It has been a week since he joined the war again.

This week, warriors suffered hundreds of casualties, and the most important thing is that the aura of Luo City's defensive formation is getting weaker and weaker.

However, the reinforcement warriors never entered Luo City, and the closest warriors were blocked by monsters as soon as they entered Qilu Province.

Not only that, the supplies in Los Angeles are also in a hurry, and the pills and soldiers are decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"How long can we last?" Fang Xiqiong asked bitterly.

"It can last for two more weeks." Du Pingyuan thought for a while and said slowly.

"Two weeks!" Xiong Chang clenched his fists after hearing this, "These damned monsters are trying to force us to death."

It was expected to last for a month, but after several monster attacks, it was only two weeks left.

two weeks?

What about two weeks later?

Although the losses of the monsters are extremely heavy, the opponent wins because there are many monsters, and the monsters have natural monsters compared to warriors.

Even if you are injured, you will recover quickly after practicing.

Warriors are different. Once injured, they can only restore their cultivation through pills and the like.

This is also the difference between monsters and humans.

"We have no other choice. It's really impossible. We can only let the ordinary people in Los Angeles evacuate first." Du Pingyuan thought for a while and said slowly.

"Evacuate, where can we evacuate? Now that reinforcements can't come in, how can ordinary people evacuate?" Xiong Chang asked puzzled.

"General Xiong, you don't know this." Fang Xiqiong explained, "Since the upheaval in Los Angeles, underground passages have been opened. There are four passages in Los Angeles, leading directly to the outside of Los Angeles."

"However, these four secret passages cannot be activated unless it is absolutely necessary."

"There are places like this?" Xiong Chang's eyes showed a little bit of brilliance after hearing this, "If there is such a place in Los Angeles, the safety of ordinary people need not be worried."

Although Xiong Chang and the others were worried, they were only worried about the safety of ordinary people.

As long as ordinary people retreat, they can fight monsters without any scruples.

"However, the use of such places requires a joint decision of our four parties to open it." Du Pingyuan continued, "Budaoyuan, the military department, and Qiluwu will naturally have no objections."

"You mean the Luo family?" Xiong Chang said coldly.

"Not only the Luo family, but also the Li family." Du Pingyuan added. "Among the hundred-year-old families in Los Angeles, although the Luo family is relatively strong, the Li family's background is also unfathomable and should not be underestimated."

"The Li family said, I have let Li Jingyu go." Fang Xiqiong said, "Now only the Luo family is left."

Li Jingyu?

When Du Pingyuan heard this, he suddenly came back to his senses.

"Li Jingyu should be Lao Fang's former comrade-in-arms!"

"Yes, Dean Du." Fang Xiqiong said, "But this is also a mistake..."

After hearing Fang Xiqiong's words, Du Pingyuan couldn't help but smile: "That kid Jiang Xiaobai again? I heard from Xiao Yuan that this guy is a talent."

"Well." Fang Xiqiong said, "The Li family in Los Angeles is a branch of the Li family in the Central Plains. As long as Li Jingyu goes to lobby, it shouldn't be a problem."

"I'm relieved." Du Pingyuan heaved a sigh of relief, "If the Luo family refuses, I don't mind killing the Luo family."

"I can't explain to the Ministry of Martial Arts to destroy two families at once. If there is only one Luo family, then it will not be a problem."

At this time, Du Pingyuan's aura as a king-level master suddenly exuded, and the surroundings were filled with coercion.

Du Pingyuan, the head of the Provincial Martial Arts Academy, although he is a king-level master, has never put on airs, whether he is facing master warriors like Fang Xiqiong or ordinary warriors.

On weekdays, he is more like a kind grandfather.

"President Du, what should we do?" Fang Xiqiong continued, "It's because we have indulged these aristocratic families for too long, otherwise we wouldn't be so passive."

"No way, the Ministry of Martial Arts once ordered Huaguo Martial Arts Academy to unite all forces that can be united."

Monsters and beasts are rampant, and the country is facing a crisis. If the internal friction continues, it may be an opportunity for the monsters to take advantage of.

It is precisely because of this that the entire country of Hua tolerates the aristocratic family again and again.

Unexpectedly, some aristocratic families took Hua Guo's tolerance as the capital of their arrogance.

Especially in today's Los Angeles, at the moment of life and death, the Luo family is still going its own way.

"Let's settle this matter first." Du Pingyuan knocked on the table, "If the monsters don't retreat, we will start to consider a transfer strategy."

"I will say hello to Qucheng or Xihai, and then everyone can move there."

"Okay, then I will give orders." Fang Xiqiong and Xiong Chang said in unison.

Qucheng and Xihai, one has the blessing of the Confucius family, while the other is near the sea and has the inheritance of Taoism. Looking at the entire Luocheng, these two places are also extremely safe.

Li Jingyu went to the Li family alone, and the matter with the Li family went very smoothly just now, when the head of the Li family saw Li Jingyu, he was extremely excited.After Li Jingyu explained his purpose, the head of the Li family readily agreed, expressing his willingness to fully cooperate with the actions of the Martial Arts Institute.

At this time, the Luo family had their own plans.

With the crisis in Los Angeles, Luo Shouyi had no choice but to come out and preside over the situation.

"Tell me, everyone, what should we do?" Luo Shouyi, who was sitting on the main seat, stared at the people around him and asked softly.

"Patriarch, this matter is already obvious. It is impossible for us to continue to consume our strength for those ordinary people together with the warriors in Los Angeles." Luo Xiyan said lightly.

"I think so too." Luo Yuliang moved his body, "Our Luo family's hundreds of years of family business cannot be ruined like this."

"However, I'm afraid it will anger the Martial Arts Institute..." another master said.

"So what about anger? Now that foreign aggression is fierce, they don't have time to deal with us." Luo Yuliang sneered, "A group of warriors actually want to die for ordinary people. Only they can do such a stupid thing."

"But what if they deal with us?" the master retorted.

"It's ridiculous, do they have that skill? If he deals with us, we'll just give up the north gate and let the monsters come in." Luo Xiyan said dismissively, "By that time, the entire city of Los Angeles will be buried with him."

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore." Luo Shouyi scolded, "Let's see the reaction of the Martial Arts Institute first. If the monsters keep attacking the city, they may want to transfer ordinary people. At that time, we can use the secret way to Let our Luo family retreat safely."

The surrounding Luo family warriors couldn't help but nodded when they heard this.

As long as the secret passage is opened, they can leave Los Angeles quickly.

The elite forces of the Luo family left Los Angeles and found a safe place to settle down. After a few years, they could still become a big family.

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