Dominate the world

Chapter 408 Run away!

Jiang Xiaobai quickly dodged to the vicinity of the monster, and Luo Yuxiang's attack followed closely behind.

Originally, he was watching Jiang Xiaobai's two human monsters closely, but when he saw the other party's attack, he had no choice but to take action.

The monster's attack burst out, smashing Luo Yuxiang's attack directly.

Luo Yuxiang, who was confident that he could kill Jiang Xiaobai, turned pale when he saw the attack shatter.


A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and his whole body sank down.

The desperate blow almost exhausted all his strength, but Jiang Xiaobai used this method to dodge it.

At this time, Luo Yuxiang wanted to curse angrily.

Dog thief!

However, Jiang Xiaobai acted like a normal person with a faint smile on his face.

If he was really desperate, Jiang Xiaobai would definitely not be his opponent, but now that there are monsters nearby, there is no need for Jiang Xiaobai to fight them desperately.

Luo Yuxiang fell down slowly with unwillingness, the blow just now was already all he had.

The method of fighting for life itself is to exchange life for life.

Attacking with all his strength, Jiang Xiaobai had no chance to dodge.

But at the end, Jiang Xiaobai escaped the fatal blow with his one-handed maneuver.

This is something Luo Yuxiang never thought of.

"Oh!" Jiang Xiaobai sighed.

If a first-tier grandmaster dies like this, if he is used to deal with monsters, the safety of Luo City will be greatly guaranteed.

And it is absolutely impossible for such a person to think about these things, otherwise he would not be obsessed with personal grievances when it comes to life and death.

National hatred and family hatred!

National enmity comes first, and in the face of righteousness, everything about the individual becomes so insignificant.

Even if they beheaded themselves, would they be able to resist such a ferocious monster?

Luo Yuxiang didn't think about it.

The entire Luo family didn't think about it.

In their eyes, the family is above all else, not only above the safety of the entire Luo City, but also above the entire Hua Country.

If not, how dare they still be so presumptuous when Los Angeles encounters a crisis?

Under the nest, have the eggs finished?

This point, Jiang Xiaobai, a student of Wuhan University, understands better than them.

A series of cold killing intents suddenly struck, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help shivering.

When Jiang Xiaobai turned around, he found four lord-level monsters around him staring at him.

These four lord-level monsters have been watching the battle between Jiang Xiaobai and Luo Yuxiang, until the end of the battle, they blocked Jiang Xiaobai's retreat.

In front were four lord-level monsters, and behind him was a vast army of monsters.

It is really a situation where there is a mountain of knives in front and a sea of ​​fire in the back.

"How about we discuss it?" Jiang Xiaobai said with his scalp numb as he looked at the four monsters in front of him.

"Discussion?" The leader was a golden leopard, staring at Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

"That's right!" Jiang Xiaobai pointed to Luo Yuxiang who was lying on the ground and said, "I helped you kill a human grandmaster, this is a genuine first-tier grandmaster, if you take him and ask for credit, right? What a great opportunity?"

"We killed it!" The golden demon leopard snapped.

It has never seen such a brazen human being!

If they hadn't resisted the last blow just now, the ninth-rank warrior in front of him would be dead now.

"If it wasn't for me to hold you back for such a long time, how would you have a chance?" Jiang Xiaobai said again, "If it doesn't work, there is another one over there, and this is the grandmaster of our Luo family in Luocheng."

"Do you know the Luo family? The biggest family in Los Angeles, with enormous power!"

Luo Dong on the ground couldn't help but tremble slightly when he heard Jiang Xiaobai's words.

When he noticed countless powerful auras around him, he pretended to pass out. If he woke up, letting him face so many monsters would be like sending him to death.

"Luocheng, I don't know!" The golden leopard shook his head frankly, "However, Luocheng belongs to us,"

Los Angeles belongs to your uncle!

Jiang Xiaobai responded in his heart, but he didn't dare to say that.

The ones in front of them are all lord-level monsters, and if they do it themselves, there is no chance of escape.

"It doesn't matter if I don't know about Luo City. Look at that warrior, he shouldn't be dead yet, and he's still warming up? Are you afraid that when you're dealing with me, he will suddenly attack you?" Jiang Xiaobai made up his mind to divert the monster's attention, Only then will he have a chance to leave.

