Dominate the world

Chapter 395 Warriors Under War

Although the battles are raging around Los Angeles, ordinary people in Los Angeles are not aware of it, and still live as usual.

Perhaps, this is the greatest hope of all warriors.

They are here to resist the monsters, in order to make the monsters disappear and protect human beings.

Although they may die, as warriors, this is a matter of fate.

From the moment they choose to become warriors, they have already disregarded life and death.

Join the Martial Arts Institute, become a warrior, and fight monsters to the end for life.

The upheaval began, and the rise of martial arts was to a large extent to protect human beings, not to show off a moment of bravery.

"Brother, when do you think we can really repel the monsters?" A young man took out a cigarette and handed it to the middle-aged warrior beside him.

"It's not certain." The middle-aged warrior took out the lighter, lit the cigarette, and took a puff. "Ten years? 20 years? Or 200 years?"

"Is there such a big difference between a human warrior and a monster?" The cigarette in the young warrior's hand fell to the ground, and he looked at the middle-aged warrior blankly.

"Yes!" The middle-aged martial artist exhaled a puff of smoke ring, "When I was your age, I also expected to kill the monsters as soon as possible, but what is the truth?"

"Decades have passed, and this is still the case, and the strength of the monsters is getting stronger and stronger, making us feel more and more powerless."

"But don't worry, as long as we make unremitting efforts, we will definitely put down the turmoil of the monsters."

The young man listened to the words of the middle-aged warrior, thoughtfully, took out a cigarette again, and lit it again.

Most of the warriors around had been injured, and everyone took out the pills in their bosom, or took them, or applied them on the wounds.

With the guarantee of the elixir, although these warriors were injured, they would quickly recover to their original state.

"Instructor Tang, how many pills are there?" Jiang Xiaobai called Tang Songting and Lan Yingying once, and asked solemnly.

"Almost all the inventory at Qilu Wuda University has been shipped in, and it can last for half a month." Tang Songting said after thinking for a while.

"Half a month?" Jiang Xiaobai frowned, "I wonder if Los Angeles can last half a month."

Over the past few days, Jiang Xiaobai felt the fierce attack of monsters.

The battle continued every day, for several hours or even ten hours.

Moreover, the strength of the monsters is getting stronger and stronger, and the casualties to the warriors are also getting more and more serious.

"There should be no problem." Tang Songting comforted, "President Du has sent a distress signal to the Martial Arts Department. I believe that after a while, a large number of strong people will come."

The Martial Arts Department is a department directly under Huaguo, just like the military department.

The Martial Arts Department is above the National Budo Institute and is the commanding department of the Budo Institute.

"Martial Arts Department?" Jiang Xiaobai heard of the existence of this department for the first time, "Isn't it Huaguo Martial Arts Academy?"

"The existence of the Martial Arts Department is extremely mysterious. Under the Budo Department, there are various departments, and the Martial Arts Academy is just one of them." Tang Songting patiently explained, "The minimum strength of the martial arts department is the master level."

"There is such a powerful existence?" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help being speechless when he heard it. "Since there is such a powerful force, why not directly attack the monster?"

This kind of existence was the first time he had heard of it.

"Do you think the monsters you saw are all there?" Tang Songting sighed, "The monsters we saw are just the tip of the iceberg."

"Don't look at me with that look, I knew it when I was with Dean Fang."

Don't pretend that you already know everything. When you really understand the world, you will realize how small you are.

Jiang Xiaobai remembered the sentence he saw at Wuhan University before, and at first he didn't understand what it meant, but now he understands a little bit.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you are still young. If you are really in danger, I will do my best to let you go first." Tang Songting looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said with a smile.

"It seems that I am stronger than you!" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile. "Don't worry, I, Jiang Xiaobai, am destined to die."

"That would be the best." Tang Songting gradually smiled.

Jiang Xiaobai can still maintain an optimistic attitude, which is extremely rare and valuable.Like other warriors, it is absolutely impossible to have such a calm performance.

It can be said that Jiang Xiaobai at this moment is much better than most warriors.

"Okay, not much to say, I'll go and see other warriors first." Jiang Xiaobai said directly, "Now I'm worried about the warriors of the Martial Arts Club."

"Go and have a look!" Tang Songting nodded and said, "We must not let them lose their fighting spirit now. Once they lose their fighting spirit, all their efforts will be in vain."

Jiang Xiaobai inspected the warriors of the Martial Arts Club. Of the more than 100 warriors, nearly [-]% of the warriors were injured. The martial arts uniforms were already worn out, and the wounds on them could be clearly seen.

This battle is nothing short of tragic.

"Qian Buyi, what's the matter with you?" Jiang Xiaobai just came to Qian Buyi's side when he saw the other party coughing up a mouthful of blood.

"It's okay, I can't die." Qian Buyi waved his hand and said with difficulty.

"Brother Qian was almost killed by a monster to save me just now." Wang Chuang lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

"..." Jiang Xiaobai was silent, and glanced at Wang Chuang.

"Money is not easy, if you can't hold on, go down and rest!"

"President Jiang, I'm fine." Qian Buyi said stubbornly, "It's not abolished, what am I afraid of?"

"This battle will last for a long time, not overnight." Jiang Xiaobai continued to persuade.

"Then I'll fight them to the end. I'm a member of the Martial Arts Club, and I can't let them look down on us." Qian Buyi stared at Jiang Xiaobai, "President Jiang, I have never forgotten that President Qin Feng is Died at the hands of monsters."

Qin Feng?

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly understood.

Warriors like Zhong Liang Qian Buyi are basically Qin Feng's direct descendants, and even worship Qin Feng as an idol.

When Qin Feng died, although the few of them didn't say anything on the surface, they must secretly vowed to take revenge in their hearts.

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai did not continue to persuade. "Wang Chuang, it's not easy to take care of Qian, a senior."

"Don't worry, I will." Wang Chuang nodded heavily.

As time passed day by day, the battle between monsters and humans became fiercer.

Warriors are injured or die every day, but the attack of monster beasts has not weakened in any way, but is growing day by day.

Du Pingyuan, Xiong Chang and others gathered together again, and everyone looked solemn.

"It's been a week and things are a little bit worse than we thought."

Xiong Chang spoke first, breaking the silence.

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