Dominate the world

Chapter 370 Li Changtian, a master

Jiang Xiaobai, who was immersed in the stone milk of Mount Tai, didn't realize that he had become the object of everyone's onlookers.

Jiang Xiaobai is different from other warriors. Although he is only an eighth-rank warrior, he can rely on the Tai Chi Disc to help him absorb the essence of Taishan Stone Milk.

After the Mount Tai stone milk was tempered again through the Tai Chi disc, it was absorbed by Jiang Xiaobai, tempering his body and making his body stronger.

Not only that, the pure vitality contained in Taishan stone milk is also absorbed by the Tai Chi disc.

Under Jiang Xiaobai's deliberate guidance, Taishan stone milk was absorbed by the Tai Chi disc one after another, and then fed back to himself through the Tai Chi disc.

Even now, Jiang Xiaobai still doesn't fully understand the powerful and wonderful functions of the Tai Chi Disc.

The most interesting thing is that with the continuous improvement of his own strength, Tai Chi Yuanpan seems to be slowly evolving.

Taishan stone milk condenses into a powerful force, suspended on the Tai Chi disc, exuding infinite power.

A pure and huge force is entrenched, ready to go.

"Success or failure depends on it!" Jiang Xiaobai frowned, his heart becoming extremely single.

Jiang Xiaobai absorbed the Taiji stone milk for three days. During this time, Jiang Xiaobai used the Taishan stone milk to conceive and nourish his body, and all other stone milk was absorbed by the Taiji disc.

Today, the power in his body has been fully accumulated.

I just don't know if relying on these can break open the dantian.

In fact, it hurts to think about it. Others are already ninth-rank warriors, and they want to rely on Mount Tai's stone milk to be promoted to the realm of grand masters.

But he, Jiang Xiaobai, wasted a lot of energy to open up a sea of ​​Qi.

Under Jiang Xiaobai's inner vision, the cracks on the dantian could be clearly seen.

Densely dense, like a spider web, it is densely distributed around the dantian.

In addition, there are other powers surrounding him. In addition to his own power, there are also the power of the previous master and the power of other warriors.

It's hard to imagine how hard Jiang Xiaobai's dantian is. If it were an ordinary warrior, the dantian would have broken open long ago under such a huge force, instead of so much effort.

"If I don't succeed this time, I can only climb up Mount Tai and go find the monsters to fight for my life."

Jiang Xiaobai slowly started to run the Taiyue Heart Sutra, and majestic power flowed in his body.

Puff, puff!

The power flowed, like a giant hammer hitting the ground, making a muffled sound.

"Fight!" Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and gave a loud drink.


Only a roar could be heard coming from Jiang Xiaobai's body.

The huge force rushed towards the dantian like a wild beast, Jiang Xiaobai's body tensed up, and the pores all over his body were closed due to tension.

The strength is getting closer and closer to the dantian, and Jiang Xiaobai can't help but get nervous at this time.

Taishan stone milk is extremely mysterious, but whether it can break through the dantian is still unknown.


The powerful force hit the dantian, causing bursts of violent sounds.

"Ah!" Jiang Xiaobai, who was soaked in the stone milk, suddenly let out a high-pitched roar.

"what happened?"

Jiang Xiaobai's roar immediately attracted the attention of other warriors, and the surrounding warriors all looked towards where Jiang Xiaobai was.

"He, he vomited blood?"

"After practicing in the stone milk of Mount Tai for such a long time, is it any wonder that you don't vomit blood?"

"It's too greedy. Ordinary warriors can practice in Taishan Stone Milk for a few hours at most, but this guy is too greedy and has been practicing for several days."

"After all, Jiang Xiaobai is only an eighth-rank martial artist, and he just wants to quickly advance to the realm of a grandmaster. Unfortunately, he is only an eighth-rank warrior after all, and it is impossible for him to be promoted to the realm of a grandmaster in a short period of time."

The warrior who came out of the stone milk looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said teasingly.

After training, their strength has been improved, and some people have even cultivated the sea of ​​​​qi to a small perfection, and they are only one step away from entering the realm of the master.


A powerful aura suddenly erupted from the Dizi Pit, and a majestic force emanated from the entire Dizi Pit.

The prestige of a master?

Immediately all warriors were attracted by this momentum, and everyone looked sideways at it.

"Grandmaster's breath? Has someone been promoted to Grandmaster?"

When those ninth-rank warriors looked over, they found that Li Changtian was bathing in the tyrannical vitality, with his eyes slightly squinted.


Li Changtian suddenly opened his eyes and looked around. His cold eyes swept over everyone one by one, and finally settled on where Jiang Xiaobai was.

"Li Changtian, it turned out to be Li Changtian!"

The ninth-rank warrior next to him exclaimed.

Li Changtian, as a warrior of the Li family in the Central Plains, was already at the pinnacle of the Ninth Rank. Now with the help of Taishan Stone Milk, he finally broke through in one fell swoop and was promoted to the realm of the Grandmaster.

"Congratulations, Master Li!"

The warriors who came back to their senses congratulated each other.

"You can too!" Li Changtian responded coldly, but his eyes did not move away from where Jiang Xiaobai was.

To be the first to break through from the peak of the ninth rank to the master, this is enough to show Li Changtian's identity.

But now Li Changtian only has Jiang Xiaobai in his eyes.

As a direct disciple of the Li family, Li Changtian has been attracting attention since he was a child, and he is very talented.

Jiang Xiaobai can be said to be the only one who can defeat him, and let him taste the taste of failure.

"Jiang Xiaobai, when you come out, I will definitely defeat you!" Li Changtian said silently.

Ninth-rank warriors stepped forward to congratulate, and all kinds of words of praise came out of their mouths without any concealment.

Li Changtian didn't have any interest and just responded perfunctorily.

Soon, the ninth-rank warriors dispersed one after another, and each returned to the Stone Milk Pool on Mount Tai.

Li Changtian has already been promoted to Grandmaster, and they are both ninth-rank warriors, so naturally they also want to be promoted to Grandmaster realm.

Now half of the time has passed, and there are still three days, which is completely enough for them to be promoted.

Most of these ninth-rank peak fighters have entered the ninth-rank realm for a long time, and the sea of ​​​​qi has already been developed and perfected. Now, as long as the sea of ​​Qi is perfected through Taishan Stone Milk, they can achieve the realm of the master.

And Taishan stone milk has a great effect on quenching the sea of ​​​​qi.

This is also why, as long as a ninth-rank warrior comes to the secret realm of Mount Tai, he can enter the realm of a master.

Like Jiang Xiaobai, an eighth-rank warrior who came to the secret realm of Mount Tai is unique.


The Tianzikeng where Jiang Xiaobai was located was still bursting out with explosions.

Streams of air flow spread from around Tianzikeng, and Jiang Xiaobai was covered in blood.


Jiang Xiaobai in the Tianzi Pit suddenly let out a roar, and ripples rippled away from him.

In the end, the hard dantian couldn't bear such a strong attack, and it exploded.

The dantian is shattered, and the sea of ​​qi is formed!

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