Dominate the world

Chapter 407 The Way of Desperation

Nine days of thunder!

This is Jiang Xiaobai's strategy derived from the Taiyue Heart Sutra and the Nine Prison Thunder Knife. There is no rank for now, and Jiang Xiaobai is not very clear about the specific power.

But he knew one thing, the power of the Nine Heavens Thunderbolt was no less than that of the Nine Prisons Thunder Sword.


When Jiang Xiaobai performed it, the surrounding sky became darker and darker, and his body seemed to become a black hole, with purple brilliance flowing.

"What, what happened here?" Luo Yuxiang was shocked by the huge movement.

Endless power emanated from Jiang Xiaobai's body, and then began to spread rapidly, filling the surroundings instantly.

Even those lord-level monsters who were watching, everyone couldn't help but look sideways, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with an incredulous expression on his face.

Why did this human being, who was only a ninth-rank martial artist, explode with such a powerful force?

Grandmaster martial artist, that's all there is to it!

A thunderbolt the size of a bowl erupted from Jiang Xiaobai's body, and a vast glow fell, hitting Luo Yuxiang's head directly.

Nine days of thunder fell heavily, completely annihilating Luo Yuxiang, and the huge force crushed ferociously, as if it wanted to tear Luo Yuxiang apart.

"Ah!" Luo Yuxiang let out a scream, Lei Shi blasted away his defense, and scars appeared clearly on his body.

Jiang Xiaobai watched coldly, Nine Heavens Thunder was born out of Nine Prisons Thunder Saber, and it was Jiang Xiaobai who realized it through Jinghong Youlong.

This is his first time playing it!

It has always been his ultimate move at the bottom of the box.

If Luo Yuxiang did not pose such a strong threat to him, he would not use this move.

Although Jiutian Leidong is powerful, it still consumes nearly [-]% of his strength.

With Jiang Xiaobai's current strength, he can only perform one move.

"This human being is extraordinary."

"Indeed, his attack is too terrifying!"

"Such human beings must not be kept, they must be killed."

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai erupting with such a powerful aura, these lord-level monsters instantly felt threatened.

A ninth-rank martial artist, whose strength is comparable to that of a grand master.

"Ahem!" Luo Yuxiang walked out slowly after the gunpowder smoke cleared.

"Not dead?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Luo Yuxiang, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Unexpectedly, the first-order grandmaster is a bit strong!"

Nine Heavens Thunder is not in a perfect state, enough to deal with ordinary grandmasters, but I didn't expect that a first-order grandmaster could resist Nine Heavens Thunder.

"Jiang Xiaobai, good trick!" Luo Yuxiang said through gritted teeth.

"You lost!" Jiang Xiaobai responded lightly.

"I lost? But you must die too!" Luo Yuxiang's face was ferocious, and he was furious.

He was a Tier [-] Grandmaster, but he was seriously injured by a rank [-] martial artist like Jiang Xiaobai.

You know, Jiang Xiaobai was treated like an ant by him half a year ago.

However, it has only been half a year, and it has grown to such a height.

All this made him unexpected.


A muffled shout suddenly erupted from Luo Yuxiang's body, followed by a burst of vitality gushing out like a fountain.

Desperate method!

Luo Yuxiang has completely abandoned life and death, wantonly swaying the vitality in his body.

Soon he was filled with vitality, and the strong power resounded through the world.

Luo Yuliang, who was fleeing for his life, felt the power behind him, and his face changed.

"Luo Yuxiang, it's gone!" Luo Yuliang sighed heavily.

Luo Yuxiang's status in the Luo family is not high, he is just a direct descendant of the Luo family, but Luo Yuxiang's efforts are seen by everyone.

From the moment he first joined the martial artist, Luo Yuxiang began to practice hard, and even went to dangerous places to practice in order to improve his strength. In the eyes of all the Luo family, this was something that all the Luo family dared not easily set foot in.

But in Luo Yuxiang's view, this is just like a normal thing.

Although he was born in a big family, he was still not a direct descendant, and his cultivation resources were limited. In desperation, he had no choice but to use the most primitive method to improve his strength.

It was precisely because of this that Luo Yuxiang grew from a low-level warrior to a master step by step.

After becoming the grandmaster, Luo Yuxiang gradually entered the core management of the Luo family, but only for Luo Yuxiang himself. His descendants are always collateral. In order to become the direct line of the Luo family, Luo Yuxiang chose this mission.

He killed Jiang Xiaobai by any means and became the direct descendant of the Luo family.


When Luo Yuliang lost his mind, the scarlet tiger demon behind him had already come in front of him, and a strong wind passed by, cutting his face open.

"Damn it." Luo Yuliang cursed secretly, then increased his speed and fled out again.

The battle between Luo Yuxiang and Jiang Xiaobai has completely alarmed the monsters.

This is not a good omen. Once the monsters get the news, they will definitely attack on a large scale and start besieging and killing the warriors.

By that time, they would have no chance of escape at all.

The only way to have a chance is to take advantage of the fact that the monster beast has just discovered it and try to escape with all its strength.

After the battle, Li Changtian and Zhang Chulan sensed the abnormal situation around them and rushed straight to the place they agreed on.

Because in their hearts, there is a vague feeling.

This movement seemed to be caused by Jiang Xiaobai.

They wanted to verify that if it was really Jiang Xiaobai, there would be a big mess.

Inside Los Angeles, the tension became even more tense.

After the signal disappeared, Du Pingyuan made a decisive decision and immediately gathered all the fighters, and even called half of the grandmasters, to go out of the city to fight at any time.

Normally, for a Jiang Xiaobai, it would not be so violent.

But Jiang Xiaobai is now out of the city to hunt and kill monsters on his own initiative. Being able to do such a move at this time naturally makes many warriors excited.

We humans are not just passively beaten, we can also take the initiative.

More than a dozen masters quickly gathered in front of Du Pingyuan, waiting for Du Pingyuan's lecture.

"I have one more request, take Jiang Xiaobai back!" Du Pingyuan came to them and said solemnly, "At all costs!"


The aura around Luo Yuxiang has reached its peak, and it is completely different from before.

"This guy is so powerful." Jiang Xiaobai frowned slightly.

Luo Yuxiang, who gave up his life, was extremely powerful, and the forces around his body intertwined and criss-crossed.

"Die! Jiang Xiaobai!" Luo Yuxiang yelled violently, and the gathered attacks attacked Jiang Xiaobai.

"Withdraw!" Seeing that the situation was not going well, Jiang Xiaobai quickly backed away.

Such a powerful attack, relying on the current Jiang Xiaobai, cannot be stopped at all.

Jiang Xiaobai chose to retreat, and ran directly towards the place where the monster was standing.

All the monsters were stunned, what kind of operation is this?

Why is this guy running towards them?

Could it be that they want monsters to help resist their attacks.

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