Jiang Xiaobai looked puzzled, looking at Li Changtian full of doubts.

This guy usually looks a little cold and arrogant, similar to Zhang Chulan once, but he didn't expect to have such a cute side.

"Jiang, Jiang Xiaobai, you..." Li Changtian looked at Jiang Xiaobai as if asking for help, and said with a flushed face.

"Okay, Brother Yuan, he's not stuttering, he's just a little excited to see you." Jiang Xiaobai said to relieve his embarrassment, "This is Li Changtian from the Li family in the Central Plains."

"Yes, I, I am Li, the Li family..." Li Changtian echoed.

"Why don't you wait for a while?" Liang Xiaoyuan stared at Li Changtian and said word by word.

"Forget it, this is Liang Xiaoyuan from Luocheng Wuhan University." Jiang Xiaobai began to introduce Liang Xiaoyuan again.

"Brother Yuan." Liang Xiaoyuan corrected.

"Yuan, Brother Yuan." Li Changtian shouted directly.

"I didn't tell you, you don't have the right to call me Brother Yuan." Liang Xiaoyuan gave Li Changtian a blank look, and complained, "You're even older than me, and you still call me Brother Yuan."

"Xiao, Xiaoyuan?" Li Changtian called out again.

"Am I familiar with you?" Liang Xiaoyuan glared at Li Changtian angrily, "Only my elders can call Xiaoyuan like that."

"Jiang Xiaobai..." Li Changtian looked at Jiang Xiaobai aggrievedly, and shouted resentfully.

Seeing Li Changtian's eyes, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt dizzy.

What happened to this guy today?

Why does Liang Xiaoyuan look like a different person?

"Let me tell you, Xiaobai, I don't need you this time. Our Luocheng Wuhan University can handle it completely." Liang Xiaoyuan approached Jiang Xiaobai, hooked his shoulders and said, "Don't you trust your brother Yuan in this kind of thing?"

"Of course I believe Brother Yuan." Jiang Xiaobai responded with a smile.

"That's right." Liang Xiaoyuan said carelessly.

"Senior Sister Liang, it's not good, we have another warrior seriously injured." Just as Liang Xiaoyuan was bragging, a warrior ran up in front and said out of breath.

"Damn monster." Liang Xiaoyuan let go of Jiang Xiaobai, and rushed out, "Xiaobai, I'll catch up with you when I have time, I'll go get busy first."

"Be careful..." Before Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, Liang Xiaoyuan's figure disappeared in front of his eyes.

"I'll go too!" Li Changtian saw Liang Xiaoyuan leave and rushed over.

"What are you going to do?" Jiang Xiaobai stopped Li Changtian and asked in confusion.

"I'll go and help her." This time, Li Changtian stopped stammering and returned to normal.

Jiang Xiaobai let go of Li Changtian and let him leave.

"Grandmaster Li doesn't like Liang Xiaoyuan, does he?" Zhong Liang who was standing behind Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help asking softly.

"No way..." Jiang Xiaobai gasped, "It shouldn't be!"

This episode did not affect the tense atmosphere.

Warriors from Qilu Martial Arts University stood guard on the city wall one after another, and the master warriors led the warriors of the third rank to occupy an area respectively.

Whenever monsters come up, they will attack and kill each other.

Most of the monsters that boarded the city gate were below the lord level, and there was no need for a master to take action at all.

The reason why there are masters guarding this time is mainly to prevent the attack of lord-level monsters.

Boom boom boom!

Around Jiang Xiaobai and the others, there were endless explosions.

The originally clean city wall was already stained red with blood, and dripped down the city wall, some of which had already flowed into the interior of Los Angeles.

The battle became more and more fierce, and the monsters under the city even launched suicide attacks.

Countless monsters gathered their strength and charged towards the city gate.

Not only the south gate, but the four gates of Los Angeles are all under attack to varying degrees.

Fang Xiqiong, Du Pingyuan and the others frowned at this moment, gathering together with gloomy faces.

"If this continues, Los Angeles will definitely fall."

The heavy atmosphere in the room was broken, and Fang Xiqiong spoke first.

"Old Fang, I also feel this way." The one who responded to Fang Xiqiong was Xiong Chang, a martial artist from the Los Angeles Army Department, who was also a strong man in the realm of a master.

"I think you are a little unfounded. My Los Angeles formation was arranged by a powerhouse beyond the king level." Luo Xiyan is also one of the master level powerhouses who participated in this meeting. Hearing Fang Xiqiong and Xiong Chang discussing , he scoffed.

Luo City's defense is indestructible, how could these monsters be able to break through it?

Now that these two people are discussing this here, Luo Xiyan feels a little alarmist.

"Luo Xiyan, you don't know that although the formation in Los Angeles is strong, its strength has been weakening over the past few decades." Du Pingyuan cleared his throat, "The current formation in Luocheng can prevent the lord Super monsters, but if the demon king comes to Luocheng, I'm afraid I don't know what will happen."

"The demon king?" Luo Xiyan said with a smile, "The demon kings are staying in Mount Tai? They are suppressed by king-level powerhouses from Qilu Province. How could they come to our city of Luo?"

"Dean Du, it's not uncommon for monsters to siege cities. I think it's just a bluff. Why should it be so important?"

As the elder of the Luo family, Luo Xiyan was naturally unwilling to participate in such an action.

Fighting against monsters is harmful but not beneficial. If you really fight, it will weaken the power of the family.

For the benefit of the family, Luo Xiyan has always resisted this action.

"If you don't pay attention, you may die." Fang Xiqiong said bluntly, "Not only you, but the whole city of Los Angeles will pay the price for this."

"Fart!" Luo Xiyan yelled sharply, "Fang Xiqiong, don't think I don't know what you think, isn't it just to let Qilu Wuda replace our Luo family?"

"Do everything possible to let my Luo family participate in the war, trying to consume the strength of my Luo family and let your Qilu Wuda family dominate, right?"

"You are talking nonsense." Fang Xiqiong responded emotionally, "I am for the safety of the entire Los Angeles."

"The safety of the entire Los Angeles city?" Luo Xiyan shrugged, "Is Los Angeles city in danger now? No, some are just your imagination."

"Luo Xiyan, please make your words clear." Fang Xiqiong stood up abruptly, "Did your Luo family send warriors to fight against monsters this time? No warriors were injured in our Qilu University? No warriors died?"

"Old Fang, don't get excited." Du Pingyuan stepped forward to persuade him.

Fang Xiqiong sat back indignantly, still glaring at Luo Xiyan.

And Luo Xiyan snorted coldly and turned his head to the side.

"Luo Xiyan, as a family of Luo City, your Luo family should fight for Luo City." Xiong Chang glanced coldly, "How can you get what you want without the skin? Don't you understand such a simple truth?"

"You say that monsters attacking the city is nothing to fear, so when is the real crisis? Do you have to wait until the monsters enter Los Angeles before you take up arms to resist?"

"If it really comes to that time, what's the use of your resistance?"

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