And Luo Dong scolded Jiang Xiaobai in his heart, and kept praying in his heart that the monster would not listen to the slander.

"It's possible!" A brown bear beside the golden leopard nodded and said. "The one on the ground is the grandmaster, and the one in front of me is a ninth-rank warrior."

Ninth rank warrior and grand master!

Which one is strong and which one is weak can be seen at a glance.

The golden leopard nodded seriously.

In their eyes, human warriors are nothing more than ants.

But now after seeing Jiang Xiaobai's battle, their perception of human warriors has changed a lot.

Jiang Xiaobai's strength is not weaker than some powerful monsters, and even comparable to lord-level monsters.

When did humans become so strong?

This doubt has always troubled them.

"Okay!" The golden demon leopard nodded, signaling the monsters around him to deal with Luo Dong first.

The brown bear flashed away with two monsters, and came to Luo Dong's side in an instant.

Luo Dong suddenly jumped up from the ground, turned into a stream of light and rushed out.

If I don't run away at this time, I'm afraid I won't have a chance in the future!

The three lord-level monsters can completely crush Luo Dong.


Seeing Luo Dong running away, the three monsters immediately chased after him.

"It's now!" Jiang Xiaobai seized the opportunity and suddenly launched an attack.

Thorn Hong and Thorn Star flew out suddenly, stabbing at the eyes of the golden leopard in front of them.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly ran backwards.

The leopard's body was full of golden light, and a pair of sharp claws slapped Cihong and Cixing.

Two mid-tier grandmaster-level warriors are enough to threaten it.

Although human beings are not as powerful as monsters, their learning ability and forging ability are beyond the reach of monsters.

Soldiers and combat uniforms have a natural restraint effect on monsters.

After repelling Cihong and Cixing, the demon leopard quickly chased after Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't go straight through and return to Los Angeles, but turned back instead.

What is he trying to do?

When the golden leopard caught up with Jiang Xiaobai, its eyes widened in surprise.

Jiang Xiaobai carried a giant ape on his body.

"Stop!" The golden demon leopard roared.

"No!" Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and said.

This is my own spoils of war, how could it be so easy to just throw it away?

What's more, this time the three of them came out together, but they returned empty-handed, which is not my style.

The Jinghongyoulong movement technique, which has been cultivated to the perfect state, burst out with all its strength.

Jiang Xiaobai's body turned into an afterimage and shuttled through the woods, followed by a golden leopard.

The demon leopard was no weaker than Jiang Xiaobai at all, and soon caught up with him.

However, every time the demon leopard catches up, Jiang Xiaobai manipulates Cihong and Cixing to give him a chill.

Such continuous harassment gave Yaobao quite a headache.

Whenever he gets close to Jiang Xiaobai, he will be attacked.

Although the two master-level soldiers would not seriously injure him, they could affect his speed.

Zhang Chulan and Li Changtian each brought a monster and appeared at the agreed place.

"Not bad? You really killed a monster." Li Changtian said with a chuckle when he saw the prey in Zhang Chulan's hand. "It's a monster that has just entered the lord level! It looks very tender."

"Hmm!" Zhang Chulan snorted lightly.

"Look at me, this is a monster that has been cultivated for many years, and its strength is comparable to that of a first-order master." Li Changtian threw a giant rat in his hand to the ground, and said complacently, "It's not easy to kill this monster. It's powerful."

"This is my seriously injured end!" Zhang Chulan glanced at it and said indifferently.

"Nonsense! I obviously hunted and killed this myself!" Li Changtian said anxiously with his face flushed.

Even though he said that, Li Changtian was secretly shocked.

When he met this monster, it was indeed injured.

It is precisely because of this that he has an opportunity to take advantage of.

"Right and wrong are in your heart." Zhang Chulan said flatly without arguing.

"Hmph!" Li Changtian snorted arrogantly, and stopped talking to him.

"Why hasn't Jiang Xiaobai come back?" Zhang Chulan checked the time.

The two hours were almost up, and there was still no sign of Jiang Xiaobai.

"Is there anything wrong with him?" Li Changtian asked worriedly, thinking of the explosion he heard just now.

Zhang Chulan didn't speak, but looked forward with deep eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

If Jiang Xiaobai made the noise just now, then he must have encountered some trouble.

