Dominate the world

Chapter 368 I Am You, I Am Not You

Looking at the Nine Prison Thunder Knife whose proficiency is close to full marks, Jiang Xiaobai once again raised hope.

As long as he can cultivate the seventh level of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber to a perfect state, and face the mirror image again, he may have the power to fight.

"In the battle just now, how did the other party perform?" Jiang Xiaobai's sea of ​​consciousness showed the scene of the battle just now. Although it was blurry and incomplete, with the help of the Tai Chi disc, he could completely restore the battle just now.

"It turns out that this is the case, the seventh level of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber's force is actually in this state?" Jiang Xiaobai muttered softly while watching the battle replay.

Looking back at the battle again, he had a strange feeling, as if someone had rehearsed the seventh level of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber in front of him.

"Right, that is it!"

Ten minutes later, Jiang Xiaobai stood up suddenly, and bursts of substantial power came from his body again, making him feel stronger.

"Okay?" The mirror boy opened his eyes, looked at Jiang Xiaobai, and asked softly.

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai pursed his lips and said relaxedly.

Through the careful observation just now, Jiang Xiaobai has clearly seen the seventh level of the Nine Hells Thunder Knife. Although he has not cultivated to a perfect state now, he believes that through this battle, the seventh level of the Nine Hells Thunder Knife can be fully realized. Reach the realm of perfection.

"Okay!" The mirror image boy made another move, which was still the seventh heavy move of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber.

The thunder spread around Jiang Xiaobai, overwhelming them with lightning speed.


Waves of thunder gathered around, and soon they crashed towards Jiang Xiaobai.

"Good time!" Jiang Xiaobai held up the spear again.

A flash of light flashed by, and the assassin came out of his hand, turning into a shooting star and rushing over.

After stabbing under the seventh level of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber, the power of thunder surrounds the blade, as if trying to break through the surrounding ice and snow world.


When Shi Hong rushed in front of the mirror image boy, he directly pierced the opponent's vitality, but stopped suddenly.

Staying one centimeter away from the other side's front door, you can no longer move forward.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaobai exclaimed, with a puzzled look on his face, "Pricking Star!"

He only heard Jiang Xiaobai shouting again, and the thorn star in his hand flew out immediately.

The stab star can't be seriously injured, so what about the stab star?

Two pieces of Grandmaster-level soldiers should be enough!


When Thorn Star first arrived in front of the mirror image boy, he realized that he was in vain.

The mirror boy who was standing in front of Jiang Xiaobai had indeed disappeared at this moment.

"Where are people?" Jiang Xiaobai released his mental power, sensing everything around him.

Although the current mental power can only perceive a range of [-] meters, this is enough for him.


Jiang Xiaobai's body suddenly moved, and he punched forward violently.

The fist blasted out, just in time to collide with the mirror image boy, splashing waves of air.

"You were discovered unexpectedly. It seems that your strength has improved a lot." The mirror image boy pursed his lips and disappeared again.

The surrounding world is completely white, and there is almost no possibility of hiding his figure, but the mirror image boy in front of him is able to hide himself, making it impossible for Jiang Xiaobai to perceive his specific position.

It can only be discovered when the opponent makes a move.

This gave Jiang Xiaobai a great headache, but it was not impossible.

Bang bang bang!

Jiang Xiaobai swung his fists one after another, and every punch was able to hit the mirror image boy.

It's okay to hit him, but Jiang Xiaobai couldn't kill him.

However, despite this, Jiang Xiaobai's strength is slowly improving.

"Congratulations to the host, the seventh level of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber has been cultivated to the state of Dzogchen, and the eighth level of the Nine Hell Thunder Knife is about to start."

Just when Jiang Xiaobai was getting restless, a cold voice came from the Tai Chi Disc.

The seventh level of the Nine Prisons Thunder Saber, is it consummated?

Finally, the seventh stage of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber has been cultivated to perfection.

Jiang Xiaobai wept with joy, his spirits bright.

If he faced the mirror image boy head-on again, he would definitely be able to beat him to the ground.

"Consummated the seventh level?" The mirror boy suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai, and said in surprise, "It was a bit slower than I expected, but fortunately, it has reached consummation."

"You and I are both in the seventh level of perfection, this time you can't beat me." Jiang Xiaobai licked his lips, being suppressed by the mirror image for so long, he was finally able to turn over.

"No, I'm already at the eighth stage of the Nine Prison Thunder Saber, and you're still not my opponent." The mirror image boy waved his hand and said.

"What?" Jiang Xiaobai's eyes widened instantly, showing an expression of disbelief.

Nine Hell Thunder Saber's Eighth Stage of Consummation?

Are you on?

Wasn't it the seventh level of consummation just now?If you upgrade yourself, the other party will also upgrade?

"Don't you believe it?" The mirror image boy stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

He grabbed a strand of vitality out of thin air, and there was a faint thunder in the vitality.


The thunder filled the air, exuding majestic power pouring out.

In an instant, the ground trembled, and there were more and more cracks around it.

"This..." Jiang Xiaobai felt the opponent's strength, and his face changed suddenly.

This is indeed beyond the power of the seventh level of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber.

Is this the eighth complete power of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber?

Thunder after wave seemed to be woven into a big net, rushing towards Jiang Xiaobai.

"No, he must have a way to deal with it!" Jiang Xiaobai quickly swung the stab star and stab star, trying to break the opponent's attack at the risk of serious injury.

Once the opponent's offensive took shape, he was powerless to resist it.


Even though Thorn Hong and Thorn Star rushed over, the enormous power still sent Jiang Xiaobai flying.


The whole person fell heavily to the ground, and the scarlet blood splashed on the ground, which was particularly eye-catching.

"It doesn't make sense!" Jiang Xiaobai stood up from the ground, enduring the pain from his wound.

This battle was very frustrating for him.

After painstaking research, he finally achieved the seventh level of perfection of the Nine Prisons Thunder Saber, while the other party was directly promoted to the eighth major perfection of the Nine Prisons Thunder Saber.

The two are not at the same level of strength at all.

No matter how Jiang Xiaobai is promoted, the strength of the mirror image is higher than him.

"Could it be that there is no way?" Jiang Xiaobai began to doubt, facing the mirror image, it was an unsolvable proposition to win.

"If you are promoted, I will also be promoted." The mirror image boy came to him, "So, it is impossible for you to defeat me."

"Then other people, have they ever defeated?" Jiang Xiaobai asked suddenly.

"Yes!" The mirror boy seemed to be lost in memory, "either yes, or no."

"I only exist in the present, not in the past. I am you now, and who will I be later?"

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly seemed to catch something when he heard this.

"So it is!"

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