Dominate the world

Chapter 371 The Grandmaster Walks Everywhere

The dantian was shattered, and the huge vitality instantly occupied the position of the dantian, forming a series of cyclones hovering in the dantian.

"Is this the Sea of ​​Qi?" The weak Jiang Xiaobai felt the huge power, and his expression was excited.

Breaking open the dantian has been his long-cherished wish.

Originally, there was a cyclone flowing slowly in the dantian, which made Jiang Xiaobai feel as if his body had broken a shackle, and the mysterious feeling lingered.

The sea of ​​qi is different from the dantian. The dantian is more like the shackles of human beings, controlling the power inside the dantian, while the sea of ​​qi is different. It absorbs the vitality of the world and merges into the sea of ​​qi.

After one's own tempering, the vitality nourishes the warrior and tempers the internal organs.

The tempering of the five zang organs is also the process of the master's cultivation. The five zang organs share the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, which were also called five zang in ancient times.

It is also recorded in "Lingshu Nine Needles Theory" that the heart stores the spirit, the lungs store the soul, the liver stores the soul, the spleen stores the mind, and the kidney stores the essence.

The master cultivates the five internal organs, stimulates the potential of the five internal organs, cultivates the spirit and soul, tempers the will, and finally obtains the realm of a king beyond vulgarity.

A king-level powerhouse with transcendent strength and complete cultivation of the five internal organs will be able to ascend to the realm of the king.

However, each martial artist has a different cultivation of the five internal organs, so the order of tempering is also different.

Every time an organ is tempered successfully, one's own strength will be improved.

To temper all the five organs successfully is to be a grand master.

A master who has perfected the five internal organs is a strong man who can become a king.

A king-level master who suppresses one party is a powerful force in the entire Hua Kingdom.

And Jiang Xiaobai is still a hundred and eight thousand miles away from the king of the king, and now he is just a ninth-rank warrior who has just opened up a sea of ​​​​qi.

Not to mention the king-level powerhouses, even the masters have a long way to go.

After opening up the sea of ​​qi and being promoted to rank nine martial artist, Jiang Xiaobai did not immediately come out of the Taishan stone milk, but was still precipitating himself.

This time, in order to open up the sea of ​​qi, his body was severely injured. If it wasn't for the wonder of Mount Tai's stone milk, the current Jiang Xiaobai would have already been lying on the ground.

After being conceived by Mount Tai's stone milk, Jiang Xiaobai's injuries are slowly improving.

A day later, Jiang Xiaobai woke up again.

At this time, the wounds on his body had already disappeared, not even a scar left.


Just as Jiang Xiaobai came back to his senses, he heard an explosion, and subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound.

"Promoted to Grandmaster?"

After Jiang Xiaobai saw it, he couldn't help but exclaim.

The sound just now was caused by the promotion of a ninth-rank martial artist to a grand master.

No, not just him as a master?

The surrounding atmosphere was rather chaotic, but he still felt a powerful aura.

Nearby, there are at least three Grandmasters.

At least three grandmasters!

Could it be that those ninth-rank warriors have all been promoted to the realm of grand masters?

Jiang Xiaobai looked over suspiciously, and the first thing he saw was Li Changtian.

At this moment, when Li Changtian and Jiang Xiaobai first met, there was a clear difference, and their aura became stronger than before.

"This guy has also been promoted to Grandmaster!" Jiang Xiaobai felt his scalp go numb.

When he was in the secret realm of Mount Tai, he was so rampant that he overwhelmed all the ninth-rank warriors.

Now, these ninth-rank warriors have all been promoted to the realm of masters.

If there were one or two warriors in the realm of masters, Jiang Xiaobai would not back down.

These are more than a dozen masters!

Besieged by more than a dozen masters, Jiang Xiaobai's fate can be imagined.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you haven't been promoted to Grandmaster yet?" Li Changtian walked over and asked with great interest.

"No, what's the matter?" Jiang Xiaobai said indifferently, "Although you have been promoted to Grandmaster, you are still no match for me."

Li Changtian's pupils tightened when he heard Jiang Xiaobai's words.

"When I get out of the secret realm of Mount Tai, I will definitely ask you for advice again!" Li Changtian said bitterly.

Losing to Jiang Xiaobai was a shame for him.

Now that he has been promoted to a grand master, he can just follow the prestige of a grand master to get back his face.

Let Jiang Xiaobai know the strength of Li Changtian and the strength of the Li family in the Central Plains.

"Okay, I'll give you another chance." Jiang Xiaobai nodded casually.

Li Changtian, who has been promoted to the Grandmaster realm, is only at the early stage of the Grandmaster realm.

If he meets a martial artist who tempers the five internal organs, Jiang Xiaobai is naturally not an opponent, but he is just a martial artist who has just been promoted to the realm of a master.

Jiang Xiaobai has the confidence to fight!

"And I!"

Another warrior who was defeated by Jiang Xiaobai also stepped forward and shouted loudly.

"And I!"

A few more warriors came out in response.

Some of these people are already masters, while some are only ninth-rank warriors.

There is naturally no problem for the warriors at the Grandmaster level to challenge Jiang Xiaobai, and there is no fear for those ninth-rank warriors. After all, they believe that they can be promoted to the Grandmaster level in the remaining time.

Facing the challenges of these people, Jiang Xiaobai accepted them without hesitation.

Now Jiang Xiaobai, the Taiyue Heart Sutra is close to the stage of Dzogchen, and the Nine Hell Thunder Saber is just the beginning of the eighth level.

The newly promoted master fighters in front of him are the best candidates for Jiang Xiaobai to upgrade to the eighth level of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber.

Ordinary rank nine warriors are no match for Jiang Xiaobai at all.

A powerful master-level martial artist can easily kill Jiang Xiaobai.

Therefore, the fighters in the middle are the most suitable for Jiang Xiaobai to practice.

Within two days, more than a dozen ninth-rank warriors broke through to the master realm one after another.

There are only three or four ninth-rank martial artists who have not been promoted to the realm of masters. Of these three, only one is a casual cultivator from Qilu, and the other two are students from Wuhan University in other provinces.

The three warriors drooped their heads, with mournful expressions on their faces.

It was so hard to get the Taishan Order so that they could be promoted to the realm of masters, but now, they are indeed stuck in the realm of the pinnacle of the ninth rank.

"Don't be discouraged, don't we still have a warrior who has just entered the ninth rank?"

Seeing the dejected looks of the three people, the warriors of the Zheng family stepped forward and patted them on the shoulders, jokingly said.

"A warrior who has just entered the ninth rank?"

The eyes of the three warriors suddenly brightened, and they looked at the Tianzikeng where Jiang Xiaobai was in unison.

In the past week, Jiang Xiaobai seemed extremely quiet except for breaking through to the ninth-rank martial artist and making noise.

If it wasn't for the signboard of Tianzikeng, everyone else would have forgotten about Jiang Xiaobai.

"That's right! It's Jiang Xiaobai, who used to be the existence that overwhelmed the ninth-rank warriors, but now he has become a ninth-rank warrior himself."

"The warriors who were bullied by him in the past are all masters. I'm afraid Jiang Xiaobai will suffer."

"Isn't this reluctance to others because he likes to show off? Now he has offended someone who shouldn't be offended."

Regardless of whether they have not been promoted to the three ninth-rank warriors or other master-level warriors, they all look in Jiang Xiaobai's direction gloatingly.

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