After about 5 minutes, the two of them still couldn't wait for Jiang Xiaobai.

"Let's go and have a look!" Zhang Chulan said in a deep voice.

"Wait! There's someone in front!" Li Changtian suddenly stepped forward and stopped Zhang Chulan.

Zhang Chulan followed Li Changtian's guidance and looked over, just in time to find a figure approaching quickly.

Jiang Xiaobai?

Because the distance was too far, Zhang Chulan couldn't see the other party's appearance clearly.

Besides Jiang Xiaobai, who else would come here at this time?


After the figure approached, he immediately reminded loudly.


Li Changtian was obviously taken aback, then subconsciously turned his head and left.

"Bring your monsters!"

Li Changtian had just run a few steps when the figure reminded him again.

Zhang Chulan and Li Changtian carried the monster and ran for their lives.

From the sound just now, they already knew that it was Jiang Xiaobai who had come.

If Jiang Xiaobai said to run away, something must have happened, otherwise Jiang Xiaobai would not have escaped so easily according to his character.

While talking, Jiang Xiaobai followed, and behind him was a group of monsters.

It wasn't just the golden leopard. On the way, the golden leopard directly recalled other lord-level monsters.

If a ninth-rank warrior escaped so easily, he would undoubtedly have slapped the golden leopard in the face.

"Why are there so many monsters?" Li Changtian couldn't help but glance back, and found that there were at least five monsters behind him, which scared him to the point of peeing. "Have you become the lair of monsters?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Jiang Xiaobai yelled angrily.

"With so many monsters, can we run away?" Li Changtian couldn't help asking again. "There's no escape from this."

"As long as we can outrun you, we'll be safe." Zhang Chulan said coldly with the wind blowing from his feet.

"You..." Li Changtian gave Zhang Chulan a hard look, without stopping at all.

Zhang Chulan was right, whoever was left behind now would inevitably have to bear the siege of many lord-level monsters behind.

There are more and more monsters. In addition to the lord-level monsters, there are also some ninth-level monsters following behind.

Although they didn't know what happened, seeing so many powerful monsters taking the lead, they naturally followed.

This incident soon reached the ears of the demon king, and when he learned about it, he was furious.

"What's going on? Without my order, who made them move!"

"The subordinates don't know, it is said that they found a bold human being, and they sneaked up on us at night." A lord-level monster-two-headed night wolf said obsequiously.

"Sneak attack by humans? What a fart! Human beings are huddled in Los Angeles now, how dare they go out of the city to sneak attack?" The demon king didn't believe at all that there would be humans who would dare to go out of the city to attack.

"It is said that he is a young warrior, not more than eighteen years old." The two-headed night wolf continued, "He has already killed one of our lord-level powerhouses."

A young human warrior?

Hearing this, the face of a young and handsome figure changed, and his eyes became deep.

"Young master, do you know him?" The demon king was keenly aware of it, so he looked over and asked.

"I don't know!" The young man said coldly.

"It's good if you don't know each other!" The demon king looked at the other party seriously, still doubtful in his heart, "Young master, this time we attacked Luocheng to prepare for the occupation of the entire Qilu Province, as long as Luocheng is destroyed, Qilu Province will be at your fingertips .”

"Hmm!" The stern young man hummed, stopped talking, and hid in the darkness, as if he had never appeared before.

"Pass down the order and investigate carefully. If this matter is true, you must not let that human go back." The demon king withdrew his gaze from the youth and ordered sharply.

The monsters' attacks one after another have exhausted the human beings. In the next week, the warriors guarding Luo City will not be able to hold on.

At that time, once they launch a large-scale attack, it will naturally reap miraculous effects.

And now, if humans are released back, it is very likely that they will rekindle their hope, and all the painstaking efforts and efforts in the past few days will be in vain.

Therefore, they must not be allowed to return to Los Angeles.

The two-headed night wolf turned and walked out after receiving the order, while the demon king looked to the side and fell into deep thought.

Under the night outside Luocheng, an extremely strange phenomenon appeared.

The three humans ran desperately in the night, and they were deeply affected by a group of powerful monsters. The surrounding dust was flying, and the ground trembled like an earthquake, and thunder and thunder erupted.

This movement quickly reached the ears of the Los Angeles garrison, and almost everyone looked forward in horror.

Siege at night?

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