ninth-rank warriors are simply vulnerable.

"No, the other party doesn't have a Tai Chi disc, how can he have a sea of ​​Qi?" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly came back to his senses, staring carefully at the mirror image in front of him.

If you copy it, you can only copy your own mirror image, but the Tai Chi disc may not be so easy to copy.


The mirror image suddenly came to Jiang Xiaobai, kicked him in the face, and immediately kicked Jiang Xiaobai away.

"You're distracted." The mirror boy reminded.

"Ahem!" Jiang Xiaobai got up from the ground, and said murderously, "You don't slap people in the face, you are provoking me."

"During the battle to the death, how can you have so many scruples?" The mirror image boy said lightly, "Now it seems that you are nothing more than that."

"Could it be that the requirements of the secret realm have become lower? How can you reach the peak of the secret realm's combat power?"

"Your uncle!" Jiang Xiaobai cursed angrily, and his whole body became excited.

It's too shameful to be ridiculed by a mirror image!

"Nine Prison Thunder Knife!"

Jiang Xiaobai shouted in a low voice, and both Cihong and Cixing stabbed out.

Two powerful thunderbolts blasted out, entangled on Thorn Hong and Thorn Star, as if they had the power to destroy the world.

"Nine Hell Thunder Knife?" The mirror boy looked at it indifferently, slowly stretched out his hand, and slapped it out.

There are waves of coercion pouring out of the palm, and there are countless thunderbolts in the vitality.


A bright light exploded in the air, streams of light scattered on the ground, and the ice on the ground split like a spider web.

Boom boom boom!

Jiang Xiaobai stepped back abruptly and looked at him in horror.

The same Nine Hell Thunder Knife, the opponent's strength is much stronger than his own.

"Is the Seventh Great Consummation Nine Hell Thunder Knife really so powerful?" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help muttering inwardly.

He hasn't cultivated the seventh level Nine Hell Thunder Knife to the perfect state. Although it is only one step away from the seventh great perfect state, it is still not as good as the mirror image in front of him.

"Not only the Nine Prison Thunder Knife, but also because of the Taiyue Heart Sutra!" The mirror image boy said lightly, "You have three chances to rest, do you want to choose to rest now?"

"En!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

He has used everything he could just now, but he still has no way to deal with the mirror image, so why not take this opportunity and think about it.

Perhaps, after careful consideration, a solution can be found.

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's promise, the mirror boy immediately sat cross-legged, as if he had merged with the surrounding ice crystal world.

"Strange!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the mirror image and frowned.

The opponent's actions seemed very strange, but Jiang Xiaobai couldn't find anything strange for a while.

In desperation, Jiang Xiaobai at least practiced again.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Boundary: Eighth-Rank Peak

Exercise: Taiyue Heart Sutra (96% proficiency)

Tactics: Jinghong Youlong (100% proficiency), the seventh level of the Nine Prison Thunder Knife (98% proficiency)

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