Dominate the world

Chapter 376 Calculation

"Spitting out people's words?"

Hearing the jerky roar of the other party, Jiang Xiaobai was startled.

A lord-level monster can actually understand human language?

"Monsters are also constantly evolving, which is not surprising." Li Changtian explained, "If it is a monster at the level of a demon king, its intelligence is not weaker than that of humans."

Li Changtian, as a direct disciple of the Li family in the Central Plains, naturally has a very good understanding of monsters.

This kind of understanding is beyond Jiang Xiaobai's reach.

After all, the big family has existed longer than Wuhan University, and the intelligence and information they have is not comparable to Wuhan University.

Unless it is a national-level martial arts university like Kyoto Wuhan University and Tsinghua University, it can be compared with some aristocratic families.

Although Qilu Wuda is also a well-known Wuda in the whole country, it still cannot be compared with the century-old prestigious school like Kyoto Wuda.


The iron-backed devil bear bombarded the phantom god with a punch, and immediately sent the phantom god flying.

Jiang Xiaobai and Li Changtian in the phantom car immediately rolled over in the phantom, falling to pieces.

"Are you okay!" Jiang Xiaobai asked after he stabilized his figure.

"It's okay." Li Changtian rubbed his chest, "Phantom God is still not good, if it is my martial arts fighter, it may not be able to move in front of this beast."

"Come on!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted coldly, "If you have this skill, why not think about how to deal with this monster."

An iron-backed devil bear, and two other monsters, all of which are at the lord level.

Moreover, the specific combat power of the opponent is unknown, if he rushes out rashly, it is not an act of knowing.

What's more, this is outside Luo City, surrounded by many monsters, even if Jiang Xiaobai is powerful, it will not help.

At this time, the warriors on the city wall were looking at the situation below, feeling uneasy.

"Is this really okay? He is Jiang Xiaobai."

"That's right! Jiang Xiaobai! The God of Death in Luocheng once beheaded the existence of the three masters."

"We do this, in case he comes to his senses..."

The warriors on the city wall discussed in fear.

They have heard of Jiang Xiaobai's strength for a long time, and now they will definitely offend Jiang Xiaobai if they do this.

When the opponent enters the city, he is afraid that he will be killed directly.

"He can't come back." A young man standing beside them said coldly, "Three lord-level monsters, and there are other monsters around, can he still survive?"

"Master Luo Dong?" The warrior guarding the city wall said tremblingly, "You have to protect us!"

It was Luo Dong's order not to let Jiang Xiaobai enter the city this time.

Fortunately, most of the warriors on the city wall are the garrison of Luo City. These military warriors are also in awe of the power of the Luo family. Facing Luo Dong's orders, they can only choose one way to carry out.

"Don't worry, my Luo family will treat friends sincerely." Luo Dong patted the shoulders of the warriors beside him, "What's more, this time I have been promoted to the realm of master, and the strength of our Luo family has improved again. "

"A mere Jiang Xiaobai is naturally nothing to be afraid of."

"That's right, the Luo family is a famous family in Luo City, with many masters." The martial artist next to him said flatteringly, "What is he, Jiang Xiaobai? He is just a small martial artist from a remote place in Lei Ze, with no background of strength. It’s only because of Qilu Wuda that we can achieve what we are today.”

"Yes!" The other warriors echoed, "How can Jiang Xiaobai compare with you?"

"Look! We don't need to do anything, the monsters below will naturally clean them up." Luo Dong looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a sneer.

Three lord-level monsters, Jiang Xiaobai, who is only a ninth-rank warrior, how can he survive?

Jiang Xiaobai and Li Changtian avoided the iron-backed demon bear's attack in the phantom god. It didn't take long for the phantom god to be smashed and deformed, like scrap iron.

"We can't sit still." Jiang Xiaobai stared at the situation outside with a frosty face.

"Then what can we do?" Li Changtian stretched his face, "There are three lord-level monsters on the opposite side, how can we handle it?"

The three lord-level monsters are three master-level powerhouses. Because they are monsters, the monsters in front of them may be stronger than normal grandmasters.

As for the two of them, only Li Changtian is a master-level powerhouse, but he has just been promoted to the master-level.

It was even worse for Jiang Xiaobai, but he was a rank nine powerhouse.

Ninth-rank vs. lord-level monsters?

The results are predictable!

"Here we can only wait for death, go out and fight, maybe there is hope." Jiang Xiaobai dropped these words and jumped out of the phantom god.

"It's crazy!" Li Changtian cursed heavily, and then jumped out.

The Ironback Demon Bear came in front of the two of them in an instant, and when it saw Jiang Xiaobai, it beat its chest with both fists and roared angrily.

"I didn't expect you to be promoted to the lord level." Jiang Xiaobai stared at the iron-backed demon bear, squinting his eyes and said, "However, even if you are promoted to the lord level, you are not my opponent."

When Jiang Xiaobai spoke, he revealed extremely strong self-confidence.

Li Changtian shook his head as he listened to it. Now he can't wait to tell Jiang Xiaobai that the opposite is a lord-level monster, please don't be arrogant.

However, when Li Changtian wanted to stop Jiang Xiaobai, he found that the other party had already rushed out.


Jiang Xiaobai suddenly got into trouble, and rushed directly at the iron-backed demon bear.

Dots of vitality swayed around Jiang Xiaobai's surroundings, and the sturdy vitality was extremely huge.

Boom boom boom!

The vitality impacted on the Ironback Demon Bear, and bursts of explosions erupted.


The iron-backed devil bear roared angrily, and a pair of fists instantly shattered Jiang Xiaobai's vitality.

The next moment, the fist of the iron-backed demon bear slammed towards Jiang Xiaobai.


Ironback Demon Bear's fist slammed into Jiang Xiaobai's body forcefully. Jiang Xiaobai retreated instantly after being bombarded by this punch.

Deep footprints appeared on the ground one by one, and each footprint was three or four deep.

"I can't beat it!" Li Changsheng watched the battle between Jiang Xiaobai and Iron Back Demon Bear.

Right now, Jiang Xiaobai is at a disadvantage, and he is no match for Ironback Demon Bear at all.

Monster beasts have natural advantages, whether it is strength or physical defense, they are much stronger than human warriors.

If Jiang Xiaobai is a martial artist in the realm of a master, it's fine, but he's only a ninth-rank martial artist.

Boom boom boom!

After the iron-backed demon bear hammered Jiang Xiaobai away, he walked up to Jiang Xiaobai again.


There was a sound of thunder, and the iron-backed devil bear punched Jiang Xiaobai.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Jiang Xiaobai urged his vitality to roll and dodge.

The iron-backed demon bear's fist fell heavily to the ground, splashing up dirt, and a deep hole was smashed into the ground.

"No, don't hide!" Ironback Demon Bear ordered in a jerky tone.

"Don't hide and wait for you to kill me?" Jiang Xiaobai dodged again, and responded, "I'm a fool if I don't hide."

Bang bang bang!

The Ironback Demon Bear's fist exploded in the air, and countless streams of air exploded around it.

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