Dominate the world

Chapter 412 The Long-lost Victory

"You guys, follow me to kill the Golden Rock Demon Leopard!"

After Sheng Le saw Jiang Xiaobai fighting the monster alone, he immediately greeted the master and strong man beside him and said.

The Golden Rock Demon Leopard is a lord-level monster that has been chasing Jiang Xiaobai.

Its strength is strong enough to defeat a first-order grandmaster.

As a first-tier grandmaster, Sheng Le was not completely sure when facing the Jinyan demon leopard, so he called other grandmasters to hunt and kill it together.

In this way, there will be a chance to kill the opponent.

But all monsters that come to Luo City this time must be beheaded.

The death of these monsters will definitely weaken the strength of the monster camp.

Sheng Le and two people came to the Golden Rock Demon Leopard very quickly. The warrior who was fighting with the Golden Rock Demon Leopard was already covered in wounds, and the wounds were so severe that the bones could be seen.

"Go and rest quickly! Leave this to us." Sheng Le rushed out, blocking the grandmaster.

The other two masters followed and stood side by side with Sheng Le.

"Humans, no matter who they are, will die!" Jinyan Yaobao said angrily.

Ever since the Jinyan Demon Leopard came here after chasing and killing Jiang Xiaobai, he has been wanting to hunt him down, but he never expected to kill so many human masters.

When did the humans who used to be as cowardly as mice and defended Los Angeles become so strong that they dared to take the initiative to attack?

Under the pressure of attacking again and again, those weak humans just hid under the protection of the formation and shivered. When did they dare to fight back?

Now, seeing the human counterattack, the Jinyan Demon Leopard was quite angry.

"Golden Rock Demon Leopard?" Sheng Le looked at the Golden Rock Demon Leopard, and shouted coldly, "You have killed countless warriors in Luo City, today is your death day!"

This golden leopard, Sheng Le had fought against it before. Although this monster only has the strength of a first-tier grandmaster, there are already several first-tier grandmasters in Luo City in its hands.

When he came here, he recognized the Golden Rock Demon Leopard at first sight.

But at that time, Sheng Le was blocked by other monsters, and had no time to distract himself from dealing with the Golden Rock Demon Leopard.

Now that Jiang Xiaobai joined him and helped him share a lot of pressure, this gave Sheng Le the energy to come to the Golden Rock Demon Leopard.

"Mere human beings also want to kill me? Could it be that they are dreaming?" The Jinyan Demon Leopard is obviously more intelligent than the previous monster beasts. Looking at the angry Sheng Le, it still said in a cold voice, "My monster beast, will you kill me?" He will be the master of this world."

"It's just whimsical." Sheng Le said in a loud voice, "You monsters have never been the masters of the world here. Today, you besieged Luo City and killed my warriors. Today, you will pay with blood."

After Sheng Le finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the surrounding masters rushed up one after another.

The Jinyan Demon Leopard let out a roar, then charged towards Sheng Le and the others, and soon they were fighting fiercely.

The fierce battle is still going on, and the human grandmaster and the lord-level monster are almost doing their best.

Less than half an hour had passed, and several of the Grandmasters in Los Angeles had fallen to the ground, life and death uncertain.

The fighting power of Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Chulan weakened with the passage of time, especially Jiang Xiaobai, the vitality in his body was exhausted, and he had to absorb the vitality from the surroundings to replenish himself.

The high-intensity battle also allowed Jiang Xiaobai's combat power to gradually increase.

"The proficiency of the eighth stage of the Nine Prison Thunder Saber is 100%"

After Jiang Xiaobai repelled the monster in front of him, a pleasant voice came from the sea of ​​consciousness.

The eighth level and nine hells thunder knife finally come to fruition?

Jiang Xiaobai was overjoyed. After hunting monsters for so long, he finally promoted his eighth level of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber to the perfect state.

The Nine Hell Thunder Knife is the ninth level, and it is finally possible to practice.

As long as one can practice the Nine Layers Nine Hells Thunder Saber to perfection, one can break through the realm of warriors in one fell swoop and ascend to the realm of masters.

Since becoming a ninth-rank martial artist, Jiang Xiaobai has been refining the sea of ​​​​qi, making it reach a perfect state.

However, it takes a very long process to cultivate the sea of ​​​​qi to a perfect state. If it is practiced step by step, it will take Jiang Xiaobai two to three years to refine the sea of ​​​​qi to perfection, so as to be promoted to the realm of the master .

Jiang Xiaobai directly started to practice the ninth level of the Nine Hells Thunder Saber, and his aura changed again.

He didn't move, but exuded a sharp aura.

The monster standing in front of Jiang Xiaobai stopped in his tracks after sensing the opponent's breath, with a look of horror on his face.


The lord-level monster roared, and its claws kept drawing on the ground to hide the fear in its heart.

The ninth layer of the Nine Prison Thunder Saber had just started operating in his body, and Jiang Xiaobai actually found that the thunder potential was looming in the meridians, and with the acceleration of the flow, he could actually see the dots of thunder potential connected together, exuding infinite power.


A crisp sound came from Jiang Xiaobai's body, and thunder was looming around him in the blink of an eye.


Jiang Xiaobai punched violently, purple light suddenly appeared, and bombarded the monster in front of him.


The lord-level monster roared, and the monster energy in its body was completely gathered, meeting Jiang Xiaobai's attack.

However, the power of the Nine Layers Nine Prison Thunder Knife is not comparable to that of ordinary lord-level monsters. The powerful thunder directly smashed the body of the lord-level monster.

"This human, what's going on?"

"He actually bombed and killed directly? How could human beings have such a strong strength?"

"This, is this still human strength?"

Jiang Xiaobai's fight happened to be discovered by the surrounding monsters, and they all showed shock.

Human beings have always been inferior to monsters in every aspect, and this has been an eternal thing.

Whether it is now or in the ancient times, human beings have never been inferior to monsters.

But the appearance of Jiang Xiaobai...

Boom boom boom!

Jiang Xiaobai stepped forward with one step, and punched out a series of fists.

Caused by the light of the fist, it exploded like a series of thunderbolts.

Even powerful lord-level monsters have to avoid their edge when facing Jiang Xiaobai.

"Damn it!" Jinyan Demon Leopard, who was fighting Sheng Le, found Jiang Xiaobai and became more and more angry.

Obviously he could kill this human being, but he was entangled by Sheng Le and the others, making it unable to perform.

Now, his strength has improved again. Once he grows up, sooner or later he will become a serious problem for monsters.

"Don't look, you monsters will stay here today!" Sheng Le was overjoyed.

Since Jiang Xiaobai joined, he was still afraid that Jiang Xiaobai would get hurt, but Jiang Xiaobai's performance was even more vigorous than him.

Not only Sheng Le, but also the surrounding masters couldn't help being stunned. They never expected Jiang Xiaobai to have such a strong side.

Most of the monster beasts that had been eyeing them were now dead or injured.

However, the killing continues.

Whether it was Jiang Xiaobai or Zhang Chulan, the monsters fled everywhere.

Fang Xiqiong, Du Pingyuan and others in Los Angeles were overjoyed, from the fierce confrontation at the beginning to the current situation of crushing monsters.

They knew that the warriors of Los Angeles had won!

More than half a month since the monsters attacked the city, human beings have been passively resisting, with more losses than victories, but now there is finally a big victory.

"Jiang Xiaobai, really strong!"

As the only king-level powerhouse in Los Angeles, his face was moved.

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