Dominate the world

Chapter 375 Los Angeles Crisis

Along the way, the two did not continue to communicate.

Li Changtian wanted to chat with Jiang Xiaobai several times, but found that the other party was unwilling to talk to him at all, and finally sat in the car by himself, practicing boredly.

When the phantom god came near Luo City, monsters sprang out from time to time.

"Your city of Los Angeles doesn't look peaceful, why are there so many monsters?" Li Changtian sat in the car, looking at the monsters around him.

Although most of them are monsters of level seven or eight, there is no threat to them.

However, in the eyes of ordinary people, this is an extremely terrifying existence.

"Something's wrong." Jiang Xiaobai also saw these monsters, and frowned.

Although it is quite normal for monsters to pass by occasionally in the vicinity of Luo City, there are now monsters of level seven or eight.

This is obviously different from before.

Will the Wu Conference be in danger?

A thought suddenly appeared in Jiang Xiaobai's mind.

Impossible, it's just a monster of level seven or eight. Luo City has a powerful master level expert, and there are Martial Arts Academy and aristocratic family to protect it, so it should not be in danger.

Even though he thought so, Jiang Xiaobai still speeded up.

After approaching Luo City, there were more and more powerful monsters. Outside the towering city walls, there were actually a few lord-level monsters wandering around.

A lord-level monster?


Jiang Xiaobai felt awe-inspiring, and his nervousness and uneasiness grew stronger and stronger.

How many lord-level monsters are there in the entire city of Los Angeles?

Now there are lord-level monsters appearing nearby?

When Li Changtian in the car saw this, his expression changed drastically: "Jiang Xiaobai, I only now understand why you are so powerful."

"Being able to live and practice in such a terrifying place every day will naturally become a strong one."

"Shut up!" Jiang Xiaobai cursed heavily.

What kind of brain circuit is this?

It's the first time I've seen this kind of thing, okay?

Jiang Xiaobai manipulated the phantom god, trying to avoid the sight of the lord-level monster.

Fortunately, the main focus of the lord-level monsters is not around them. Once they are discovered by the lord-level monsters, Jiang Xiaobai and Li Changtian will inevitably fall into crisis.

There are at least two lord-level monsters nearby, and Jiang Xiaobai can feel that there is a more powerful force not far away.

Monster beasts beyond the lord level!

Demon King!

Li Changtian was relatively close to Jiang Xiaobai, so he could naturally sense his nervousness.

Since he knew Jiang Xiaobai, it was the first time he saw Jiang Xiaobai so nervous.

Back then, even facing countless warriors stronger than him, Jiang Xiaobai didn't get so nervous.

But now, Jiang Xiaobai was surprisingly dignified.


The phantom turned into an afterimage, and quickly flew towards Luo City.


After Huan Shen rushed over, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly heard a deafening explosion.

"Discovered?" Jiang Xiaobai looked back, only to see a giant bear chasing him.

Plop, plop, plop!

The footsteps of the giant bear came one by one, and the ground trembled.

"This guy seems to have an enmity with us." Li Changtian stared at the giant bear behind him, and said coldly, "Could it be your enemy!"

"The enemy?" Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the giant bear again, frowning slightly.

After being reminded, Jiang Xiaobai remembered that he seemed to have seen this guy somewhere before.

By the way, Thousand Buddha Mountain!

The iron-backed devil bear of Thousand Buddha Mountain.

I didn't expect it to be this guy.

At the beginning, Jiang Xiaobai and Qin Feng used warriors from the three major families to contain the two monsters, and they brought out Zhenjin Yuanshi.

However, the Ironback Demon Bear at that time was only a ninth-level monster, but now it has become a lord-level monster.

How long has it been?

From a ninth-level monster to a lord-level monster?

This is almost the same as the difficulty for a human warrior to break through from the ninth rank to the master realm.

"You really know each other?" Li Changtian looked at Jiang Xiaobai's expression, and immediately knew that this must be the opponent's enemy.

"There have been grievances before." Jiang Xiaobai said lightly.

The Ironback Demon Bear was chasing after him, and Jiang Xiaobai had no intention of fighting him.

After all, this is outside the city. Judging from the current situation, the outside of the city may have been occupied by monsters.

The current Jiang Xiaobai desperately wants to return to Los Angeles.


The iron-backed devil bear raised its head to the sky and let out an angry roar, and suddenly several auras slowly approached.

"Another lord-level monster?"

Li Changtian's expression changed drastically, and he subconsciously looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai remained silent, concentrating on manipulating the phantom god, and released all the surrounding mental power to perceive everything around him.

In addition to the iron-backed demon bear, there are also two lord-level monsters rushing towards this side.

There is not much time left for Jiang Xiaobai, if they cannot enter Los Angeles within 1 minute, then what awaits Jiang Xiaobai and the others will be death.

The three-headed lord-level monsters are not something that Jiang Xiaobai and Li Changtian can compete with each other at all.

Even though Li Changtian is a strong master, he is not completely sure when facing the iron-backed devil bear.

"In front, right in front!"

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly stared at the front and shouted excitedly.

He found the entrance to Los Angeles, as long as he entered from here, he would be safe.

"Open the door!"

Approaching the city wall, Jiang Xiaobai shouted loudly.


Loud voices of questioning came from the city wall.

"I am Qiluwu Dajiang Xiaobai, and I have returned from training on Mount Tai."

Jiang Xiaobai declared his family name, now is a critical moment, and there is no room for carelessness.

"Jiang Xiaobai?"

The warriors on the city wall trembled when they heard the name.

"Hurry up and open the door!" Jiang Xiaobai urged again. "There are lord-level monsters chasing us!"

"How do you prove that you are Jiang Xiaobai? Not a spy sent by a monster?" The warrior on the city wall did not directly open the city gate, but asked instead.

"True ink marks." Jiang Xiaobai cursed, then took out his warrior certificate and threw it on it. "This is my martial artist certificate, which can prove my identity."

If it was normal, Jiang Xiaobai would never talk nonsense with them.

But it's different now. In a sensitive period, they can understand Jiang Xiaobai's vigilance.

However, the documents were thrown over, but the city wall was still not opened.

"They don't seem to want us to go in very much. Have you offended someone?" Li Changtian asked with widened eyes.

"..." Jiang Xiaobai didn't bother to pay attention to Li Changtian, he raised his head and asked, "Open the door!"

"We can't open it. How do you prove that this martial artist certificate is yours? You didn't pretend to be Jiang Xiaobai?" the warrior guarding Luocheng shouted tremblingly.

At this time, the iron-backed demon bear had already arrived in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

The huge body stood in front of Jiang Xiaobai, like a mountain of meat.


The iron-backed devil bear raised its head to the sky and roared angrily.

"Humans, damn it!"

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