Dominate the world

Chapter 402 Slap in the face, big victory

"Don't look at me like that, I'm at a loss." Luo Shouyi smiled and looked at the three of Du Pingyuan.

"Then take your time!" Du Pingyuan said coldly.

Afterwards, the three of them continued to stare at Jiang Xiaobai's picture, concentrating on it, for fear of missing anything.

Even Fang Xiqiong and the other three were anxious and worried about Jiang Xiaobai's situation.

But, at the same time, they had a vague expectation that Jiang Xiaobai could create a miracle.

Li Changtian and Zhang Chulan also found their own opponents, with almost the same level of realm, and they fought face to face.

Li Changtian is the arrogance of the Li family. Needless to say his strength, Hong Yun's swordsmanship is like flowing clouds and flowing water. The powerful swordsmanship can suppress the lord-level monsters.

But Zhang Chulan's battle was more mysterious and unpredictable. Zhang Chulan didn't have soldiers in his hands, but a folding fan, emitting a faint gray light.

Martial artists who cultivate cultural qi are powerful, and they have a natural ability to suppress monsters.

Zhang Chulan and Jiang Xiaobai were both ninth-rank warriors, and they didn't show any weakness when facing the lord-level monsters.

"A civilized martial artist like Zhang Chulan is really a treasure of my humanity." Du Pingyuan couldn't help sighing when he saw Zhang Chulan's battle.

Perhaps it was because Zhang Chulan was fighting a monster for the first time. At the beginning, she seemed a little jerky, but as time went by, the account of Chulan became more and more handy.

Swinging the folding fan, Dao Dao's power fell down, completely suppressing the lord-level monster in front of him, making him unable to move.

The battle ended very suddenly. In the end, Zhang Chulan looked at the subdued monster on the ground, swung his folding fan hard, and hit the opponent on the head.


A heavy voice came out decisively, and the lord-level monster instantly lost its vitality.

"I didn't expect that Qilu Wuda really produced two great talents. One literary and one martial arts." After watching Zhang Chulan's actions, Xiong Chang's eyes showed great spirits.

After Fang Xiqiong heard Xiong Chang and Du Pingyuan's praise, she was secretly happy.

This is the first time that their Qilu Wuda University has been recognized by everyone. As a Qilu Wuda University with a long history and a strong heritage, it used to be brilliant, but it has declined sharply in recent years.

Finally, today, through Zhang Chulan and Jiang Xiaobai, Qilu Wuda has once again successfully become one of the top-ranked Wuda universities in the country.

"Hehe!" Luo Shouyi curled his lips in disdain, not taking it seriously.

Although he was extremely shocked by Zhang Chulan in his heart, he didn't think it was a threat. They had only one enemy, and that was Jiang Xiaobai.

"It's almost time!" Luo Shouyi checked the time and muttered to himself.

Li Changtian also beheaded the monster in front of him after a while, and now only Jiang Xiaobai was left among the three, still fighting the monster.

The giant ape in front of Jiang Xiaobai was already extremely angry at this moment, roaring angrily, trampling the ground with both feet, making a thumping sound.

Fortunately, the surrounding monsters did not move, and there was no sign of coming to investigate.

"Bastard, you are really hard to deal with." Jiang Xiaobai yelled angrily, brandishing the thorns and thorns with both hands, and stabbed at the giant ape.

The power of Taiyue Heart Sutra and Nine Hell Thunder Knife erupted one after another, and the giant ape was struck by powerful auras.


Facing Jiang Xiaobai's continuous breath, the giant ape stepped on the ground with his right foot, shattering the power in front of him.

However, after the oncoming power was shattered, it did not dissipate, and two rainbow lights burst out from the power.

"Break!" Jiang Xiaobai yelled lightly.

The rainbow light attacking the giant ape burst suddenly, piercing towards the eyes of the giant ape.


The giant ape let out a scream, and retreated slightly.

Jiang Xiaobai's sudden attack made it unexpected. He never expected that Jiang Xiaobai would hide a killer move amidst the huge power.

The eyes were pierced by the thorn and the thorn, and two fist-sized holes appeared on the head of the giant ape.


The giant ape raised its head to the sky and screamed again, letting out a desolate roar.

"This guy!" Jiang Xiaobai frowned, and found that the opponent's roar this time was very different from the last time.

Could it be that they are asking for help?


With a movement, Jiang Xiaobai came to the giant ape again, grabbed Thorn Hong and Thorn Star with both hands, and unleashed the Nine Prison Thunder Knife.

The two warriors, Thorn Hung and Thorn Star, were shining brightly, extremely fierce, and full of killing intent.

Bang bang bang!

The two soldiers turned into streamers of light, flying up and down on the giant ape.

Bloodstains emerged from the giant ape's body, the blood stained his hair red, and the wounds were deep enough to show the bones.

"Damn! Die!" the giant ape roared, his eyes full of hatred.

It, as a lord-level monster, was injured by a small human warrior.

At this moment, his aura surged, and he wanted to eradicate Jiang Xiaobai.

And Jiang Xiaobai, who already had the upper hand, how could he give him such a chance?

Waves of thunder erupted from his body, and the whole surrounding was filled with inexplicable coercion.

Between Jiang Xiaobai and the giant ape, there was a crackling sound, and power exploded in the air.

Although the giant ape's eyes were abolished, his mental perception still existed, and strong winds burst out from his fist, rushing towards Jiang Xiaobai abruptly.

"It's still the same old way!" Jiang Xiaobai sneered, and his body suddenly disappeared in front of the giant ape.

The next moment, he appeared behind the giant ape, his right fist was like a mountain, mixed with heavy power, and struck heavily.


The fist hit the top of the giant ape's head, and it exploded. Countless breaths splashed everywhere, and fell to the ground, making deep pits.

After the first blow hit, Jiang Xiaobai didn't stop, but became more and more fierce.

A series of forces bombarded Jiang Xiaobai's head, even the giant ape couldn't bear it.


The giant ape fell down with a bang, and dust shook the ground.

Under Jiang Xiaobai's control, Cihong and Cixing pierced directly into the body of the giant ape like falling meteors.

Two pieces of master-level soldiers were inserted straight into the heart of the giant ape.

Lord level monster, die!

After doing all this, Jiang Xiaobai was exhausted physically and mentally.

This is the first lord-level monster he has killed, and it is also a monster comparable to a first-order master.

Among the same ranks, monsters are far stronger than humans.

The existence of Jiang Xiaobai broke this inherent concept.

When the fighters in the wartime meeting room saw Jiang Xiaobai's record, they were stunned and opened their mouths in shock.

Especially Luo Shouyi clenched his fists.

Jiang Xiaobai's record was beyond his imagination, which also made him more determined to kill Jiang Xiaobai.

This kind of enemy is really terrifying.

"Jiang Xiaobai, I'm really amazed more and more." Xiong Chang said, looking at the screen brightly.

In the entire Hua Kingdom, the military department should have the strongest combat power. After all, the warriors in the military department are brave and good at fighting, and they are indeed the strongest combat power.

But in the military headquarters under Xiong Chang's jurisdiction, there has never been such a proud warrior.

Jiang Xiaobai, even in the military, is an extremely dazzling existence.

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