Dominate the world

Chapter 390 Martial arts club, join the war

"Do not."

Qian Buyi and Zheng Kai resolutely refused.

"President, although we are seriously injured, it doesn't affect us." Qian Buyi said solemnly, "We still have the strength to fight the monsters."

"Yes! President, let us go this time!" Zheng Kai also said anxiously, "We participated in the battle last time and are familiar with monsters. This time we can bring the warriors from the Martial Arts Club with us. , revenge with one arrow."

"You guys, really think it over?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the two people in front of him.

These two people were warriors who followed Qin Feng before, and later became the president of the Martial Arts Club. These two warriors did not have any complaints. Instead, they worked hard in the Martial Arts Club and were trained by Zhong Liang as the mainstay of the Martial Arts Club.

"We've figured it out!"

Qian Buyi and Zheng Kai said in unison.

"Even if we die in battle, we will never regret it."

The words of the two people instantly aroused the emotions of the surrounding martial arts club members. For example, the two injured warriors, Qian Buyi and Zheng Kai, were so enthusiastic to fight, and the other warriors immediately ignited a raging flame of war.

"So do we, no regrets, no retreat!"

The rest of the Martial Arts Society warriors shouted loudly, their voices shook the sky, echoing over the entire martial arts arena.

"Okay, thank you for your trust in me." Jiang Xiaobai bowed his hands to all the warriors, "I, Jiang Xiaobai, will definitely take the lead and protect everyone's safety."

Jiang Xiaobai's words are sincere, not just for show.

Faced with the threat of monsters in Luocheng, Jiang Xiaobai naturally would not back down.

Not just for the sake of the entire Los Angeles people, but also because there are his friends in Los Angeles.

"President Jiang, bring us one!" A weak voice came from the corner.

Jiang Xiaobai looked intently, and instantly saw the three of Yang Chengbin walking slowly towards this side.

"What are you guys doing here?" Jiang Xiaobai frowned, "Didn't everyone arrange for you to be in charge of logistics?"

"President Jiang, we are also members of the Martial Arts Club, and I am already at the peak of the third rank." Yang Chengbin argued, "Wang Chuang has even stepped into the realm of the fourth rank. Why can't we go?"

"Yes!" Wu Sheng and Wang Chuang beeped softly.

"Do you really want to go?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the three of Yang Chengbin.

These three people are the arrogance of their class. When they first enrolled, the three of Yang Chengbin's cultivation level is not weaker than their own, and they are regarded as the future hope of Wuhan University.

However, it was later that Jiang Xiaobai rose strongly and left the three of them behind.

The three of them didn't feel discouraged at all. Instead, they stepped up to practice, and even joined Jiang Xiaobai's martial arts club to practice hard for a long time.

When Zhong Liang and Jiang Xiaobai were chatting, they also praised these three people, they were rare warriors.

"Yes, we want to go!" The three of Yang Chengbin said solemnly in unison.

"President, these three people, let them stay!" Zhong Liang said softly.

Zhong Liang knew the danger of this mission, the monster attacking the city, this is not going to the wild to experience.

Once you set foot on the battlefield, what you are waiting for will be a life-and-death struggle, not a child's play.

When practicing in the field, if you lose the enemy, you can retreat and escape.

But this time, they had no chance to escape, because behind them was the entire city of Los Angeles.

Once it falls, it will inevitably bring disaster to the people of Luocheng.

The three of Yang Chengbin are rising stars. Even if a few of them die in battle, after a few years, Yang Chengbin grows up and may be able to recover the Martial Arts Club.

"Stay?" Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the three of Yang Chengbin, "Old Zhong, I know what you mean. If you let them stay, it will limit their development."

"These three people are wolves, not sheep!"

"In Wuhan University, if we want to break the monopoly of the aristocratic family, we must grow up quickly. If we were in a comfortable environment, we might not have any chance, but this monster riot just gave us an opportunity."

Combat is the best teacher for warriors!

This sentence is listed as a classic quotation of martial arts.

Zhong Liang froze on the spot, recalling Jiang Xiaobai's words carefully, which made him quite agree.

The cultivation of warriors is not just about absorbing the vitality of the world and practicing hard, but a large part of it is improved in battle.

"Old Zhong, you follow behind this time and protect them." Jiang Xiaobai patted Zhong Liang on the shoulder.

Zhong Liang nodded seriously.

"This time you go, there is only one mission." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the three of Yang Chengbin again, "Save your life!"

"We know!" The three of Yang Chengbin were overjoyed when they heard Jiang Xiaobai agree.

They were trembling just now, for fear of not getting Jiang Xiaobai's consent, the three of them even discussed it, if Jiang Xiaobai disagreed, they would sneak out together and prove themselves with their strength.

Now that Jiang Xiaobai agrees, they can go out blatantly.

"This mission is close to death. I don't ask you how many monsters you can kill." Jiang Xiaobai said here, raising his voice, "However, the place we are guarding will never allow a single monster to pass through."


More than 100 warriors shouted in unison, and there was no expression of fear on everyone's face, only endless fighting spirit.

"Okay, let's go!" Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, and walked out directly with the warriors from the Martial Arts Club.

On the way, I happened to see Tang Songting, Lan Yingying and others.

Behind the two of them, there were more than a dozen top-rank warriors, each of whom was at least a sixth-rank warrior, and the highest had reached a ninth-rank warrior.

"Instructor Lan, Instructor Tang." Jiang Xiaobai greeted first.

"Xiaobai, is your martial arts club coming out in full force?" Tang Songting frowned when he saw more than 100 martial artists from the martial arts club.

Fang Xiqiong once ordered that members of the Martial Arts Club be prohibited from participating in the war, but this time because of Jiang Xiaobai's relationship, although Fang Xiqiong let go.

But this time more than 100 martial artists from the Martial Arts Club were dispatched, which was almost the entire strength of the entire Martial Arts Club.

"Indeed, these are all the elites of our Martial Arts Club." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "This time, I will thank all the instructors."

"Don't worry about that, we will protect them well." Tang Songting nodded.

"Protection is not enough. If there are monsters that are stronger than them, you can block them. If they are monsters of the same level, the members of the Martial Arts Club will deal with them." Jiang Xiaobai explained, "I believe that the warriors of the Martial Arts Club, together Tier invincible."

After hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, the instructors behind Tang Songting couldn't help being surprised.

Invincible at the same level?

A martial artist from the Budo Club?

When did the Martial Arts Club become so confident?

Even Tang Songting and Lan Yingying were quite puzzled, they could feel Jiang Xiaobai's strong confidence.

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