Dominate the world

Chapter 403 Encountered Assassination

"General Xiong, this is the pride of Qilu Wuda." Fang Xiqiong reminded from the side.

"Are you warning me?" Xiong Chang gave Fang Xiqiong a dissatisfied look, "This kind of arrogance should be placed in the military department to serve the country."

"Li Changtian of our Li family is not weak either!" Li Jingyu took over the conversation and said, "When I first became a master, I killed lord-level monsters."

"The Central Plains Li Family?" Xiong Chang looked towards Li Jingyu, "Isn't this the right thing to do? As the arrogance of the Central Plains Li Family, one should have such strength."

"If there is no such strength, this should not be done."

Seeing Li Jingyu's embarrassing face, Fang Xiqiong came to him and comforted him: "Jingyu, people come from different backgrounds, so the achievements they can achieve vary. Jiang Xiaobai was just a commoner, but after a year Within, he has been promoted to the realm of a ninth-rank warrior."

"Looking at the entire Hua Kingdom, who can do this?"

"If Jiang Xiaobai was born in your Central Plains Li family, have you ever thought about how he would go against the sky?"

"This..." Li Jingyu was at a loss for words for a moment. If it was what Fang Xiqiong said, this Jiang Xiaobai was really scary.

Indeed, Jiang Xiaobai, who was a commoner and came from a poor family, rose within a year.

This terrifying speed is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people.

What's even more frightening is that it's not only because of Jiang Xiaobai's realm, but also because of his combat power.

Ninth-rank martial artist, master of hard regret, beheading lord-level monsters.

Only the word ferocity can be fully reflected.

"Old Fang, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Chulan will be the future of your entire Qilu Wuda University." Du Pingyuan said solemnly, "If Qilu Wuda wants to rise, the two of them will be the key."

"This time, we must protect Jiang Xiaobai's safety. Even if we pay the price, we must ensure Jiang Xiaobai's safety."

"Not only to beware of monsters, but also to beware of some young people who are not good for the two of them."

Speaking of this, Du Pingyuan glanced at Luo Shouyi erratically.

The latter, as if he didn't see it, sat on the chair and closed his eyes to meditate.

"Have you not been dispatched yet?" Luo Shouyi couldn't help feeling anxious.

The battle between Jiang Xiaobai and the monster is over, and he has also seen the strength of Zhang Chulan and Li Changtian.

If there was only one Jiang Xiaobai, he might not be worried.

Zhang Chulan and Li Changtian each have the combat power of the master realm, and I am afraid that they will be extremely difficult to deal with.

The battle between Jiang Xiaobai and others is over, but the images captured by the satellite are still going on. After all, Jiang Xiaobai and others have become their key observation and protection objects at this moment.

Whether it is Fang Xiqiong, Xiong Chang and Du Pingyuan, they are all very old, especially Du Pingyuan, who is over 100 years old.

The Hua Kingdom in the future will inevitably be dominated by young warriors.

And a talented person like Jiang Xiaobai, if nothing happens, will definitely become a strong person in charge of one side.

While Du Pingyuan and the others were watching, they suddenly noticed fluctuations in the screen, and the black screen disappeared after a while.

"What's going on?" Du Pingyuan watched the picture disappear, and immediately asked the warriors around him.

"It's not very clear. It may be that there is a problem with the satellite receiving signal." The warrior responsible for connecting to the satellite signal explained.


Soon, the pictures of Zhang Chulan and Li Changtian also disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, other pictures of the city walls of Los Angeles were lost.

Even the usual monitoring of monsters was cut off due to some circumstances.

"Everything went wrong?" Du Pingyuan frowned.

It happened so suddenly that he had no contingency plan.

"This is not a good omen." Xiong Chang said solemnly.

Although the monitoring of the monster beast's screen does not play much role, it can know the next battle direction of the monster beast.

Now these pictures are all gone.

Seeing this, Luo Shouyi couldn't help but feel puzzled.

"All the pictures are gone?"

At the beginning, Luo Shouyi just wanted to destroy the monitoring screens of Jiang Xiaobai and others, but unexpectedly, all the screens were gone.

As for why?

Luo Shouyi couldn't explain it himself.

However, he didn't take it seriously, after all, it was in line with his wishes.

This time, if there is no surveillance footage, Jiang Xiaobai's life and death will become a mystery.

Jiang Xiaobai dragged the body of the great ape and was walking towards Luocheng.

He didn't know anything about what happened in Los Angeles, nor did he think that the Luo family would choose this time to deal with him.

The lord-level monster giant ape is full of treasures. Meat and blood can be used to refine pills, bones can be refined to make soldiers, and skins can be refined to make battle uniforms. Especially for the current Luo City, it is a treasure that is in short supply. .

Jiang Xiaobai had just walked halfway, when suddenly a familiar spiritual force hovered nearby, probing.

"Is there someone?" Jiang Xiaobai moved his ears, slowly put down the giant ape, and waited for it.

"I didn't expect to be discovered by you!"

The three of Luo Dong came out of the shadows and looked at Jiang Xiaobai with smiles.

"Luo Dong? Luo Yuxiang? It's you?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Luo Dong and said calmly.

No wonder he felt familiar, they were all old acquaintances.

Especially Luo Yuxiang, who always wanted to put Jiang Xiaobai to death.

"Yes, it's us." Luo Yuxiang's bloated figure showed a fierce look, "I didn't expect you to keep surprising me, shocking me, and making me wary."

"It was an insignificant ant who was able to achieve today's results, which really surprised me."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Luo Yuxiang quietly and sneered.

"Why bother talking nonsense with him, just kill him." Luo Yuliang said in a low voice with a sullen face, "Kill him, let's go back directly, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

They can hide from the perception of monsters by disguising themselves in the dark.

In addition, after Jiang Xiaobai beheaded the giant ape, he even took a small path back to Los Angeles, deliberately avoiding the monsters.

Undoubtedly, this gave Grandmaster Luo a chance to act.

However, this also has a risk, if they make too much noise, they will also be noticed by monsters.

By that time, it will be difficult for them to escape.

That's why Luo Yuliang wanted to kill him directly.

The three grandmasters dealt with Jiang Xiaobai, especially Luo Yuxiang, who was still a first-tier grandmaster, and they had already formed a tendency to crush Jiang Xiaobai.

"Since that's the case, what's the point of talking nonsense?" Jiang Xiaobai stared at the three people in front of him with indifferent eyes.


The three of Luo Dong rushed forward without hesitation.

The three master-level powerhouses made a sudden move, and their powerful aura surged out like waves.

These three people made one after another killing move, and they didn't give Jiang Xiaobai any chance at all.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai immediately stimulated the sea of ​​qi in his body, and Taiyue's Heart Sutra began to work like crazy.


Bursts of thunder came from Jiang Xiaobai's sea of ​​qi, the vitality on his body fell around, and thunder after wave slowly rose behind him.

This kind of thunder is much stronger than when he dealt with the giant ape before.

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