Dominate the world

Chapter 414 The Wrath of the Monster Beast

Wuhan University will graduate after four years. After graduation, warriors have many choices, either to enter the Martial Arts Institute, or to enter the military, or to enter a big chaebol or a big company.

But generally speaking, warriors will first choose the Martial Arts Academy.

After all, the military department is too dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will die.As for the big chaebols and big companies, although they are well paid, they are still not orthodox in the country, and their rights are relatively much less.

In contrast, Martial arts academy became the best choice.

After all, the Martial Arts Academy is a department directly under the Martial Arts Department of Guihua National Martial Arts Academy, and it has great power, especially after entering the Provincial Budo Academy, it has become an existence above ten thousand people.

However, compared with the military department that has been fighting with monsters for years, its treatment is still far behind.

So much so that in recent years, many Tianjiao warriors have entered the military to practice.

Once out of the military, he is the strongest Tianjiao, basically invincible at the same level.

Is the so-called wealth and risk seeking.

Therefore, it is understandable for Xiong Chang to use this to win over Jiang Xiaobai.

"After graduation, at least he is now a member of our Qilu University." Naturally, Fang Xiqiong would not let Jiang Xiaobai be poached by Xiong Chang now.

Jiang Xiaobai is not an ordinary arrogance, but the hope for the rise of Qiluwu University in the future.

Jiang Xiaobai will definitely play a decisive role in Qilu Wuhan University being able to rejoin the ranks of super-first-class Wuhan University.

If Jiang Xiaobai is incorporated into the military now, it will be a great loss for Qilu University.

"Jiang Xiaobai, the gate of the military headquarters is always open for you." Xiong Chang said with a chuckle and said to Jiang Xiaobai.

"General Xiong, you were joking." Jiang Xiaobai laughed.

Although the military department is good, if Jiang Xiaobai wants to cultivate resources, he can find them by himself, not to mention, Fang Xiqiong will not let him leave so easily.

"Okay, Jiang Xiaobai is just a freshman warrior, and there are still three years before graduation. What are you guys in such a hurry for?" Du Pingyuan adjusted.

He also likes Jiang Xiaobai quite a lot. If possible, he would prefer Jiang Xiaobai to stay in Luo City and Martial Arts Institute.

After all, there are Tianjiao sitting in every province of China, and Luo City, and even Qilu Province, need a powerful Tianjiao as a guide.

After Du Pingyuan spoke out, Fang Xiqiong and Xiong Chang did not continue to discuss this matter.

Suppressing monsters is the most important priority now, and it is a matter related to the safety of the entire Los Angeles.

If they are obsessed with Jiang Xiaobai's affairs at this time, what is the difference between them and the Luo family?

At this time, the two-headed night wolf slowly came here with the monsters.

Before approaching the battlefield, he smelled a strong smell of blood.

"Human beings are really vulnerable." The two-headed night wolf showed a playful smile.

When it got close, the two-headed night wolf instantly moved.

There were corpses of monsters all over the place, exuding a strong smell of blood. What shocked them even more was that no human corpse was found on the ground.

"What happened here?" The two-headed night wolf growled, with a fierce look in its eyes. "How can my monsters die so tragically?"

"What should I do?" the monster standing next to the two-headed night wolf asked in a low voice. "Should we attack humans now!"

"Go back and report to our king, let him decide everything." The two-headed night wolf did not lose his mind, and said in a deep voice.

This time, so many monsters died, especially the death of many lord level monsters, which was the most serious loss since they attacked the city.

When the two-headed night wolf returned to the demon beast territory and reported the truth to the demon king, the demon king was furious.

"Bold human beings, how dare you treat my people like this." The aura of the demon king suddenly spread, spreading to every corner, and the monsters in front of him trembled even more.

The power of the demon king, even the lord-level monsters dare not face it.

"My lord, what should we do?" The two-headed night wolf lowered its head and said submissively.

"Integrate all monsters and start attacking the city tomorrow!" The demon king looked cold. "To make the human beings in Luo City repay their debts with blood, we can use Luo City's internal support to prepare to destroy the city. Once the city is broken, all human beings will be slaughtered."

Kill all humans!

The other monsters also began to echo loudly.

At this time, a young man walked out from the corner and stared at the demon king.

"What? Young master, do you still have objections?" The demon king looked at the young man and asked gloomyly.

"No, I'll go with you this time!" The young man's cold voice contained no emotion. "I want to deal with the Luo family!"

"The Luo family? The Luo family can't move, I'm useful." A cold light flashed in the demon king's eyes.

"Why not?" the young man stared at the demon king and questioned.

The Demon King said coldly: "The Luo family can be used as pawns, so all human beings except the Luo family can be killed, and the direct descendants of the Luo family cannot be moved!"

"I didn't expect you, the majestic demon king, to do business with a dirty family."

After the young man finished speaking, he hid in the darkness again, as if he had never appeared before.

"My lord, do we want it?" The two-headed night wolf looked at the place where the young man disappeared, and made a beheading gesture.


A dazzling white light flashed, just in front of the two-headed night wolf, and the ground exploded suddenly.

"If you want to kill me, do you think you will die first or I will die first?" The young man's voice came from the darkness, not hiding the killing intent in his heart at all.

The two-headed night wolf was scared out of his wits and looked into the distance tremblingly.

"His strength is getting stronger and stronger." The demon king sighed, "Although he is not a pure demon clan, but the blood of the demon saint is flowing in his body, and he is the queen of the demon saint."

The two-headed night wolf quickly nodded in agreement, not only it, but also the surrounding monsters were shocked.

Since the young man joined them, he has not made a move. In the eyes of many monsters, this seemingly human monk should not be very strong.

But the fierce attack they took just now greatly changed their impression of the young man.

Everyone felt that the other party was extremely weak, but who would have thought that there would be such a strong strength.

The two-headed night wolf remained silent. If the attack just now fell on him, he might not be able to accept it.

When I first met the young man, the other party hadn't stepped into the lord level, but now his strength has improved so much.

How can this not make it feel shocking?

Looking back at the warriors in Los Angeles, it was a different scene.

The news of the great victory spread back to the city, and countless ordinary people cheered, and even the Huaguo Martial Arts Department issued medals in person.

If Luo City can withstand the attack of monsters, it will definitely become the focus of attention of the entire Hua Kingdom.

In the entire Hua Kingdom, there is not a single city that has relied on its own strength to resist the wild attack of monsters. Most of them have been reinforced by neighboring cities, or with the help of the Hua Kingdom Martial Arts Department.

Like Luocheng, relying entirely on its own background and strength, it is definitely the most amazing battle since Huaguo.

The warriors whose aura had fallen to the bottom before, after seeing the battle of Jiang Xiaobai and others, all of them were rejoiced and their aura soared.

Everyone's mental outlook has been refreshed.

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