Dominate the world

Chapter 413 Clearing the Battlefield

Fang Xiqiong agreed with Du Pingyuan's words very much. As the head of the martial arts academy, he felt that Jiang Xiaobai was a talented person, but he did not expect that Jiang Xiaobai could improve so much in such a short period of time.

What made him feel even more terrifying was that Jiang Xiaobai had actually cultivated the Nine Prison Thunder Saber to the ninth level.

Lan Yingying, Tang Songting and the others were stunned, unable to believe what they saw with their own eyes.

Especially Lan Yingying, suddenly thought of Jiang Xiaobai flirting with herself in the bar a year ago.

The young man at that time was able to stand on his own now and become the main force against the monsters.

Several families were happy and some were sad. The master of the Luo family couldn't help frowning after seeing Jiang Xiaobai's achievements.

"Patriarch, this guy..." Luo Xiyan stared at Jiang Xiaobai and said darkly.

"He, I'm afraid he has grown up." Luo Shouyi frowned. He had never cared about Jiang Xiaobai, but he never thought that Jiang Xiaobai had grown to the point where he could kill a master and a lord-level monster.

No doubt, this horrified him.

Unintentionally, they even set up such a powerful enemy for their Luo family.

And not only that, I am afraid that Luo Dong and the others who went out before are also more ominous.


With all his strength, Luo Shouyi directly broke off the stone bricks on the city wall.

In an instant, the stone bricks turned into powder and dissipated into the night sky.

Although the Luo family had several grandmasters, they couldn't accept the loss of three at once.

"It's almost time!" Du Pingyuan looked at the time.

More than half an hour passed, and under the leadership of Jiang Xiaobai, the warriors in Luo City turned into a crushing force and attacked the monster.

All the lord-level monsters, except for the golden rock demon and leopard, none of them can compete with human warriors.

Even the Golden Rock Demon Leopard was at a disadvantage at this moment.

Sheng Le and other master-level powerhouses pressed forward step by step, suppressing him severely.

For a while, the Golden Rock Demon Leopard had no time to care about other things, and could only deal with the monk in front of him.

Boom boom boom!

Sheng Le and the other masters obviously didn't give him too many chances, the vitality in his body surged, and they rushed towards the Golden Rock Demon Leopard.

Several huge bursts of vitality blasted out, even the Golden Rock Demon Leopard could hardly hold it back.

After one blow, the Golden Rock Demon Leopard was defeated.

The body kept retreating, Sheng Le and the others took advantage of the situation and pressed up, completely surrounding the Jinyan Demon Leopard.

As a warrior in the military department, Sheng Le has endless ways of attacking, and every time it is a killing technique.

There is still a difference between military warriors and ordinary warriors. The attack methods of ordinary warriors are not as good as military warriors. Military warriors who have been fighting monsters all year round know how to deal with monsters.

If it was an ordinary warrior in Los Angeles, it would not be so easy to face monsters such as the Jinyan Demon Leopard.

There are very few existences that can suppress monsters like Sheng Le.

Under the leadership of Jiang Xiaobai and other warriors, the other monsters frantically crushed the remaining monsters.

Facing the sudden change, all the monsters were stunned.

At first, because they only dealt with Jiang Xiaobai, not many monsters came, and there were very few powerful monsters. Except for the Jinyan Demon Leopard, the others were ordinary lord-level monsters.

The series of crushing made the monsters lose the will to resist and fled in all directions.

Puff puff!

Jiang Xiaobai and the others immediately chased after them, killing them indiscriminately.

Soon the monsters were in chaos, and the monsters that were aggressive at first were running around like a bereaved dog.

But this can't change their fate of death.

The warriors who followed Jiang Xiaobai were also extremely excited at the moment.

All this time, they have been counterattacking passively. They never thought that they would be able to take the initiative to attack, even killing monsters with an overwhelming advantage.

"When did the monster become so weak?"

"Yes! In the past, to kill a lord-level monster, two grandmasters of the same level were needed, or even more. Now I feel that one person is enough to handle it."

"It's so strange, have we become stronger?"

The warriors in the military department looked at the monsters that fell under them, and started talking.

This is not like beheading a monster, it is completely like chopping melons and vegetables.

Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Chulan stood proudly, looking down on the world.

Two ninth-rank warriors took the lead in the charge, and even many masters and powerful masters felt inferior.

The status of these two people in the hearts of military warriors has risen sharply. From being unfavorable at the beginning, to admiring them, until now they are in awe.

Yes, that is awe.

The mere ninth-rank martial artist, the strength displayed made the monsters frightened and the martial artist shocked.

The battle on Sheng Le's side was also coming to an end. The Golden Rock Demon Leopard was dripping with blood, and the wounds were clearly visible.


A howl resounded through the wilderness, making it look extremely lonely and desolate.

Sheng Le and the others took advantage of the situation to besiege the Golden Rock Demon Leopard again, bursting with vitality, and landed on the Golden Rock Demon Leopard again.

"My king, I will avenge me!" The Golden Rock Demon Leopard roared angrily with golden light all over his body.

The dying and seriously injured Jinyan Demon Leopard couldn't resist the attacks of Sheng Le and other humans, and was soon annihilated by vitality, and fell down straight.

Since then, all the monsters chasing Jiang Xiaobai have been wiped out.

Seeing this situation, Du Pingyuan gave an order, and all the surrounding masters and strongmen attacked, and went out of the city to clean up the battlefield according to Jiang Xiaobai's agreement.

Du Ping originally planned to go out of the city to help Jiang Xiaobai, but as for the so-called cleaning up the battlefield, it was just Jiang Xiaobai's wishful thinking.

But unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaobai really did it.

Lian Shengle and others actually wiped out all the monsters.

These are many lord-level monsters, which can provide supplements to their human warriors, whether it is pills or soldiers, they can solve the urgent needs.

More than a dozen grandmasters went out of the city one after another, carrying the corpse of the monster back.

This time, it can be said to be a great victory for the warriors of Luo City, which can completely make up for the consumption of fighting monsters in the past few days.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you did a great job!" Fang Xiqiong came to Jiang Xiaobai, without any words of praise.

"Pretty?" Jiang Xiaobai squinted at Fang Xiqiong, "Did you say I was a fool before?"

"Isn't that worried about you?" Fang Xiqiong smiled awkwardly, "You, Jiang Xiaobai, are the first to achieve this great victory."

"Is there any reward?" Jiang Xiaobai asked suddenly.

"I will apply for you after the award." Fang Xiqiong's smile froze on his face.

Normal warriors would modestly evade a few words, how could someone like Jiang Xiaobai directly invite credit and reward?

However, relying on the understanding of Jiang Xiaobai, it is not surprising that he can do such a thing.

"Application? That's useless!" Jiang Xiaobai said dully.

Fang Xiqiong looked at Du Pingyuan as if asking for help, only to see that the latter was watching his heart, as if he hadn't seen it.

"Jiang Xiaobai, why don't you be transferred to our military headquarters!" Seeing Lie Xinxie, Xiong Chang wooed him, "As long as you join our military headquarters, all these monsters will become your military exploits."

"Aren't you a ninth-rank warrior now? As long as you join the army and make military achievements by killing monsters, you can be promoted to the grandmaster realm in a short time."

"General Xiong, are you robbing me?" Fang Xiqiong asked anxiously.

"Stealing people?" Xiong Chang showed a mysterious smile, "If you can give Tianjiao enough treatment, can I snatch it? Besides, after he graduates, he may not necessarily choose Martial Arts Academy."

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