Dominate the world

Chapter 391 Los Angeles South Gate

The formation of Qilu Martial Arts University has been sorted out, the martial arts dean Fang Xiqiong and other masters lead the team, followed by the instructors of the Martial Arts University, and finally the members of the Martial Arts Club.

This time, almost all the members of Qilu Martial Arts University were mobilized, and even the strong ones who were fighting outside were urgently recalled.

There are five Grandmasters in the whole Qilu Martial Arts University, dozens of high-rank fighters, almost the entire strength of the entire Qilu Martial Arts University.

"President Fang, do you really want to do this?" Tang Songting looked at so many elite warriors, and felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

This is the property of Qilu Wuda University!

If all of these are wiped out, what should they do at Qilu Wuda...

At that time, I am afraid that the status of the entire Qilu Wuda University will decline, and it will be completely reduced to a third-rate Wuda University.

"It must be like this!" Fang Xiqiong said firmly, "This is our city of Los Angeles."

"The reason why Qilu Martial Arts University exists is to fight against monsters, train warriors and send talents for Huaguo, stop monsters, recover territories occupied by monsters, until all monsters are wiped out."

"We are not like those aristocratic families who disregard the comfort of all mankind for their own self-interest."

"But in this way, the strength of our Wuhan University is weakened, and the power of the aristocratic family will inevitably rise." Tang Songting said again, "I think we still have to leave a way for Qilu Wuda."

"No!" Fang Xiqiong waved his hand, "Even if we die in battle, the Huaguo Martial Arts Institute and the Ministry of Education will definitely arrange for other masters to come to Qilu Wuda."

"What's more, we warriors are born to fight, and we will not hesitate."

"Moreover, these ordinary people behind us, they may all be the hope of Hua Guo's future martial arts in the future."

"I understand!" Tang Songting lowered his head, "I am narrow-minded."

"Let's go!" Fang Xiqiong patted Tang Songting on the shoulder, "Little Tang, you came to Qilu University with me, and I watched you grow up. I hope you can protect yourself this time."

"Principal Fang, don't worry, I will definitely protect the safety of the students." Tang Songting said with firm eyes.

"Not only the students, but also you." Fang Xiqiong pointed to Tang Songting, "We Qiluwu University will go out this time, and a lot of them will come back."

Having said this, Fang Xiqiong raised his head and looked at the instructors and students in front of him, feeling pain in his heart.

These are the elites of Qilu Wuda, and they are the future of Qilu Wuda. It is impossible to say that Fang Xiqiong is not afraid.

But at such a critical moment when monsters attacked the city, there was no time to take care of other things.

Anyone can retreat, even some warriors can retreat.

However, they must not back down.

After all, they represent Qilu Wuda.

"Dean, don't look at us with such eyes, making it seem like we can't come back." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile to ease the atmosphere.

"You boy." Fang Xiqiong cursed with a smile, "Okay, let's go!"

"Okay." Jiang Xiaobai responded, and followed Fang Xiqiong towards the edge of Los Angeles.

The warriors who followed Fang Xiqiong were almost all master-level powerhouses, except Jiang Xiaobai, a ninth-rank warrior.

But none of the grandmasters underestimated Jiang Xiaobai.

All of them, even Jiang Xiaobai's combat strength, are not weaker than any of the grandmasters.

This time, Qilu Wuda is guarding the south gate.

The entire city wall of Qilu Martial Arts University consists of four gates, and each gate is the center of a formation. When the powerful and powerful people of the Hua Kingdom arranged the formation, they specially placed the formation eye at the city gate for this purpose For the warriors in the city, it is easier to guard.

Among the four gates, the pressure on the south gate is relatively small. This is also the arrangement of the Martial Arts Institute and the military department, in order to reduce the burden on Qilu Wuda.

After all, Wuhan University is not a real combat warrior. Whether it is the military department, the Martial Arts Institute, or even those aristocratic families, they have more responsibility to stand on the front line than Qilu Wuda University.

After Fang Xiqiong brought warriors to the south gate, he immediately saw the scene of monsters attacking the city frantically.

Although the formation has been activated and the powerful monsters are blocked outside, there are still many fish that slipped through the net and rushed to the city wall.

The warriors on the city wall are fighting monsters.

"Tang Songting, bring people up." Fang Xiqiong immediately gave the order, "The others follow me up the city wall and guard each place."

If it was seen by other people, Fang Xiqiong would definitely feel that Fang Xiqiong was making a fuss out of a molehill if he brought the master here with such great fanfare.

But only Fang Xiqiong knew how violent this monster riot was.

If it weren't for this, many warriors would not have lost their lives for it.

Jiang Xiaobai and Li Changtian stood together with the warriors from the Martial Arts Club, looking down at the vast number of monsters below the city.

Hundreds of monsters gathered under the city, densely packed.

Some martial artists from the Martial Arts Club couldn't help their legs trembling when they saw this scene.

"Monster, why are there so many monsters?"

"Too many, I have never seen so many monsters."

"This time, if we fail, we..."

Every martial artist couldn't help but panic. Although they had experience in facing monsters, they were only in the process of training. No matter in terms of quality or quantity, they were not as many as they are now.

It is normal to be afraid of the scene in front of you.

"Scared!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the trembling warriors beside him.

After hearing this, several warriors lowered their heads in embarrassment.

Indeed, they were afraid.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of being afraid." Jiang Xiaobai comforted, "After all, this is the first time you have faced so many monsters. After this time, you will definitely become real warriors."

Several warriors nodded silently.

At the same time, their respect for Jiang Xiaobai was even more profound. Jiang Xiaobai was a few years younger than them, but he was never disturbed.

"Jiang Xiaobai, are you here?" A familiar voice rang out from Jiang Xiaobai's ears.

"Huh? Brother Yuan, are you here too?" Jiang Xiaobai turned around, just in time to see Liang Xiaoyuan's figure.

"Of course I'm here, this is not the chassis of your Qilu Wuda." Liang Xiaoyuan wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile. "I thought you were afraid to come?"

"Eh..." Jiang Xiaobai laughed dumbly, every time he chatted with Liang Xiaoyuan, he felt speechless.

"Who is this buddy? His cultivation level is not bad, even higher than yours." After Liang Xiaoyuan greeted him, he looked at Li Changtian beside Jiang Xiaobai.

"I, I, my name is Li, Li Changtian." When Li Changtian saw Liang Xiaoyuan, his whole body trembled and he stammered.

"Li Li Changtian?" Liang Xiaoyuan said casually, "I didn't expect to be stuttering."

"I, I'm not..." Li Changtian anxiously argued, but as soon as he finished speaking, his face immediately turned red.

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