Dominate the world

Chapter 377 Jiang Xiaobai's News

"This, this lord-level monster is so strong!"

"Even the human grandmaster is probably not an opponent, the monster is too strong."

"Is there such a big gap between humans and monsters?"

The faces of the warriors on the city wall were pale. If Jiang Xiaobai hadn't appeared just now, this monster might be attacking the city.

Once the lord-level monsters attack the city, can Luo City's defense be able to withstand it?

No one can guarantee this.

"How long has the monster besieged the city?" Luo Dong looked at the iron-backed devil bear and asked, frowning.

"It's been a week." The warrior beside Luo Dong replied, "A week ago, monsters inexplicably started to attack Luo City, and the warriors in Luo City went out to fight, resulting in numerous casualties, and only then repelled the monster."

"But I didn't expect that the monsters didn't just recede, but intensified."

The attack started a week ago?

"What about the Luo family?" Luo Dong asked anxiously.

"If you go back to Master Luo, the Luo family is not in danger. This time, most of the Luo City Martial Arts Institute and the military department are the main force to defend against the enemy, with Qilu Martial Arts University and Luo City Martial Arts University as auxiliary forces." The warrior continued, "The Luo family's Warriors did not participate in the battle."

"The Luo family didn't participate in the war?" Luo Dong felt relieved when he heard this.

It's fine if you don't participate in the war, so as to preserve the Luo family's strength.

"What about their casualties?" Luo Dong continued to ask.

"Heavy losses." The martial artist responded, "Especially the Martial Arts Club of Qilu Martial Arts University, with more than half of the casualties."

"Okay!" Luo Dong showed joy.

The Martial Arts Club is a force established by Jiang Xiaobai. It has developed rapidly in the past few months, and it is also a new force that the Luo family has to guard against. Now that the Martial Arts Club has suffered heavy losses, this has undoubtedly weakened Jiang Xiaobai's strength.

At this time, Luo Dong wished that there would be more battles like this.

At that time, most of the power of Martial Arts Institute and Wuhan University will be consumed, so won't the entire Luo City be in the hands of the Luo family in the future?


Qilu Wuda.

Fang Xiqiong and other powerful people from Wuhan University gathered in the office, and everyone's face was clouded with sadness.

"This time the monster attacked Los Angeles out of nowhere and caused us heavy losses. What can you do?" Fang Xiqiong asked, clearing her throat.

"There is no way. In this situation, the only way is for warriors to go out and fight monsters to the death." Tang Songting said in a deep voice.

Fight monsters to death!

This is the only way out before them.

"Damn the Luo family, as a prominent family in Luo City, they didn't send out a warrior." Lan Yingying said angrily.

She couldn't forget the day when the monsters attacked the city, and the black monsters were entrenched around the city of Los Angeles.

The monster alarm sounded immediately, and the entire city of Los Angeles fell into panic.

Because of the sudden incident, the Martial Arts Academy did not react, but the members of the Qilu Wuda Martial Arts Club who were training outside were the first to react.

When the warriors of the Martial Arts Club discovered the monster beast's surprise attack, they rushed out and fought together with the monster beast.

It was the warriors of the Budo Society who came forward and bought precious time for the Budo Academy.

But also because of this, many fighters from the martial arts club gave their lives.

"It's already the norm for the current aristocratic family to listen to the announcement or not." Fang Xiqiong said coldly, "Now we can only rely on ourselves."

"Yes, rely on us, Budaoyuan, and the military department." Tang Songting clenched his fists.

"I'll take the lead in this battle." Meng Shu, who was standing beside Tang Songting, suddenly stood up.

"Meng Shu!" Fang Xiqiong glanced at him and asked in confusion.

"Dean, we can't let the warriors of the Martial Arts Club go up. They are still young and still have a good time. They shouldn't die at the hands of monsters right now." Meng Shu said calmly, "Since the reorganization of the Martial Arts Club by Jiang Xiaobai , has truly become a new force for me at Qilu Wuhan University."

"If all the warriors from the Martial Arts Club are dead, how can I explain to Jiang Xiaobai?"

Jiang Xiaobai?

When Fang Xiqiong heard this name, she suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"Where are the others? Maybe they're still outside!"

Jiang Xiaobai?

Lan Yingying and Tang Songting suddenly came to their senses and said in unison: "He didn't come back!"

If he didn't come back, he was still outside. Now Luocheng is surrounded by monsters and beasts. If Jiang Xiaobai comes back...

"Dean, what should we do?" Lan Yingying shouted anxiously.

"Now we need to determine Jiang Xiaobai's location." Fang Xiqiong said calmly, "If he is outside Los Angeles, we will pick him up, but if he is not near Los Angeles, we just need to tell him not to come back for the time being." .”

"President, dean!"

As soon as Fang Xiqiong finished speaking, he heard an anxious voice coming from outside.

"What happened?" Fang Xiqiong waved his hand, and the door of the office opened instantly.

A middle-aged man rushed in sweating profusely, full of anxiety.

"It's not good, Jiang Xiaobai fought the goblin outside Luo City." The middle-aged man gasped heavily.

"What? Fight?"

Lan Yingying and Tang Songting stared at the man and asked.

"Yes!" The instructor continued, "I learned from the report of my subordinates that Jiang Xiaobai is now fighting the lord-level monster."

A lord-level monster?

After Fang Xiqiong heard it, there was a strange look in his eyes.

"He has been promoted to the realm of a master?"

"No, it's still the realm of a ninth-rank martial artist, but he is accompanied by a young master." The instructor said.

"Nonsense!" Fang Xiqiong patted the table heavily, "Ninth-rank warrior, just want to fight the lord-level monster? Is this guy crazy?"

"Dean, we have to go and have a look!" Lan Yingying said immediately, concerned about Jiang Xiaobai's safety.

"Okay, let's go out together now." Fang Xiqiong walked out decisively without any hesitation.

Tang Songting, Lan Yingying and Meng Shu followed closely behind Fang Xiqiong.

The fact that Jiang Xiaobai came back and monopolized the master-level monster was quickly known to all the warriors in Qilu University.

"What? Jiang Xiaobai is back? He even fought with a lord-level goblin?"

"Is this true or false? How could he have such courage!"

"Jiang Xiaobai, it's only been a short year, and he can actually compete against the Grandmaster!"

"Let's go, let's cheer for Jiang Xiaobai and fight to the death against the monster!"

When the warriors of Qilu Wuda heard about Jiang Xiaobai's news, they were shocked at first, and then they began to raise their voices.

The current Jiang Xiaobai is not just an ordinary student, but also their idol, even their belief.

Jiang Xiaobai, who is just a freshman, has grown to the realm of a ninth-rank warrior in less than a year.

This growth rate has already surpassed everyone.

Let everyone be amazed.

Therefore, when they heard that Jiang Xiaobai was fighting with a lord-level monster, everyone was gearing up and eager to try.

Although they cannot fight side by side with Jiang Xiaobai, they can cheer for them.

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