The Luo family learned that Jiang Xiaobai and the three of them went out to hunt monsters, and immediately aroused a lot of discussion.

"Jiang Xiaobai? He actually left the city?"

"It's just a ninth-rank warrior, but he dares to go out of the city to hunt monsters? It's really daring."

"This is too ridiculous! How dare he?"

The warriors of the Luo family taunted one after another. In their eyes, what Jiang Xiaobai did was nothing more than a moth flying into a flame.

There are only three people, and they want to hunt monsters?

This is really a fantasy, a fool's dream.

"Patriarch, whether Jiang Xiaobai succeeds or fails this time, he gave us a chance." Luo Xiyan said standing beside Luo Shouyi.

"Opportunity?" Luo Shouyi asked softly. "what chance?"

"This is our chance to get rid of Jiang Xiaobai." Luo Xiyan continued, "Before, Jiang Xiaobai had been guarding the south gate, and Luo Yuxiang and the others had no chance to get close. Now we can take this opportunity to get rid of Jiang Xiaobai .”

"Get rid of Jiang Xiaobai?" Luo Shouyi thought about it.

"Jiang Xiaobai has always been a threat to our Luo family." Luo Xiyan added, "If we have the opportunity to get rid of Jiang Xiaobai this time, we can get rid of a disaster for our Luo family."

Luo Shouyi pondered seriously, what Luo Xiyan said was not unreasonable.

Jiang Xiaobai had always been a threat to the Luo family, and now the conflict was getting deeper and deeper. Luo Shouyi didn't even know how his enmity with Jiang Xiaobai was forged.

"You have to do a good job in this matter." Luo Shouyi emphasized repeatedly. "If this matter is successful, it must not be known to others."

Killing Jiang Xiaobai would not be a difficult task in normal times, but in this sensitive period, the nature is different.

In the face of monsters and beasts, the Luo family assassinates human warriors, and it is rumored that the entire Luo family will be criticized by thousands of people.

"Don't worry about this, we will definitely do it seamlessly." Luo Xiyan said seriously.

"Luo Yuxiang, Luo Yuliang, Luo Dong. The three of you have no problem dealing with Jiang Xiaobai, right?" Luo Xiyan looked at the three of Luo Yuxiang beside him.

"No problem." Luo Yuliang and Luo Dong said simply.

"Elder, if I succeed this time, I, Luo Yuxiang, belong to..." Luo Yuxiang looked over in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, no matter whether you succeed this time or not, your line of Luo Yuxiang will become the direct descendant of my Luo family." Luo Xiyan knew what the other party was thinking, so before Luo Yuxiang finished speaking, he spoke directly.

Ever since Luo Yuxiang became a master, Luo Shouyi had the idea of ​​including him in the direct line of the Luo family.

Although the blood of Luo Yuxiang's lineage is no longer pure, Luo Yuxiang's promotion to Grandmaster also proves the potential of this lineage of the Luo family.

If it is carefully cultivated, it may also be able to reach the realm of a master.

The background of the aristocratic family is not only fighting for elite warriors, but also fighting for grandmasters.

For example, a powerful family in Huaguo, such as the Li family, has dozens of grandmasters, several king-level masters, and even emperor-level masters.

This is the real big family, a powerful family in the country.

The Luo family only dominates one side in Qilu Province, not producing emperor-level masters, and they will never be able to enter the stage of the entire Hua Kingdom.

Luo Yuxiang, who was still a little uncertain at first, felt relieved when he saw Luo Shouyi nodding.

As long as there are these words, Luo Yuxiang can let go, even if he fails, his descendants will be guaranteed.

Take your life in exchange for the glory of future generations!

Luo Yuxiang, who is an old Yinbi, at least this point is worthy of recognition.

Luo Yuliang and Luo Dong didn't feel the slightest emotion, they seemed extremely calm.

The three of their masters, against a mere Jiang Xiaobai, wouldn't they be easy to catch?

Especially Luo Yuliang was even more aggrieved.

If Qilu Wuda hadn't stopped him, he would have killed Jiang Xiaobai at that time.

Where is the current Jiang Xiaobai?

After Luo Shouyi made the arrangements, he left the Luo's house and walked directly to his wartime meeting room.

The battle between Jiang Xiaobai and the giant ape is still going on, and it is still inextricably linked.

Jiang Xiaobai only had the upper hand at the beginning, but in the ensuing battle, after the giant ape regained his senses, he was able to firmly suppress Jiang Xiaobai.

The giant ape did not find any other monsters. In his opinion, Jiang Xiaobai was not considered a strong enemy.

It's just a little more difficult.

Jiang Xiaobai also noticed this situation, the giant ape wanted to eat himself alone.

Undoubtedly, this is an opportunity for Jiang Xiaobai.

"Since you are so confident, I will kill you." Jiang Xiaobai said coldly.

The strength of the giant ape is somewhat stronger than the iron-backed devil bear before. Even Li Changtian and others are invincible, and even the first-order grandmasters can only walk around him.

But Jiang Xiaobai chose to fight against the opponent, and even wanted to kill this monster.

This seems like nonsense to anyone.

How can a mere ninth-rank warrior be able to kill a lord-level monster.

This scene fell into the eyes of Fang Xiqiong and others, and everyone showed a look of horror and solemnity.

The gap between Jiang Xiaobai and the monster is obvious. The best choice at this time is not to choose toughness, but to choose to retreat.

But Jiang Xiaobai didn't, but stepped forward to toughen the monster again.

"What is he going to do?" Xiong Chang saw Jiang Xiaobai's fight for the first time. He didn't expect this boy to be so strong.

"He's going to fight the other party desperately!" Fang Xiqiong naturally knew Jiang Xiaobai very well, and moved his lips.

"Desperate?" Du Pingyuan also exclaimed, "Why is he desperate? The strength is not as good as the opponent!"

Warriors will have a general judgment on their own strength or the opponent's strength after the first fight.

If the strength is not equal to the opponent, you should choose a more secure method.

There are very few people like Jiang Xiaobai who are so rampant.

Knowing that he was invincible, he still went forward bravely.

The opponent is a monster equivalent to the first level of a master.

"This guy is obviously a lunatic." Luo Shouyi walked in, just in time to see the scene of Jiang Xiaobai confronting the giant ape, and couldn't help mocking, "He is still a lunatic who has lost his mind. Doing this will only exacerbate his death."

"Luo Shouyi, what are you doing here?" Fang Xiqiong looked at Luo Shouyi and asked coldly.

"Why can't I come? Our Luo family is also a family in Luocheng." Luo Shouyi sat on the chair casually, "Our Luo family also wants to do our part for Luocheng."

"Do your best?"

Xiong Chang and Du Pingyuan didn't take it seriously. They looked at Luo Shouyi with cold expressions on their faces.

When the crisis broke out in Los Angeles, the Luo family tried their best to stay out of it, and even chose a north gate that was relatively easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The Luo family in Los Angeles is not even as good as the students of Qiluwu University.

At this time, he ran out again with awe-inspiring righteousness, isn't this a joke?

Therefore, Xiong Chang and Du Pingyuan did not believe anything Luo Shouyi said.

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