Dominate the world

Chapter 389 I want to bring warriors to battle

With the addition of Li Jingyu and Li Changtian, for the entire Qilu Wuda University, the overall strength has improved a lot.

The defense of the entire Luo City, in addition to the formation, is composed of Qilu Martial Arts University and Luo City Martial Arts University, aristocratic warriors, Martial Arts Academy and the military headquarters.

Among them, the warriors from Budaoyuan and the military department are the main force, followed by warriors from aristocratic families, and finally warriors from Wuhan University.

However, in recent years, family warriors have less and less appeared on the battlefield.

It's not because they don't have any warriors, but because the warriors from the aristocratic family got scared during the battle with the monsters.

Every family is supported by the strength of the warriors, and in the battle with the monsters, causing serious injuries or death to the warriors of the family, this undoubtedly reduces the strength of the family.

Therefore, many families were dissatisfied and began to rethink the necessity of war.

This kind of scene is common not only in Los Angeles, but also in the whole of China, but in Los Angeles, the performance of the Luo family is particularly outstanding.

For this battle, the Luo family only sent a grandmaster and dozens of warriors to participate in the battle. This level of combat power is even inferior to that of Qilu Wuda University.

"Dean, in the last battle, many warriors from Qilu Wuda University were injured or injured." Jiang Xiaobai came to Fang Xiqiong and said, "I think that in this battle, warriors who are freshmen and sophomores don't need to participate, and just take care of the logistics. There are mainly three or four warriors participating in the battle."

"The warriors of the junior year also want to participate in the battle?" Fang Xiqiong said softly, "I think it is enough to be only a part of the senior year."

"Junior warriors need this kind of experience, and any warrior can only improve themselves in bloody battles." Jiang Xiaobai said stubbornly, "If it's not because the freshman and sophomores are too immature, they can also experience a life and death."


How fucking crazy!

Warriors who are juniors, juniors, and seniors will participate in the battle without reservation, and warriors who are juniors, first and second, will go to the battlefield in person and be responsible for logistics?

Although logistics is safe, it is only relative.

Li Jingyu was amazed again and again in his heart. The warriors of their martial arts family tended to practice hard, but they were not as crazy as Jiang Xiaobai said.

In Li Jingyu's view, this kind of madness is too risky.

"Okay!" Fang Xiqiong agreed.

He thought about it carefully, what Jiang Xiaobai said was not unreasonable. The flowers in the greenhouse may be delicate and beautiful, but they might not be able to withstand the heavy pressure of the strong wind.

Only after many trials and tribulations can a warrior become stronger.

"I'll let Zhong Liang arrange it." Jiang Xiaobai turned around and left.

Monster beasts attacked the city, and he couldn't afford to delay for half a minute.

Li Changtian followed Li Jingyu and stayed by Fang Xiqiong's side, especially Li Jingyu's eyes showed a passionate fighting spirit.

It didn't make him feel bad because he was in Los Angeles.

Not only the Qilu Martial Arts University, but the whole Luocheng moved, especially the Martial Arts Institute and the military headquarters. Grandmaster-level experts flew out of the sky and landed on every corner of the Luocheng city wall in an instant.

In the Luo family all the time, several grandmasters sat around the round table and had a meeting.

"Luo Dong, how do you feel about being promoted to Grandmaster this time?" Luo Xiyan, the elder of the Luo family, asked.

"The Taishan Secret Realm is indeed a place to train people, but it's a pity that we didn't hold Jiang Xiaobai's Taishan Token in our hands, otherwise our Luo family could produce another grandmaster." Luo Dong said truthfully.

"I heard that Jiang Xiaobai's strength can be compared with the master's?" Luo Xiyan asked again.

"Indeed." When Luo Dong spoke, a trace of entanglement flashed in his eyes. "Jiang Xiaobai's strength is now similar to that of the masters. He even killed a lord-level monster outside the city."

"Grandmaster Luo Yuxiang can testify to this."

Luo Yuxiang nodded softly: "The lord-level monster of Qianfo Mountain, the iron-backed devil bear, was beheaded by Jiang Xiaobai."

"This kid will be a disaster sooner or later." Luo Xiyan flashed a cold light, and his whole body became murderous, "He should have been eliminated at all costs in the first place."

"Actually, we can do it now." Luo Yuxiang said sadly.

Among the Luo family, Luo Yuxiang and Jiang Xiaobai can be said to be deadly enemies.

If anyone in the Luo family wants Jiang Xiaobai to die the most, it must be Luo Yuxiang.

"Speak." Luo Xiyan signaled Luo Yuxiang to continue.

"Of course, with the help of this monster riot, we can get rid of Jiang Xiaobai without anyone noticing." Luo Yuxiang made a beheading gesture, "This monster riot, if we do it, the blame will be blamed on the monster ..."

"Yes." Luo Xiyan nodded in satisfaction, "This matter can be done, but it must be remembered that it must not be exposed."

"Luo Yuxiang, Luo Yuliang, Luo Dong, I will send the three of you to complete this matter."

"Okay!" The three stood up, bowed and agreed.

These three people are already master-level powerhouses, and Luo Yuxiang is a first-level master, who has tempered one of the five internal organs.

This lineup is more than enough to deal with Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai naturally didn't know that the Luo family had already started sending people to deal with him, even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart.

The current Jiang Xiaobai is tempering the Thorn Hung and Thorn Star, two master-level warriors in the training chamber, but they are only in the low-rank realm.

Jiang Xiaobai threw the materials of Ziyan Sword and Iron Back Demon Bear into it, and then the Tai Chi Disc began to be tempered.

With the addition of these materials, Jiang Xiaobai will definitely be able to improve the ranks of Thorn Hong and Thorn Star.

A few hours later, a stream of light erupted from the Taiji disk, and Thorn Hong and Thorn Star reappeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai's eyes.

"Middle-rank master-level soldiers?" Jiang Xiaobai held the two soldiers in his hands, and immediately judged the opponent's rank.

Only the grade of a middle-grade master-level soldier?

This made Jiang Xiaobai a little disappointed. He thought he could be promoted to a top-ranked master-level soldier, but he didn't.

But there is another gain, which is to make the connection between Jiang Xiaobai and the two soldiers closer.

Jiang Xiaobai's spiritual power can control Thorn Hong and Thorn Star more easily, and under the control of mental power, Jiang Xiaobai feels that whether it is Thorn Hong or Thorn Star, the explosive strength will be very terrifying.

"President Jiang, the members of the Martial Arts Club have assembled." Zhong Liang stepped forward and said immediately after seeing Jiang Xiaobai coming out of the secret room.

"Okay, take me to have a look." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said.

Zhong Liang brought Jiang Xiaobai to the martial arts arena of the Martial Arts Club, and there were rows of martial artists standing in front of him.

"A total of [-] warriors from the Martial Arts Club have applied for the battle this time." Zhong Liang stood in front of the team and said loudly.

"Qian Buyi, Zheng Kai, come out." Jiang Xiaobai shouted in a deep voice when he saw Qian Buyi and Zheng Kai who had been injured.

These two people were seriously injured in the last battle, if it wasn't for the elixir of Qilu Wuda, these two people might not be able to wake up now.

But now, their serious injuries have not recovered, and Jiang Xiaobai will not let them participate in the battle.

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