Dominate the world

Chapter 397 In danger, take the initiative to attack

In Qilu Province, and even the entire country of Hua, there are not a few families like the Luo family.

In times of crisis, only care about self-protection.

What they don't know is that if human beings don't even have a foothold, what's the use of protecting themselves?

At that time, they could only become prisoners of monsters.

However, they didn't know it.


There are more and more monsters gathered outside Luo City, not only that, there are even dozens of lord level monsters, and they are powerful, not weaker than the Grand Master in Luo City.

"Attack!" A lord-level monster shouted loudly, commanding the surrounding monsters.

Boom boom boom!

There was a burst of noise from the ground outside Luocheng, and countless monsters rushed towards Luocheng.

Some monsters attacked the city wall, and instantly fought with the warriors on the city wall.

Warriors from the four gates, east, west, north, and south, fought with the monsters one after another.

Relatively speaking, the North Gate is the easiest one. The family warriors headed by the Luo family are fighting monsters one after another, but in terms of casualties, there are too many contests.

Among the four positions, the most intense battles are the warriors of the military department.

Huaguo's military department can be said to be the organization with the most powerful combat effectiveness. Everyone's combat effectiveness is extremely strong, which is well-known throughout the world.

The warriors of the Martial Arts Academy are also experienced in many battles.

In contrast, the warriors of Wuhan University were the ones under the most pressure, especially the warriors of Luocheng Wuda, everyone had a pale look on their faces.

After more than a week of continuous fighting, they were exhausted, not because of physical exhaustion, but because of mental exhaustion. Now they are completely supported by a single idea.

"President Jiang, it won't work like this!" Zhong Liang said worriedly. "If this continues, they may not be able to sustain the monsters breaking through the city, and they will fall down first."

"That's true!" Jiang Xiaobai scratched his head in distress, "We must find a way."

Jiang Xiaobai is the master who is waiting to die. Even now, facing the monster beasts that are attacking like a wave, Jiang Xiaobai doesn't want to just resist.

Being so passive was not Jiang Xiaobai's style at all.

"President, you can't..." Zhong Liang saw Jiang Xiaobai's expression, and his heart skipped a beat.

This guy won't do anything again!

"We must kill the vigor of these monsters." Jiang Xiaobai's eyes gradually turned cold, "Where's Li Changtian?"

"Grandmaster Li? He has been by Liang Xiaoyuan's side." Zhong Liang said after thinking about it.

Follow Liang Xiaoyuan?

After Jiang Xiaobai heard it, a trace of doubt flashed across his face.

Ever since meeting Liang Xiaoyuan, Li Changtian seemed to be a different person. He followed Liang Xiaoyuan all day long, like a follower, without the attitude of a master at all.

"This guy, follow me to have a look." Jiang Xiaobai said helplessly.

Li Changtian followed Liang Xiaoyuan, didn't speak, just looked at Liang Xiaoyuan quietly, but every time a monster approached Liang Xiaoyuan, basically Liang Xiaoyuan didn't need to make a move, Li Changtian directly shot and killed it.

However, what Li Changtian didn't know was that every time he did this, Liang Xiaoyuan would roll his eyes.

When Jiang Xiaobai first appeared by Liang Xiaoyuan's side, the other party directly came over and complained: "Xiaobai, quickly get rid of this follower, I am upset here every day, these few days, I have killed every monster, all It was snatched by this kid."

"I, I..." Li Changtian said excitedly, "I just want to protect you!"

"Protection? I'm brother Yuan in Luocheng, do I need you to protect me?" Liang Xiaoyuan glared at Li Changtian, "Also, my father is the principal of Luocheng Wuhan University, my grandfather..."

"Okay Brother Yuan, I know you have a great family background, but Li Changtian is also kind." Jiang Xiaobai persuaded.

When I first met Li Changtian, he was very cold and arrogant, even worse than Zhang Chulan, but after seeing Liang Xiaoyuan, he immediately changed into a different person.

If there is no ghost in his heart, he would not believe it even if he killed Jiang Xiaobai.

"Don't think I don't know what he's thinking, but he just wants to pick on me." Liang Xiaoyuan turned around and stared at Li Changtian, "Tell me, am I right?"

"I..." Li Changtian's face was flushed, he hesitated and couldn't speak.

"Forget it, I can't fart for a long time." Liang Xiaoyuan said disappointedly, "Jiang Xiaobai, take him away quickly! Don't delay things with me."

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai sighed, "Li Changtian, follow me out of town later."

"Out of the city?" Li Changtian looked at Jiang Xiaobai suspiciously.

"What are you doing out of the city?" Liang Xiaoyuan's eyes lit up when she heard this, "Are you going to sneak attack on monsters? Take me with you!"

"No!" Jiang Xiaobai and Li Changtian said in unison.

"What?" Liang Xiaoyuan looked over in confusion after hearing this, and stared at Li Changtian, "Jiang Xiaobai said yes, why do you say that?"

"I..." Li Changtian faltered again.

Zhong Liang opened his mouth involuntarily, and looked at the few people in front of him in shock.

Especially Li Changtian, when he saw Li Changtian for the first time, he was full of awe, after all, the other party was a master, but now it seems that the other party...

"You can't go, why do you still want to sit here?" Jiang Xiaobai said solemnly, "The South Gate needs Brother Yuan. After all, Brother Yuan has a high prestige, and he wants to command and destroy the monsters here."

"That's right, I really can't do without me here." Liang Xiaoyuan nodded in satisfaction, "Then be careful."

"Jiang Xiaobai, are we really going out of the city?" Li Changtian asked Jiang Xiaobai softly.

There are so many monsters under the city, and Li Changtian can't forget the scene when he was chased and killed by three lord-level monsters when he was under the city wall.

The current situation is more dangerous than before.

If you go out at this time, what is the difference between sending you to your death?

"Yes, leave the city." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the monsters below, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. "Let these monsters know that human fighters are not so easy to bully."

"However, Dean Fang has told you not to act rashly." Li Changtian reminded.

"If you don't go, have you thought about how to face your uncle?" Jiang Xiaobai threatened.


Li Jingyu?

The figure of Li Jingyu immediately appeared in Li Changtian's mind. If he knew that he was not as good as Jiang Xiaobai in this respect, he would probably be reprimanded.

"Okay, I'll go!" Li Changtian gritted his teeth and decided to go all out.

"You really are my good brother." Jiang Xiaobai patted Li Changtian on the back and said with a smile.

"If you go out, how can you miss me?"

Just when Jiang Xiaobai was about to lead Li Changtian to the battle, a cold voice came from behind Jiang Xiaobai.

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