Dominate the world

Chapter 400 1 copy of bravery, no one can match

Fang Xiqiong and others soon found out about Jiang Xiaobai and his party.

"Nonsense, how can he be so nonsense?" Fang Xiqiong roared furiously. "When is it now that he dares to take people out of the city? Is this desperate?"

Tang Songting, Zhong Liang and the others lowered their heads submissively, not daring to look at Fang Xiqiong.

When Fang Xiqiong learned of Jiang Xiaobai's actions, he was furious.

Only three people sneaked into the monster camp and wanted to deal with the monster?

Isn't this Arabian Nights?

Two ninth-rank fighters, one grandmaster, have to face so many enemies, this approach is tantamount to death.

Now, even Fang Xiqiong and the others don't know the specific combat power of the monster.

How many lord-level monsters are there, and how many high-level monsters are there.

It is really not a wise move to rush forward like this.

"I tried to persuade, but it was useless." Tang Songting said helplessly.

After he was knocked unconscious by Li Changtian, he woke up half an hour later. At that time, Jiang Xiaobai had already left the city.

"As an instructor of Wuhan University, you can't even look down on a student, and you will be punished later." Fang Xiqiong stared at Tang Songting and shouted sharply.

Tang Songting didn't make any excuses, indeed, this was his problem.

It is normal for Jiang Xiaobai to be arrogant as a young man. It is also due to his youthful nature to attack rashly at this time.

Although Tang Songting is not an instructor directly under Jiang Xiaobai, he has always been in close contact with Jiang Xiaobai. When Fang Xiqiong reprimanded him like this, he didn't complain, but blamed himself very much.

"Old Kong, what's going on? Why are your students messing around with Jiang Xiaobai?" Fang Xiqiong asked Kong Shang again after hearing that Zhang Chulan was also involved.

As the dean of the Academy of Arts, Kong Shang is the leader of the entire Academy of Arts.

Since discovering Zhang Chulan's talent, he directly accepted him as his student.

This is not an ordinary student, it is more like a strong man recruiting disciples in ancient times, and Zhang Chulan is fortunate to be such a disciple.

"I haven't found your Jiang Xiaobai yet?"

Kong Shang said angrily.

"Zhang Chulan is my direct disciple, and I plan to pass on all my abilities to him. If there is something wrong with him, I will never forgive you."

"I'll tell Dean Du about this." Fang Xiqiong said helplessly. "I believe Dean Du will find a way."

Jiang Xiaobai went out of the city recklessly, completely disrupting their deployment.

The current situation in Los Angeles is very dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will lose everything.

In this situation, there is really no room for error.

After Fang Xiqiong arranged everything for the surrounding warriors, she came to the wartime conference room in Los Angeles again.

Du Pingyuan soon became restless after hearing Fang Xiqiong's story.

"You mean, that Jiang Xiaobai? Take two people out of the city to hunt monsters?" Du Pingyuan asked with a frown.

"Yes." Fang Xiqiong nodded helplessly.

This kind of thing happened to Qilu Martial Arts University, and as the dean of the Martial Academy, he couldn't absolve himself of the blame.

"Jiang Xiaobai?" Xiong Chang asked with interest when he heard the name, "Is that the Tianjiao who was promoted to the Ninth Stage in one year?"

"Yes, that's him." Fang Xiqiong's head suddenly turned dizzy, unexpectedly, Xiong Chang from the military department had also heard of Jiang Xiaobai's name.

"This kid is very natural!" Xiong Chang said with a smile, "This guy has courage."

"General Xiong, this is not a matter of courage. There are monsters and beasts below, and I am afraid it will be more or less ominous." Fang Xiqiong said anxiously.

"Dean Fang, don't worry." Xiong Chang waved his hand and comforted him, "This kid has grown all the way to the present, he doesn't look like a reckless master,"

Du Pingyuan couldn't help but nodded while listening.

This is indeed the case. Judging from Jiang Xiaobai's resume, although he has been involved in danger many times, he has always saved himself from danger.

In the eyes of many people, this is just Jiang Xiaobai's good luck.

But in the martial arts journey, how can there be so much luck, most of it is because of his relatively strong strength, or he has thought of a perfect plan.

Perhaps, Jiang Xiaobai is such a warrior.

"Yes! Lao Fang, don't worry." Du Pingyuan immediately ordered, "Connect to the satellite video and look for Jiang Xiaobai's positioning screen."

"Okay!" A warrior beside Du Pingyuan immediately agreed.

Soon, the satellite image was transmitted to the screen in front of me.

The figures of Jiang Xiaobai, Zhang Chulan and Li Changtian were quickly captured.

"The three of them are still together?" After seeing three different pictures, Du Pingyuan and others couldn't help but wonder.

The three went out to hunt, but they didn't choose to be together, but hunted separately.

This made Du Pingyuan and the others couldn't help admiring the other party's courage. They acted separately in the monster camp, which undoubtedly greatly weakened their strength and, to a certain extent, added danger to them.

"If these three people can come back successfully, I must strongly recommend them to join the military headquarters." Xiong Chang sighed, "This kind of lonely bravery, the whole Qilu Province will never find anyone else."

"Although there are tens of thousands of people, I will go." Kong Shang stared at Zhang Chulan's picture with an excited expression, "I, Kong Shang's disciple, will not lose to anyone."

"Old Fang, old Fang!"

When everyone was sighing, Li Jingyu's voice came from outside.

"It's Li Jingyu." Fang Xiqiong said, looking at Du Pingyuan and Xiong Chang.

"Let him in!" Xiong Chang waved his hand.

The Li family in the Central Plains is a major force in the country of Hua. Whether it is the beginning of the upheaval or now, they have made important contributions to the stability of the country of Hua.

Most of the strong members of the Li family work in the military and the Martial Arts Institute, which is far from what the Luo family can compare.

"Where's Li Changtian? I heard he left the city with Jiang Xiaobai?" Li Jingyu ran over quickly and asked.

"Yeah." Fang Xiqiong admitted. "However, they are now safe."

"Have they decided the outcome now?" Li Jingyu asked directly, not caring about Li Changtian's safety.

Win or lose?

Du Pingyuan and Xiong Chang looked at Li Jingyu in confusion.

"Going out of the city and back out of the city, my family's Changtian will not lose to you Jiang Xiaobai this time." Li Jingyu said bitterly.

Li Changtian is the pride of the Li family. After losing to Jiang Xiaobai last time, Li Jingyu has always been aggrieved.

This time when he heard that Li Changtian was leaving the city, his first reaction was that Li Changtian must not lose to Jiang Xiaobai.

"Li Changtian still lost to Jiang Xiaobai?" Du Pingyuan asked rhetorically.

"Uh..." Li Jingyu looked at Du Pingyuan and Xiong Chang, his face changed, "It was just a temporary loss. In a martial artist competition, losing once is not considered a loss."

"Jingyu, shouldn't you be concerned about Li Changtian's safety?" Fang Xiqiong reminded.


"He should be fine!" Li Jingyu raised his head and glanced at the screen above.

The warriors around were speechless for a while, this guy seemed a little slow to react...

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